STAC6 Drives and Microstepping Motors:
User Manual
(Discontinued Product)
• 4.7 •
S T A N D A R D A C C E S S O R I E S & O P T I O N S
When operated in router mode, the
[SiNET™ HUB 444]
is a motion
control network router. It transfers commands from your PC’s serial
port to individual Si™ drives (up to 4), and processes responses
from the drives.
In router mode, the drives are commanded using Si™ Command
Language (SCL).
The Si™ Command Language is explained in the latest copy of the
SCL Manual, located on the CD shipped with the drive. Use one of
the cables that comes with the drives to connect the Hub to your
PC. Ordinary telephone cables are used to connect the hub to the
drives. The hub operates at 9600 baud, 8 data bits, one stop bit, no
parity. There is no hardware handshaking.
[SiNET™ HUB 444]
requires no power supply. It gets the
power it needs from drive #1, so
make sure a drive is connected
to port #1
Power can be applied to all the drives at the same time. However,
drives can also be powered up “sequentially” to balance the
load on your power circuit.
If all the drives are not powered
up together, make sure power is applied to drive #1 first.
The remaining drives must receive power within 1/2 second
The Hub has two status LEDs marked COMM and POWER.
If a powered drive is connected to port #1, then the POWER LED
on the Hub should light up. The COMM LED will flash each time
a command is sent from the PC to the Hub. The SCL Setup Utility
(shipped with the hub) can be used to test the Hub, and get familiar
with the SCL commands.
To use the hub in router mode, set the
“power up mode” to “router only.”
The SCL Setup Utility allows
you to control the power up mode. Simply connect the hub to the
PC, open the SCL Setup Utility, and apply power to the hub. A “Hub
Power Up Mode...” button will appear. Click on it.
The addressing scheme is simple. To send a "Feed to Length"
command to the drive connected to port #1, send the hub the
ASCII string “1FL” followed by a carriage return (ASCII 13). If you
omit the address character, the command is “global” and will be
sent to all drives. That is useful is when sending the same parameter