% power
LED 1 flashing green
Stand-by (only
with PWM control)
LED 1 green and LED 2
yellow, both lit
Low load
LED 1 green and LEDs
2, 3 yellow, all lit
Low-medium load 25-50
LED 1 green, LEDs 2,
3, 4 yellow, all lit
Medium-high load 50-75
ED 1 green, LEDs 2, 3,
4 yellow, all lit
High load
100 %
75 %
50 %
25 %
Functioning mode
A) Performance display
When the pump is functioning, LED 1 is green. The four
yellow LEDs indicate the instantaneous power draw as
shown in the table above. In functioning mode, all active
LEDs are lit (not flashing) to differentiate this condition from
setting mode. If the pump is stopped by the external con-
trol signal, LED 1 flashes green.
B) Alarm display
If the pump detects one or more alarm conditions, LED 1
changes from green to red. When an alarm is active, the
LEDs indicate the type of alarm as shown in the following
table. If more than one alarm is active at the same time,
the LEDs only show the alarm condition with the highest
priority. Alarm priority follows the order of the table.
When no alarm is active, the user interface automatically
displays pump performance.
The boiler's pump is ErP 2015 Ready, and suitable for use
in central heating only/domestic hot water applications.
The pump can be controlled by an external PWM signal
and has 4 different pressure curves for central heating
When controlled by a PWM signal, pump speed varies
according to the frequency of the incoming PWM signal,
modulating head/flow rate on the basis of the selected
In the absence of a PWM signal, the pump runs at full
speed and delivers the head/flow rate determined by the
selected curve. Each curve is characterised by a maxi-
mum head expressed in metres.
User interface
The user interface features one button (1), one red/green
LED (2) and four yellow LEDs.
LED (2)
Via this interface, users can access:
Functioning (performance display) mode. Pump perfor-
mance is displayed during functioning as a % of current
draw with respect to rated load. Alarm conditions can be
seen from the colour of LED (2).
Setting mode. Setting mode is accessed by pressing the
button (1), and is used to select the pump curve.