STAC6 Drives and Microstepping Motors:
User Manual
(Discontinued Product)
• 4.11 •
S T A N D A R D A C C E S S O R I E S & O P T I O N S
[SiNET™ HUB 444]
provides four programmable outputs that
can be used to drive LEDs, relays and the inputs of other electronic
devices like PLCs and counters. The “+” (collector) and “-” (emitter)
terminals of each transistor are available at the connector. This
allows configuration of each output for current sourcing or sinking.
Diagrams of each type of connection are shown below.
Do not connect the outputs to more than 30VDC. The current
through each output terminal must not exceed 100 mA.
Figure 4.8: Output Circuit Schematic Diagram
Figure 4.9: Sinking Output
Figure 4.10: Sourcing Output