Checking Gamut
Checking Composite Gamut
The Arrowhead gamut display plots luminance (Y) against chrominance (C) to check if the composite signal adheres to
standard gamut. NTSC and PAL Arrowhead displays (75% Color bars) and indicates the values of the graticule lines.
The arrowhead shape of the graticule results from overlaying the standard limits for luminance and luminance plus peak
Perform the
Setting up for Gamut Checks
procedure.(See page 105,
Setting up for
Gamut Checks
Compare the signal to the display to
determine out of gamut composite
components, noting the following:
Signals exceeding the luminance
amplitude gamut extend above the
top horizontal limit (top electronic
graticule line).
Signals exceeding the luminance
plus or minus peak chrominance
amplitude gamut extend beyond the
upper and lower diagonal limits.
The bottom horizontal line shows the
minimum allowed luminance level of
7.5 IRE for NTSC and 0 mV for PAL.
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