2. Normal Recipe Status
The normal recipe status menu presents the contents of the normal temperature table.
3. Profile Recipe Status
The Profile Recipe Status presents the contents of the profile temperature table.
4. Paddel Correction and PID parameters
The ‘Paddle correction and Parameters menu’ shows information about the calibrated
correction values for the paddle thermocouple, the PID settings used for paddle control, the
maximum achievable heat up rate and the maximum profile deviation. Temperature
Figure 6-44 Temperature Status
The temperature status contains very detailed information about the temperature status.
The first section (A) contains the tube name and number
The second section (B) contains the paddle and spike setpoint and actual value, the deviation
between setpoint and paddle actual value, the final temperature destination (ramp to) to be
reached with slope and the current power output. Section B is also used in the Main Detail
Status as described in paragraph 6.5.1.
The third section (C) contains the type of temperature control (Independent or
Master/Slave) and the manual (process) temperature recipe number (0-15) and the selected
profile temperature table (A,B,C or D).
The fourth section (D) contains information about the alarm status and high and low limit
settings as well as the PID control parameters. Finally, the fifth section (E) allows the user to
view the contents of the maximum spike correction table or return to the monitor menu by
pressing <ESCAPE>.