STAC6 Drives and Microstepping Motors:
User Manual
(Discontinued Product)
• 4.3 •
S T A N D A R D A C C E S S O R I E S & O P T I O N S
• All units have 8 or more programmable inputs and 3 or more
programmable outputs or more.
• Si5580: runs on 120/240VAC, 80V bus, 5.5A/phase, 2000 - 50800
• Si3540: runs on 120/240VAC, 40V bus, 3.5A/phase, 2000 - 50800
• 7080i: runs on 24 - 80 VDC, 7A/phase, 2000 - 50800 steps/rev.
• 3540i: runs on 12 - 42 VDC, 3.5A/phase, 2000 - 50800 steps/rev.
• 1240i: runs on 12 - 42 VDC, 1.2A/phase, 2000 - 50800 steps/rev.
• Si-100: indexer only, runs on 120/240VAC, provides industry
standard step and direction signals to a wide range of step motor
and servo motor drives.
The SiNet Hub Programmer™ can be used two different ways.
Stored Program Mode
Install the SiNet Hub Programmer™ software on your PC, and easily
point and click to complete a program. Once the program has
been prepared and tested, it stays inside the hub and runs without
the PC. The program not only controls up to 4 motion control axes,
it can also interact with an operator using our Man Machine
Interface (MMI). The MMI lets the operator make decisions, choose
operations from a menu, enter part counts, move distances,
speeds, and visually positions the load.
The SiNet Hub Programmer™ software saves time because it’s
easy to learn and use. It also eliminates common problems
associated with the set up and programming of a system.
Using the SiNet Hub Programmer™ software is recommended
before considering Router Mode.