Timing a Studio
Timing a Studio
Timing a studio involves adjusting the references going to different sources so that their output feeds have the same timing
when they arrive a common point, such as a production switcher. For digital systems, the timing typically only needs to be
close, because most switchers have some tolerance to timing errors. For analog composite systems, the timing may need to
be matched within a small part of a subcarrier cycle to prevent hue shifts when switching between sources.
The waveform monitor supports multiple methods and techniques of timing a studio. All of these methods require an
external reference to the waveform monitors.
Using the Timing-Display Method
The Tektronix proprietary Timing Display (patent pending) provides an easy to use measure of the timing of an input
relative to the external reference:
The rectangular display automatically scales to match the input signal. For progressive signals the display represents
one field, for interlace signals the display represents one frame, and for composite inputs the display represents one
color frame.
The cross-hair in the center represents zero offset, and the circle represents the timing of the input signal. Lines of
advance or delay are shown as vertical displacement, while timing errors of less than one line are shown as horizontal
displacement. If the input is at the same time as the reference, then the circle will be centered on the cross-hair.
The timing offset is also shown numerically as lines and microseconds of advance or delay in the boxes at the right
side of the display.
For input and reference signals with closely related frame rates, there is only one timing relationship, so a single circle is
shown on the display to indicate the timing offset of the input signal.
For input and reference combinations with more complex relationships, multiple circles are displayed to indicate all the
possible interpretations of the timing offset, with the one that is closest to zero shown with emphasis. The numerical
readouts will correspond to the timing indicator circle with the emphasis.
The Relative to: box indicates the chosen zero point for the timing display. The default is Rear Panel. In this mode,
the offset is zero when the input and reference are at the same timing at the rear panel of the waveform monitor.
The other choice is Saved Offset. In this mode, you can save the timing from one signal and then display the timing
relative to that saved offset.
To use the Timing display to time a signal to a reference:
Select a tile in which to time the active
Apply the input signal to be timed to the
appropriate input, terminate it properly
if necessary, and then select it from the
IN/OUT menu.
Apply the house reference signal to the
external reference input.
and then select
Ext Ref
to set the reference to external mode.
(Connected to the house reference.)
Quick Start User Manual
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