Thermo Fisher Scientific
Operation Manual HM550
• Before the transportation, empty all containers for defrosting liquid
and disinfection solution to avoid the unintended release of the
fluids. When removing the containers, please also note the precau-
tionary measures which are described in the chapter “Safety Precau-
Clean and disinfect these accessories according to the respective applicable
lab regulations and transport them in dry condition.
Any shipping of the instrument requires original packaging materi-
alsꢞ Damages caused by shipping with non-conform packaging are not
covered by the manufacturer warrantyꢞ Any damage repairs resulting
in non-conforming package are fully charged to the sending party. We
reserve the right depending on seriousness of damage NOT to repair.
To order original packaging materials, please contact ermo Fisher
Scientific or your local, by ermo Scientific authorized, dealer.
e user must care for a clean and safe condition of the instrument
when returning it to an appropriate service provider.
If the original packaging is no longer available, please contact your local
ermo Scientific representation.
Figure 136.
Fast coupling of the Sanosil
Conditions for the transportation of the instrument
Taking back the instrument for repair or routine maintenance