Editing modes
The Append mode allows a new command to be added at the end of the
process recipe. The editor asks: “Enter command to append (Y/N for New
Process Step). Press “Y” to create a new step, or “N” to insert the step into
the current one. A display of the possible commands is given, each having a
corresponding number (see Appendix A). To enter a command, enter its
associated number. Enter the parameters or a specific type of the command.
When the instruction is completed, it will be displayed on the screen and
the user is given the opportunity to leave the append mode (press
The ”Change” mode allows an existing command to be modified. “Enter
LINE number to change”. When the desired line number has been entered,
the command is displayed with all its possible parameters. Modify the
desired parameter; press <RETURN> to skip the parameter. When the
instruction is completed, it will be displayed on the screen. Press
<ESCAPE> to leave “Change Mode” and return to the recipe or change
another command.
The “Insert” mode allows a new command to be inserted above a selected
line number. All lines below the specified line are moved down to
accommodate the new lines. Press <3> and “Enter LINE number to
The “Delete mode” allows a command line or a complete process step to be
deleted. Press <4> followed by the line number, which have to be deleted.
Once the line number has been entered, the line is removed form the recipe
and all other lines move up one line. The step number in any branch
instruction in the recipe is automatically recalculated. Enter new line number
to delete its so desired or press <ESCAPE> to leave “Delete Mode”.
The “Store mode” allows the modified process recipe to be stored in a
particular process recipe location identified by its recipe number. Selecting
this option (press <5>) will invoke the recipe storing procedure. Enter the
recipe number where the recipe has to be stored. The recipe name can be
modified by selecting “Name” If the editor screen is exited by pressing
<ESCAPE> without prior storage of the process recipe the editor will
automatically give the option of storing the recipe anyway selecting “Store”
to store the modified recipe or select “Exit” to leave the editor without
applying changes. When the message “Process Recipe Stored” is displayed
the recipe is correctly stored under the selected Id.
The same command programming is available as with “Append mode” once the new line has
been selected. Press <ESCAPE> to leave “Insert” mode and return to the recipe.