STAC6 Drives and Microstepping Motors:
User Manual
(Discontinued Product)
• 4.8 •
S T A N D A R D A C C E S S O R I E S & O P T I O N S
(accel rate, for example) to all the drives.
When asking a drive for status information, the hub will append an
address character to the drive’s response. For example, sending
“4RS” to the hub will result in the hub sending the host “4R”
(assuming the drive is “ready.” If it’s moving, a “4M” response will
display. This is helpful when sending a global status request, since
all drives will respond at the same time.
In this mode, a multi-axis motion control program is stored inside
the hub, and the hub then operates without the PC. The PC is used
to develop and test programs with the aid of the SiNet Hub
Programmer™ software.
Please refer to the SiNet Hub Programmer™ Software Manual when
installing the software and developing programs.
When creating a system where machine operators can interact with
a display and keypad, the MMI can be used in conjunction with
HUB Programmer software.
The PIT connects to the same port as the PC used to develop and
test programs. A "MMI Emulator" is included in the Hub
Programmer software to eliminate cable swapping between the PC
and interface when testing. When running a program from the PC a
PIT related instruction executes and a "virtual MMI"will appear on
the computer screen demonstrating all the features.