Voice Gateway 4FXS User Manual
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At this time it is only allowed to enter numbers from choice [1~6]. Users are able to
press “Ctrl+C” or directly button enter key to get out of priority setting status if
driven by the intention to give up setting.
Non-interaction setting method
codec_ep1> priority {parameter}
The parameter is only chosen from [1~6], which stands for the sequences of six
coding priorities under interaction method.
Setting command of value of RFC2833 payload type
codec_ep1> rfc2833_pt {parameter}
The parameter ranges from 96 ~ 127.
Ring time setting command
codec_ep1> ring {parameter1} {parameter2}
Parameter 1 is “on time”, namely the ring duration time; parameter 2 is “off time”,
namely the ring interval time. The parameters for the both range from 0~65535, unit
is ms.
Command of mute compressed switch setting
codec_ep1> sc {parameter}
The parameter is only “enable” or “disable”. Therein, “enable” means to open
the mute compressing function; and “disable” means to close it.
T38 control mode setting command
codec_ep1> t38_mode {parameter}
The parameter is only “mgc” or “mg”. Therein, “mgc” means T38 mode is
controlled by mgc; and “mg” means T38 mode is controlled by mg.