Section 3 • Scheduled Maintenance Procedures
Part No. 96316
GS-30 • GS-32 • GS-46
3 - 23
June 2009
13 Press the drive function select button. Attempt
to drive the machine.
Result: The diagnostic display will show code
18, an alarm sounds, and the steer and drive
functions should not operate. The machine is
functioning correctly.
Result: The diagnostic display does not show
code 18, the alarm does not sound, and the
steer and drive functions operate. Replace the
down limit switch.
14 Press the lift function select button. Raise the
platform approximately 12 inches / 0.3 m.
Result: The diagnostic display will show code
18 and an alarm sounds. The machine is
functioning correctly.
Result: The diagnostic display does not show
code 18 and the alarm does not sound.
Replace the down limit switch.
15 Raise the platform until the pothole guards are
Result: The diagnostic display does not show
code 18 and the alarm does not sound. The
machine is functioning correctly.
Result: The diagnostic display shows code 18
and an alarm sounds. Replace the down limit
16 Raise the platform 7 to 8 feet / 2.1 to 2.4 m.
17 Lift the safety arm, move it to the center of the
scissor arm and rotate down to a vertical
18 Lower the platform onto the safety arm.
Crushing hazard. Keep hands
clear of the safety arm when
lowering the platform.
19 Turn the key switch to the off position.
20 Disconnect the platform controls from the ECM
21 Securely install the connector of the ECM cable
into the platform control cable.
22 Working at the platform, securely install the
connector of the platform controls into the
platform control cable.
23 Enable the down limit switch. Loosen the
fastener securing the roller arm to the limit
switch, and rotate the roller arm 90 degrees in
a upwards direction. Do not activate the switch
24 Turn the key switch to platform control.
25 Raise the platform and return the safety arm to
the stowed position.
26 Lower the platform to the stowed position.