Tolomatic User Guide:
ICR Rod Style Integrated Control Actuator
6 :
H O W T O U S E T H E I C R / I C M S V 1 P P L U S A C T U A T O R
6.8.2 Analog Command
The ICR Plus actuator can be driven by an analog voltage signal through the Analog
Command input. The amplifier can convert the signal to a current (torque), velocity
or position mode. When using the ICR Plus actuator, select the position operating
mode. The encoder on the ICR Plus is not exposed through the connectors and
requires a factory modification in order to utilize the current and velocity mode
scaling parameters.
Contact Tolomatic if current or velocity modes of operation
are required.
To program the ICR Plus actuator using the analog input as the command source:
1. In the
Basic Setup
screen, navigate to the
Operating Mode Options
2. Select
for the
Operating Mode
3. Select
for the
Command Source
Figure 6-9: CME 2
Basic Setup Operating Mode for Analog Command Source
4. Refer to the
User Guide, Section 7.1: Analog Command Settings
supplied on the CD-ROM shipped with the ICR Plus actuator for complete
information on using the analog command setting parameters.