October 2008
Section 4 • Repair Procedures
4 - 44
GS-30 • GS-32 • GS-46
Part No. 96316
64 Remove the cables from the number 1 cable
bridge and lay them off to the side.
Component damage hazard.
Cables can be damaged if they
are kinked or pinched.
65 Disconnect the number 1 cable bridge from the
number 1 outer arm (index #22) and remove
the cable bridge from the machine.
66 Attach a lifting strap from an overhead crane to
the number 1 inner arm (index #10).
67 Raise the arm slightly and remove the block.
68 Lower the arm to the stowed position.
Bodily injury hazard. Keep hands
clear of moving parts when
lowering the scissor arms.
69 Secure the ends of the scissor arms together at
the steer end of the machine with a strap or
other suitable device.
70 Secure the ends of the scissor arms together at
the non-steer end of the machine with a strap or
other suitable device.
71 Remove the retaining fasteners securing the
chassis mount bracket to the chassis.
72 Remove the linkset from the machine
Bodily injury hazard. The number
1 inner and outer arms (index #10
and #22) may become unbalanced
and fall if not properly supported
when removed from the machine.
Component damage hazard. Be
sure not to damage the limit switch
or level sensor box components
when the number 1 inner and
outer arms (index #10 and 22) is
removed from the machine.
How to Replace the Scissor Arm
Wear Pads
1 Remove the platform. See 2-1,
How to Remove
the Platform.
2 Support and secure the entry ladder to an
appropriate lifting device.
3 Remove the fasteners from the entry ladder and
remove the entry ladder from the machine.
Crushing hazard. The entry ladder
may become unbalanced and fall
if not properly supported and
secured to the lifting device.
4 Secure the ends of the scissor arms together at
the steer end of the machine with a strap or
other suitable device.
5 Secure the ends of the scissor arms together at
the non-steer end of the machine with a strap or
other suitable device.
6 Remove the retaining fasteners securing the
chassis mount bracket to the chassis at the
steer end of the machine.
7 Attach a lifting strap from an overhead crane to
the scissor arm assembly.
8 Raise the scissor arm assembly at the steer
end with the overhead crane until the chassis
mount bracket will clear the level sensor.
9 Move the scissor assembly towards the
non-steer end of the machine slightly and to
one side of the machine until one of the scissor
arm wear pads is accessible. Do not allow both
wear pads to slide out of the drive chassis.
Component damage hazard. Be
careful not to damage the level
sensor or limit switch while moving
the scissor assembly.