Voice Gateway 4FXS User Manual
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In this device there is a DHCP server, which is defaulted not to start using.
IP pool start/ IP end address cessation: It refers to DHCP server automatically
allocates IP’s start/ IP end addresses cessation. To full extent it could have
254 addresses.
Lease Interval: It refers to the service time that terminal acquires an IP address,
defaulting to be 7200 seconds.
Default DNS (optional), input it in the DNS server offered by ISP. If there is any
question, please consult ISP.
Default gateway (optional), it is suggested to fill in LAN port’s IP address or
in designated exit gateway IP.
If LAN port IP parameters (including IP address, subnet mask) are altered,
make sure IP pool address set in DHCP parameters is in the network segment
where new LAN port IP is also in, and restart IAD. In order to make DHCP server
display its functions, TCP/IP protocol of each computer in local area network
must be set as “automatically acquired IP address”.
4.2.3 QOS Settings
Network service quality (QOS), voice gateway supports prior marks of two-layer and