October 2008
Section 4 • Repair Procedures
4 - 28
GS-30 • GS-32 • GS-46
Part No. 96316
36 Use a soft metal drift to tap the number 2 pivot
pin (index #20) halfway out at the non-steer end
of the machine. Remove the number 2 outer
arm (index #19) from the ground controls side
of the machine.
Bodily injury hazard. The number
2 outer arm at the ground controls
side may become unbalanced and
fall if not properly supported when
removed from the machine.
37 Attach a lifting strap from an overhead crane to
the number 2 outer arm (index #19) at the
battery pack side.
38 Remove the external snap rings and retaining
fasteners from the number 2 center pivot pin
(index #7) at the battery pack side.
39 Use a soft metal drift to remove the number 2
center pivot pin (index #7) at the battery pack
Bodily injury hazard. The number
2 outer arm at the battery pack
side may become unbalanced and
fall if not properly supported when
removed from the machine.
40 Use a soft metal drift to tap the number 2 pivot
pin at the non-steer end (index #20) in the other
direction. Remove the number 2 outer arm
(index #19) from the battery pack side of the
Bodily injury hazard. The number
2 outer arm at the battery pack
side may become unbalanced and
fall if not properly supported when
removed from the machine.
41 Remove the number 3 pivot pin (index #17)
from the non-steer end of the machine.
42 Attach a lifting strap from an overhead crane to
the number 2 inner arm (index #18).
43 Remove the retaining fasteners from the
number 2 pivot pin (index #8) at the steer end
of the machine.
44 Use a soft metal drift to remove the number 2
pivot pin (index #8). Remove the number 2
inner arm (index #18) from the machine.
Bodily injury hazard. The number
2 inner arm may become
unbalanced and fall if not properly
supported when removed from the
45 Remove the safety arm from the number 2 inner
arm (index #18) that was just removed.
46 Attach a lifting strap from an overhead crane to
the number 1 inner arm (index #10).
47 Raise the number 1 inner arm (index #10)
approximately 2 feet / 60 cm and install the
safety arm between the number 1 inner arm
(index #10) and the number 1 outer arm (index
#22) at the non-steer end of the machine.
Lower the scissor arms onto the safety arm.
Bodily injury hazard. Keep hands
clear of moving parts when
lowering the scissor arms onto the
safety arm.
48 Attach a lifting strap from an overhead crane to
the lug on the rod end of the lift cylinder
(index #5). Raise the lift cylinder approximately
3 ft / 1 m.