STAC6 Drives and Microstepping Motors:
User Manual
(Discontinued Product)
• 1.10 •
Figure 1.4: RS - 485 Wiring
Before connecting the stepper drive to your system
With the RS-232 cable connected between the PC and the Servo drive,
start the SiNet™ Setup software. Select the proper comm port (1,2,3 or
4) then apply power to the drive. Press the Caps Lock key as the drives
will only accept commands in uppercase. Type RV then press ENTER. If
the drive has power and is properly wired, it will respond with "RV=x".
Where "x" is the firmware version of your drive. If the drive responds, the
RS485 network is functioning.
Next, choose an address for the drive. Any of the "low ASCII"
characters (many of which appear above the number keys on a PC
keyboard) are acceptable:
! " # $ % & ‘ ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < > ? @
To find out what address is currently in the drive, type DA then press
enter. The drive will respond with DA=x, where "x" is the address that
was last stored. (For example, the response might be DA=@ or DA=!).
To change the address, type DAy, where "y" is the new address
character, then press ENTER.
To test the new address, type yRV, then press ENTER. For example: Set
the address to %. To test, type %RV. The drive should respond just as it
does to RV, the global revision level request.
Once all the drives have been assigned unique addresses, you can
proceed to wire the whole system.