Force Trig button, 99
Formatting USB drive, 78
Frequency, 52
Frequency cursors, 56
Frequency measurements
Front-panel connectors, 104
Front-panel language overlay, 10
Front-panel overlays (languages), 2
Function button, 101
Functional check, 14
Gating (measurement), 55
GPIB and USB, 81
GPIB to USB adapter, 3
Ground connection (AC), 7
Ground lead tip, probe, 19
Ground signal coupling, 30
Ground strap, 13
Ground yourself to discharge
Hamming FFT window, 63
Hanning FFT window, 62
Help Everywhere icon, 108
HelpEverywhere feature, 21
HF coupling (trigger), 28
Hi Res acquisition mode, 25
High measurement, 54
Holdoff trigger mode, 29, 39
Horiz center position (FFT), 59
Horizontal controls, 99
Horizontal position knob, 99
Horizontal scale (FFT), 59
Horizontal scale knob, 99
Horizontal units readout, 108
How to
Add waveforms (math), 58
Average acquisition mode, 42
bring cursors on-screen, 56
change a menu
change Autoset password, 41
change the language, 8
change the time and date, 11
check that oscilloscope is
close menus, 8, 11
compensate a passive
connect AC power cord, 7
connect oscilloscope to
connect probes, 13
create math waveforms, 58
create new folder (USB
disable Autoset button, 40
disable USB Device port, 81
enable HelpEverywhere, 21
erase oscilloscope memory, 79
examine waveform details
format USB drive, 78
install language overlay, 10
install new
invert the input signal, 30
link cursors, 56
load a courseware
load factory settings, 46
load oscilloscope setups, 71
load waveform
move a waveform (vertical), 33
move both cursors at same
move cursors onto screen, 56
Multiply waveforms (math), 58
open reference waveforms, 64
perform a functional check, 14
power off the oscilloscope, 7
power on the oscilloscope, 7
prevent electrostatic
recall oscilloscope setups, 71
recall waveform data, 72
restore default settings, 46
restore factory settings, 46
run courseware labs, 95
Run SPC, 20
save courseware lab results
save oscilloscope setups, 69
save screen to a USB drive, 66
save waveform data, 67
select a measurement,
select cursors, 56
select device for USB port, 80
select slope (edge trigger), 39
set acquisition mode, 42
set backlight intensity, 49
set bandwidth, 31
set channel deskew, 34
set DC offset on a signal, 33
set default save location
set Edge trigger, 36
set FFT center position, 59
set FFT horizontal scale, 59
set FFT source wfm, 59
set FFT vertical units, 59
set FFT window type, 59
set Hi Res acquisition mode, 42
set input signal coupling, 30
set IP address, 83
set IP address (DHCP), 87
set IP address (nonDHCP), 83,
set measure current (for voltage
set measurement gating, 55
set Peak Detect acquisition
set probe attenuation, 32
set probe type (voltage,
set pulse width trigger, 37
set record length, 44
set runt pulse trigger, 38
set Sample acquisition
TBS2000 Series User Manual