Terberg Machines B.V. IJsselstein, The Netherlands
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4.3 Safety light screen
In some body and chassis configurations it is impossible to keep to the 850mm distance as described in
NEN-EN-ISO 13857:2008. In these cases it is possible to stop the compactor using an interlock in accordance
with standard NEN-EN-ISO 14119:2013. The safety light screen provides such an interlock.
Working principle
A single ray light screen is fitted in the opening of the bin lift hopper. The compactor is stopped as soon as the
light ray is interrupted. This occurs both by the movement of a single lifting chair through the light ray and if a
person or object is in the danger zone.
The function of the light screen is switched off when both lifting chairs reach a height of 140cm above ground
level. From that moment the chair, in the way it is designed, blocks access to the hopper.
Extra compacting
Because of the extra interruptions to the compactor system the bin lift sends the compactor system an additional
single starting pulse. As soon as the lifting chair lowers down during the automatic cycle, the compactor carries
out one extra movement.
4.4 Coupling greasing system to a body greasing system
The optional available centralized greasing system of the Omni
and Omni
is suitable for coupling to a
Progressive Greasing System.
* When using NLGI grade 0 grease - 10 cm3/10 uur
- Check the grease pump fitted and order the necessary parts.
- If additional information is necessary contact the supplier of the greasing system.
- Install an extra piston pump element on the housing of the grease pump.
- Fit a 6mm grease pipe if the distance between the grease pump and the bin lift is less than 10 metres. If the
distance is greater than 10 metres a 10mm grease pipe must be used.
- Check the working of the greasing system as soon as it has been fitted.
Technical specifications Progressive Greasing System:
Type of grease
NLGI grade 2
Maximum pump pressure
300 bar
Minimum capacity
10 cm3/20 hours*