Tektronix 2230 Service Manual Download Page 125

Theory of Operation— 2230 Service

CR851,  CR853,  and  R854  to  the  Z-Axis  output  level. 
Thus,  the  ac-drive voltage  is  clamped  at  two levels  to  pro­
duce a square-wave signal with a positive dc-offset level.

The  Dc  Restorer  is  referenced  to  the  — 2  kV  crt 

cathode  voltage  through  R858  and  CR854.  Initially,  both 
C855  and  C854  charge  up  to  a  level  determined  by  the 
difference  between  the  Z-Axis  output  voltage  and  the  crt 
cathode  voltage.  Capacitor  C855  charges  from  the  Z-Axis 
output  through  R858,  CR854,  and  CR855,  to  the  crt 

cathode.  Capacitor  C854  charges  through  R858,  CR854, 

R854,  and  CR853 to the  crt cathode.

During  the  positive  transitions  of  the  ac  drive,  from  the 

lower  clamped  level  toward  the  higher  clamped  level,  the 
charge  on  C854  increases  due  to  the  rising  voltage.  The 

voltage  increase  across  C854  is  equal  to  the  amplitude  of 
the  positive  transition.  The  negative  transition  is  coupled 
through  C854  to  reverse  bias  CR854  and  to  forward  bias 
CR855.  The  increased  chargfe  of  C854  is  then  transferred 
to  C855  as  C854  discharges  toward  the  Z-Axis  output 
level.  Successive  cycles  of the  ac  input to the  Dc  Restorer 

charge  C855  to  a  voltage  equal  to the  initial  level  plus  the 
amplitude of the  clamped square-wave  input.

The  charge  held  by  C855 sets the  control-grid  bias  volt­

age.  If  more  charge  is  added  to  that  already  present  on 
C855,  the  control  grid  becomes  more  negative,  and  less 

crt  writing-beam  current  flows.  Conversely,  if  less  charge 
is  added,  the  control-grid  voltage  level  becomes  closer  to 
the  cathode-voltage  level,  and  more  crt  writing-beam 
current flows.

During  periods  that  C854  is  charging,  the  crt  control- 

grid  voltage  is  held  constant  by  the  long  time-constant 
discharge path of C855 through  R860.

Fast-rise  and  fast-fall  transitions  of  the  Z-Axis  output 

signal  are  coupled  to  the  crt  control  grid  through  C855  to 
start the crt  writing-beam  current  toward the  new intensity 
level. The  Dc  Restorer output  level then follows  the Z-Axis 

output-voltage  level to set the  new  bias voltage  for the crt 
control grid.

Neon  lamps  DS858  and  DS856  protect  the  crt  from 

excessive  grid-to-cathode  voltage  if  the  potential  on  either 
the control grid or the cathode is lost for any reason.

High-voltage  multiplier  U975  uses  the  2-kV  winding  of 

T948 to generate  12 kV  to drive the crt  anode.  An  internal 
half-wave  rectifier  diode  in  the  multiplier  produces  — 2 kV 
for the  crt cathode. The  — 2 kV supply  is  filtered  by a  low- 
pass filter formed  by  C975,  C976,  R976,  R978,  and  C979.

Neon  lamp  DS870  protects  against  excessive  voltage 
between  the  crt  heater  and  crt  cathode  by  conducting  if 

the voltage exceeds approximately 75 V.

Focus  voltage  is  also  developed  from  the  - 2   kV  supply 

by a voltage divider formed  by  R894,  R892,  FOCUS  poten­

tiometer  R893,  R891,  R890,  R889,  R888,  and  R886.


The  X-Y  plotter  circuitry  (see  Diagram  22)  drives  the 

internal  circuitry  for the  external  clock,  and  an  external  XY 
Plotter,  if connected.

External  C lock

The  TTL  compatible  (active  LO)  EXT CLK  signal, 

accessed  through  the  AUXILIARY  CONNECTOR  (J1011 
pin  1),  drives  the  external  clock  circuitry  (active  HI)  of  the 
oscilloscope through  internal connector J4110 pin  1.

Operational  amplifier  U1001A,  PNP  transistor  Q1011, 

and  associated  components  buffer  and  invert  the  external 
clock  signal  EXT CLK.  Input  bias  resistors  R1011,  R1014, 
and  R1015  condition  the  EXT CLK  input  signal.  The  same 

three  resistors  protect  the  external  clock  circuitry  from 
over-voltage  and  reverse-voltage  inputs.  Resistor  R1016 
provides hysteresis.

Operational  amplifier  U1001A  serves  as  a  buffer  and 

amplifier.  Even  though  EXT CLK  only  swings  from  0 V  to 

+ 5  V  maximum,  the  input  bias  resistors  produce  plus  and 

minus  voltage  swings  of  < 2  V  at  non-inverting  input 
U1001A  pin  3.  The  amplifier  output  U1001A  pin  1  has  a 

plus  and  minus  7 V  range  which,  through  current  limit 
resistor  R1017,  overdrives  the  base  of  Q1011.  This  base 
current  overdrive  assures  a  fast  clean  rise  and  fall  time  of 
the  EXT  CLK  output  signal  (J4110  pin  1)  required  by  the 
oscilloscopes external clock circuit input.

The  emitter  of  Q1011  goes  to  + 5  Vk  and  the  collector 

goes  to  both  the  EXT  CLK  output  and  to  level-shift  resis­
tor  R1012.  Level-shift  resistor  R1012  makes the  EXT CLK 
output  a  valid  TTL  LO  when  Q1011  is  shut  off.  The  EXT 
CLK output is  an  active HI TTL drive.

Shield  Ground

The  SHIELD  GND  connection  (J1011  pin 4)  is  the 

chassis  ground connection for cable shield connections.


Summary of Contents for 2230


Page 2: ...rved INSTRUMENT SERIAL NUMBERS Each instrument has a serial number on a panel insert tag or stamped on the chassis The first number or letter designates the country of manufacture The last five digits of the serial number are assigned sequentially and are unique to each instrument Those manufactured in the United States have six unique digits The country of manufacture is identified as follows B00...




Page 6: ...Block diagram of the Channel 1 Attenuator circuit 3 8 3 3 Store Non Store Vertical Switching 3 11 3 4 Block diagram of Trigger Amplifiers and Switching 3 14 3 5 A Sweep Generator and Logic Circuitry 3 18 3 6 Horizontal Amplifier block diagram 3 24 3 7 Sampling mode acquisition timing at 0 05 s per division ADCLK CONV 20 MHz 3 31 3 8 MIN MAX Acquisition timing at 20 per division 3 33 3 9 Acquisitio...

Page 7: ... Main board 9 10 Circuit view of A1 Main board g 11 A17 Position Interface board 9 12 A3 Front Panel board 9 13 Circuit view of A3 Front Panel board 9 14 A4 Timing board 9 15 A13 Sweep Interface board 9 16 A5 Alternate Sweep board 9 17 A16 Sweep Reference board 9 18 A6 Line Filter board 9 19 A18 Thermal Shutdown board 9 20 A7 Intensity Pot board 9 21 A10 Storage board 9 22 A11A1 Input Output board...

Page 8: ...s 4 18 5 1 Adjustments Affected by Repairs 5 2 5 2 Power Supply Limits 5 5 5 3 Deflection Accuracy Limits 5 8 5 4 Store Deflection Accuracy 5 10 5 5 Attenuator Compensation Adjustments 5 12 5 6 Settings for Bandwidth Checks 5 16 5 7 Settings for Timing Accuracy Checks 5 23 5 8 Settings for Delay Time Differential Checks 5 24 5 9 Switch Combinations for A Triggering Checks 5 28 6 1 Relative Suscept...

Page 9: ...ntal Commands 7 15 Trigger Commands 7 16 Cursor Commands 7 17 Display Commands 7 18 Acquisition Commands 7 19 Save and Recall Reference Commands 7 20 Waveform Commands 7 21 Waveform Preamble Fields 7 22 Service Request Group Commands 7 23 Miscellaneous Commands 7 24 RS 232 C Specific Commands 7 25 Query and Response Examples 7 26 Typical 8 Bit Binary Waveform Data 7 27 Typical 16 Bit Binary Wavefo...

Page 10: ...nformation is to be found For maximum input voltage see Table 1 2 Danger Arising from Loss of Ground Upon loss of the protective ground connection all accessi ble conductive parts including knobs and controls that may appear to t e insulating can render an electric shock Use the Proper Power Cord Use only the power cord and connector specified for your product Use only a power cord that is in good...

Page 11: ...ngerous voltages exist at several points in this product To avoid personal injury do not touch exposed connec tions or components while power is on Disconnect power before removing protective panels soldering or replacing components Power Source This product is intended to operate from a power source that does not apply more than 250 volts rms between the supply conductors or between either supply...

Page 12: ...2230 Service X The 2230 Digital Storage Oscilloscope 4998 01 ...

Page 13: ...s time difference measurements and delay time measure ments on any of the store mode waveform displays Delta volts delay time delta time and 1 delta time either delta time or 1 delta time is selectable via the MENU are displayed in the crt readout for ease in obtaining precise measurement results The cursors are positioned to any displayed store mode waveform to make measurements An alternate use ...

Page 14: ...of 100 points per division ignoring expansion and compres sion In addition the averaged number is stored with up to twelve bits of resolution Expansion is required to view the eleventh and twelfth bits of increased resolution Time is quantified to determine when each sample occurred and which display interval gets each sample Time is resolved by storing for example 4K points If 4K points are store...

Page 15: ...on Vertical Resolution 8 bits 25 levels per division 10 24 divisions dynamic range Range of VOLTS DIV Variable Control Continuously variable between settings Increases deflection fac tor by at least 2 5 to 1 Step Response NON STORE Rise Time 0 C to t 35 C 5 mV div to 5 V div 3 5 ns or less 2 mV div 4 4 ns or less 35 C to 50t C 5 mV div to 5 V div 3 9 ns or less 2 mV div 4 4 ns or less Rise time is...

Page 16: ...xial cable terminated in 50 0 at the input connector with the VOLTS DIV Variable control in the CAL detent NON STORE BW LIMIT 3 dB 20 MHz 10 AC Coupled Lower Cutoff Frequency 10 Hz or less at 3 dB a Useful Storage Performance RECORD SCAN and ROLL Store Modes SAMPLE Acquisition no AVERAGE Single Trace CHOP ALT 5 MS div to 5 s div 10 5 Hza Hza SEC DIV SEC DIV EXT CLOCK up to 1 kHz EXT EXT Hza Hza 10...

Page 17: ... improvement is achieved after 2 x weight factor x expected acquisitions to fill 8 Frequency Response Frequency response of the AVERAGE Storage Mode is a function of the number of triggered acquisitions added to the weighted average 8 Time jitter of a signal with respect to the sample clock will pro duce a low pass filter characteristic of an averaged waveform NON STORE CHOP Mode Switching Rate 50...

Page 18: ...pacitance 20 pF 2 pF a Maximum Safe Input Voltage CH 1 and CH 2 Z j 400 V dc peak ac or 800 V ac p p at 10 kHz or less See Figure 1 1 for maximum input voltage vs frequency derating curve NON STORE Channel Isolation Greater than 100 to 1 at 50 MHz STORE Channel Isolation 100 to 1 at 50 MHz POSITION Control Range At least 11 divisions from graticule center A B SWP SEP Control Range NON STORE Mode O...

Page 19: ... derating curve Input Resistance 1 MfJ 2 8 Input Capacitance 20 pF 2 5 pF 8 AC Coupled Lower Cutoff Frequency 10 Hz or less at 3 dB 8 LEVEL Control Range A Trigger NORM INT May be set at any voltage level of the trace that can be displayed 8 EXT DC At least 1 6 V 3 2 V p p EXT DC MO At least 16 V 32 V p p 8 B Trigger Internal May be set at any point of the trace that can be displayed 8 VAR HOLDOFF...

Page 20: ...p Linearity 5 Linearity measured over any two of the center eight divisions Exclude the first 25 ns and anything past the 100th division of the X I0 magnified sweeps Digital Sample Rate SAMPLE 5 MS div to 5 s div PEAKDET or ACCPEAK 20 MS div to 5 s div REPETITIVE Store 0 05 MS div to 1 MS div 2 MS div Single Trace CHOP ALT 100 50 Hz Hz8 SEC DIV SEC DIV 10 MHz8 10 MHz8 50 duty factor on each channe...

Page 21: ...tating the Variable SEC DIV control out of the CAL detent position horizontally compresses a 4K point acquisition record to 1K points in length so that the whole record length can be viewed on screen Screen readout is altered accordingly Displayed Trace Length NON STORE Greater than 10 divisions STORE 10 24 divisions 8 Delay Time 0 5 ms per division to 0 5 sec per division A Sweep Delay POSITION R...

Page 22: ...CONTINUE to SAVE Within 0 5 division at VOLTS DIV switch settings from 2 mV per division to 5 V per division SAVE Mode Expansion or Compression Range Up to 10 times as determined by the remaining VOLTS DIV switch positions up or down 2 mV per division acquisitions cannot be expanded and 5 V per division acquisitions cannot be compressed Storage Display Expansion Algorithm Error 0 1 of full scale 8...

Page 23: ...curacy X Axis 15 C to 35 C Measured with a dc coupled five division reference signal Within 3 0 C to 50 C Within 4 a Y Axis Same as vertical deflection system NON STORE Bandwidth 3 dB X Axis Measured with a five division reference signal DC to at least 2 5 MHz Y Axis Same as vertical deflection system NON STORE Phase Difference Between X Axis and Y Axis Amplifiers 3 degrees or less from dc to 150 ...

Page 24: ...requency 48 Hz to 440 Hz Maximum Power Consumption 85 watts 150 VA Line Fuse 2 A 250 V slow blow Primary Circuit Dielectric Requirement Routine test to 1500 Vrms 60 Hz for 10 seconds without break down CRT DISPLAY Display Area 8 cm X 10 cm Standard Phosphor P31 Nominal Accelerating Voltage 14 kV X Y PLOTTER OUTPUT Maximum Safe Applied Voltage Any Connector Pin A 25 V dc peak ac or 25 V p p ac at 1...

Page 25: ...es 1 C per 1 000 feet above 5 000 feet Nonoperating To 15 000 meters 50 000 feet Humidity Operating and Nonoperating 5 cycles 120 hours referenced to MIL T 28800C para 4 5 5 1 2 2 for Type III Class 5 instruments Operating and nonoperating at 95 5 to 0 relative humidity Operating 30 C to 50 C nonoperating 30 C to 60 C EMI electromagnetic interference Meets radiated and conducted emission requireme...

Page 26: ...18 lb Domestic Shipping Weight 12 2 kg 26 9 lb Height 137 mm 5 4 in Width With Handle 362 mm 14 3 in Without Handle 327 mm 12 9 in Depth With Front Cover 445 mm 17 5 in Without Front Cover 435 mm 17 1 in With Handle Extended 510 mm 20 1 in VOLTS 10 KHz 50 KHz 100 KHz 500 KHz 1 MHz FREQUENCY 100 MHz 4 2 0 7 2 8 1 14 Figure 1 1 Maximum input voltage vs frequency derating curve for CH 1 OR X CH 2 OR ...

Page 27: ...General Information 2230 Service D im e n s i o n s are in in c h e s m m 4735 40 4999 49 1 15 Figure 1 2 Physical dimensions of the 2230 Oscilloscope ...

Page 28: ... accessible metal parts of the Instrument For electrical shock protection insert this plug only into a power source outlet that has a properly grounded protective ground contact Instruments are shipped with the power cord specified by the customer Available power cord information is presented in Figure 2 2 and part numbers are listed in Options and Accessories Section 7 Contact your Tektronix repr...

Page 29: ... data LINE FUSE The instrument fuse holder Is located on the rear panel see Figure 2 3 and contains the line protection fuse The following procedure may be used either to verify that the proper fuse is installed or to install a replacement fuse 1 Unplug the power cord from the power input source if plugged in 2 Press in the fuse holder cap and release it with a slight counterclockwise rotation 3 P...

Page 30: ...e repackage the instrument as follows 1 Obtain a corrugated cardboard shipping carton hav ing inside dimensions at least six inches greater than the instrument dimensions and having a carton test strength of at least 275 pounds 2 If the instrument is being shipped to a Tektronix Service Center for repair or calibration attach a tag to the instrument showing the following owner of the instrument wi...

Page 31: ...htness of all NON STORE displayed waveforms The control has no effect on the STORE mode displays or the crt readouts B INTENSITY Control Adjusts the brightness of the NON STORE B Delayed Sweep and the Intensified zone on the A Sweep The control has no effect on STORE mode displays or crt readouts VERTICAL Refer to Figure 2 5 for location of items 10 through 19 VOLTS DIV Switches Select the vertica...

Page 32: ...Operating Information 2230 Service 4998 04 Figure 2 4 Power and display controls and power on indicator 2 5 ...

Page 33: ...Operating Information 2230 Service Figure 2 5 Vertical controls and connectors 2 6 ...

Page 34: ...iated VOLTS DIV readout CH 1 OR X and CH 2 OR Y Input Connectors Provide for application of signals to the inputs of the vertical deflection system and the storage acquisition system Coding ring contacts on each of the input connec tors are used to automatically switch the scale factor displayed by the crt readout when a properly coded probe is attached to the input connector Displayed STORE mode ...

Page 35: ...rmine the vertical position of displayed waveforms during acquisition and in SAVE mode Any portions of a signal being acquired that are outside the dynamic range of the A D converter are blanked when positioned on screen The Vertical POSITION controls can also reposition a vertically expanded SAVE waveform so that portions of the waveform outside the graticule area can be observed In NON STORE X Y...

Page 36: ...rizontal mode UNTRIGGERED mode performs acquisitions without reference to the trigger circuit and there is no trigger marker on the screen Triggers are ignored in STORE mode at SEC DIV settings of 5 s per division to 0 1 s per division under the following conditions ROLL is selected Selecting ROLL forces the screen to continuously update as on a chart recorder Triggers would stop the display ROLL ...

Page 37: ...es a full record of the acquired waveform SCAN Storage mode for NORM TRIGGER mode and 0 1 s div to 5 s div or EXT CLOCK updates pretrigger data when a trigger is received The waveform display then scans to the right from the trigger point to finish the post trigger acquisition and then freezes SCAN Storage mode for P P AUTO TRIGGER mode with auto triggers disabled and 0 1 s div to 5 s div or EXT C...

Page 38: ...hree settings is increased by a factor of 10 to 1 s div 2 s div and 5 s div Releasing the button returns the STORE mode time base to XI The X I0 MAG control is still functional on waveforms acquired at the slow STORE mode SEC DIV settings 52 Variable SEC DIV and 4K COMPRESS C ontrol Controls the NON STORE sweep time per division and compresses STORE mode waveform records Variable SEC DIV Continuou...

Page 39: ...wever the readout of the delay time on the crt follows the setting of the B DELAY TIME POSITION control in either B Trigger mode The setting of the 1K 4K switch affects the delay time position setting for STORE mode displays by a factor of approximately four times When switching between IK and 4K record lengths the delay time position setting must be readjusted to obtain the same delay time 0 Hori...

Page 40: ...e instrument otherwise behaves as in P P AUTO SGL SWP Arms the A Trigger circuit for a single sweep in NON STORE or a single acquisition in STORE Triggering requirements are the same as in NORM Trigger mode After the completion of a triggered NON STORE sweep or a STORE SGL SWP acquisition pressing in the SGL SWP but ton rearms the trigger circuitry to accept the next triggering event or start the ...

Page 41: ...g the signal applied to the EXT INPUT con nector to the input of the A Trigger circuit AC Input signal is capacitively coupled and the dc component is blocked DC All frequency components of the external signal are coupled to the A Trigger circuit D C 10 Attenuates the external signal by a fac tor of 10 before application to the A Trigger cir cuit As with DC COUPLING all frequency com ponents of th...

Page 42: ...control out of the CAL detent position The SEC DIV readout is adjusted to reflect the correct time per division of the displayed waveform The acquisition record may be magnified using the X I0 Magnifier PRETRIG POST TRIG Switch Positions the trigger point for acquisitions either near the end PRETRIG or the beginning POST TRIG of the waveform A T is displayed on the waveform to indicate the trigger...

Page 43: ...et A display set is one or both waveforms from the following Acquisition CH 1 and CH 2 Refer ence 1 CH 1 and CH 2 Reference 2 CH 1 and CH 2 and Reference 3 CH 1 and CH 2 Cursors move to the acquisition waveform if they were on a SAVE REF waveform that is turned off The acquisition parameters of the waveform set in which the cursors are located are displayed in the crt readout Cursors movable by th...

Page 44: ... the refer ence memory display on or off if the SAVE button has not been pressed The stored WEIGHT Selects the weight of the last sample in AVERAGE mode waveforms of all three memories can be displayed at the same time Two channels A TRIG POS acquired in CHOP or ALT may be stored in a SAVE REF memory A TRIG POS selects the number of points acquired prior to or following the trigger MENU CONTROL Wh...

Page 45: ...form over the X Y Plotter output GRATICULE ON OFF Enables or disables plotting of the graticule SET UP Allows calibration of analog plotter gain and offset SPEED Allows selection of plotter pen speed ADVANCED FUNCTIONS REFERENCE Allows a SAVE REF memory to be Erased or Copied when one of the communication options is installed ERASE Selects and erases a nonvolatile SAVE REF memory COPY Selects and ...

Page 46: ... only The amplitude resolution increases with the number of weighted acquisitions included in the display The number of weighted acquisitions included in the AVER AGE display is Menu selectable The default weight of AVERAGE mode is 1 4 Other choices are Menu select able The number of sweeps SWP LIMIT allowed to occur before averaging stops is also Menu selectable REAR PANEL Refer to Figure 2 9 for...

Page 47: ...ed by falling edges Input is TTL compatible Samples become visible by pairs as SCAN or ROLL Several clocks are required before the point associated with the first clock is visible Table 2 4 Auxiliary Connector Pin Number Function 1 EXT CLK Input 2 Pen Lift Normally Closed 3 X Output 4 SHIELD GND 5 Y Output 6 4 2 V 7 Pen Lift Normally Open 8 Pen Lift Relay Common 9 SIG GND CRT READOUT The Readout S...

Page 48: ...Operating Information 2230 Service Figure 2 11 X Y Plotter interfacing ...

Page 49: ...e either AV 1 or AV 2 and the time difference between cur sors When esither BOTH or B HORIZONTAL mode is selected the DELAY TIME POSITION is displayed Independent fields for CH 1 VOLTS DIV CH 2 VOLTS DIV A SEC DIV and B SEC DIV are provided When making ground referenced voltage measurements ground dot displayed and cursor on ground dot the A symbol is replaced by a ground symbol rh When the acquis...

Page 50: ...nder test to the oscilloscope GND receptacle located on the oscilloscope s front panel SIGNAL CONNECTIONS Probes Generally the accessory probes supplied with the instrument provide the most convenient means of connect ing a signal to the vertical inputs of the instrument The probe and probe lead are shielded to prevent pickup of electromagnetic interference and the 10X attenuation fac tor of the p...

Page 51: ...ground through the input coupling capacitor and a high resistance value This series combination forms a precharging circuit that allows the input coupling capacitor to charge to the average dc voltage level of the signal applied to the input connector Thus any large voltage transients that may accidentally be generated are not applied to the vertical amplifier s input when the input coupling is sw...

Page 52: ...stable display with signal applied A SLOPE OUT plus button out B LEVEL B RUNS AFTER DELAY fully clockwise B SLOPE OUT plus button out HF REJECT OFF fully counterclockwise 2 Press in the POWER switch ON and set the instru ment controls to obtain a baseline trace Display A and B INTENSITY Midrange STORAGE READOUT INTENSITY Midrange with READOUT on FOCUS Best defined display Storage STORE NON STORE S...

Page 53: ...0 mV when the 10X probe is attached to the CH 1 OR X input 3 Remove the hook tip from the end of each probe NOTE While the probe tip is in the PRB ADJ connector use care not to to break off the probe tip 4 Insert the Channel 1 probe tip into the PRB ADJ connector 5 Use the CH 1 POSITION control to vertically center the display If necessary adjust the A TRIGGER LEVEL control to obtain a stable disp...

Page 54: ...rement of the calibra tor period are within 2 15 Set the STORE NON STORE switch to the NON 4 Turn the Vertical POSITION control to align the STORE position button out baseline trace with the center horizontal graticule line 5 Position the active cursor to the second vertical graticule line using the CURSORS Position control 16 Determine the horizontal graticule measurement of the probe adjust sign...

Page 55: ...instrument refer to the basic block diagram Figure 3 1 and to the detailed block diagrams located in the Diagrams section of this manual Each major block in the diagram represents a major circuit within the instru ment In Figure 3 1 the numbered diamond symbol in each block indicates the schematic diagram number Much of the analog portion of the oscilloscope operates without direction from the Mic...

Page 56: ...Theory of Operation 2230 Service 4999 01 3 2 Figure 3 1 Simplified block diagram ...

Page 57: ...RE mode signals are picked off in the Preamplifier and are not bandwidth limited by the BW LIMIT switch Triggering The Triggering circuitry uses either the Internal Trigger signal obtained from the input signal s an External Trigger signal or a Line Trigger signal derived from the ac power source to develop trigger signals for the Sweep Generator The Auto Trigger circuit sets the range of the Trig...

Page 58: ...instructions addressing and data transfers is provided by an external crystal controlled oscillator that drives the Microprocessor clock generator The Microprocessor clock circuit further divides the input clock frequency to generate two lower clock frequencies The clock circuit also generates the Ready and Reset con trol signals to the Microprocessor Storage front panel control settings are passe...

Page 59: ... busses to memory Acquisition mode is controlled in part by the Micropro cessor via data latched into the Acquisition Mode Register see also Time Base Mode Register in this section These data bits select the channel or channels to be acquired enable the XY mode enable MIN MAX acquisi tion control the Swap function for reordering data and select the Test function for diagnostics Acquisition clock s...

Page 60: ...e also generated to drive the crt Z Axis Amplifier for Stored waveform and Readout intensity control Control signals to the Microprocessor and Display Memory are generated in response to a processor read write request Digital to analog converters take the digital data bytes supplied from the Display Memory via the Display Con troller and change them to the X and Y Axis analog signals that drive th...

Page 61: ...g the signal applied to the EXT INPUT con nector to the input of the A Trigger circuit AC Input signal is capacitively coupled and the dc component is blocked DC All frequency components of the external signal are coupled to the A Trigger circuit D C 10 Attenuates the external signal by a fac tor of 10 before application to the A Trigger cir cuit As with DC COUPLING all frequency com ponents of th...

Page 62: ...control out of the CAL detent position The SEC DIV readout is adjusted to reflect the correct time per division of the displayed waveform The acquisition record may be magnified using the X I0 Magnifier PRETRIG POST TRIG Switch Positions the trigger point for acquisitions either near the end PRETRIG or the beginning POST TRIG of the waveform A T is displayed on the waveform to indicate the trigger...

Page 63: ...et A display set is one or both waveforms from the following Acquisition CH 1 and CH 2 Refer ence 1 CH 1 and CH 2 Reference 2 CH 1 and CH 2 and Reference 3 CH 1 and CH 2 Cursors move to the acquisition waveform if they were on a SAVE REF waveform that is turned off The acquisition parameters of the waveform set in which the cursors are located are displayed in the crt readout Cursors movable by th...

Page 64: ... the refer ence memory display on or off if the SAVE button has not been pressed The stored WEIGHT Selects the weight of the last sample in AVERAGE mode waveforms of all three memories can be displayed at the same time Two channels A TRIG POS acquired in CHOP or ALT may be stored in a SAVE REF memory A TRIG POS selects the number of points acquired prior to or following the trigger MENU CONTROL Wh...

Page 65: ...eform over the X Y Plotter output GRATICULE ON OFF Enables or disables plotting of the graticule SET UP Allows calibration of analog plotter gain and offset SPEED Allows selection of plotter pen speed ADVANCED FUNCTIONS REFERENCE Allows a SAVE REF memory to be Erased or Copied when one of the communication options is installed ERASE Selects and erases a nonvolatile SAVE REF memory COPY Selects and...

Page 66: ... only The amplitude resolution increases with the number of weighted acquisitions included in the display The number of weighted acquisitions included in the AVER AGE display is Menu selectable The default weight of AVERAGE mode is 1 4 Other choices are Menu select able The number of sweeps SWP LIMIT allowed to occur before averaging stops is also Menu selectable REAR PANEL Refer to Figure 2 9 for...

Page 67: ...ed by falling edges Input is TTL compatible Samples become visible by pairs as SCAN or ROLL Several clocks are required before the point associated with the first clock is visible Table 2 4 Auxiliary Connector Pin Number Function 1 EXT CLK Input 2 Pen Lift Normally Closed 3 X Output 4 SHIELD GND 5 Y Output 6 4 2 V 7 Pen Lift Normally Open 8 Pen Lift Relay Common 9 SIG GND CRT READOUT The Readout S...

Page 68: ...Operating Information 2230 Service Figure 2 11 X Y Plotter interfacing ...

Page 69: ...ence either AV 1 or AV 2 and the time difference between cur sors When esither BOTH or B HORIZONTAL mode is selected the DELAY TIME POSITION is displayed Independent fields for CH 1 VOLTS DIV CH 2 VOLTS DIV A SEC DIV and B SEC DIV are provided When making ground referenced voltage measurements ground dot displayed and cursor on ground dot the A symbol is replaced by a ground symbol rh When the acq...

Page 70: ...e located on the oscilloscope s front panel SIGNAL CONNECTIONS Probes Generally the accessory probes supplied with the instrument provide the most convenient means of connect ing a signal to the vertical inputs of the instrument The probe and probe lead are shielded to prevent pickup of electromagnetic interference and the 10X attenuation fac tor of the probe offers a high input impedance that min...

Page 71: ...ground through the input coupling capacitor and a high resistance value This series combination forms a precharging circuit that allows the input coupling capacitor to charge to the average dc voltage level of the signal applied to the input connector Thus any large voltage transients that may accidentally be generated are not applied to the vertical amplifier s input when the input coupling is sw...

Page 72: ... stable display with signal applied A SLOPE OUT plus button out B LEVEL B RUNS AFTER DELAY fully clockwise B SLOPE OUT plus button out HF REJECT OFF fully counterclockwise 2 Press in the POWER switch ON and set the instru ment controls to obtain a baseline trace Display A and B INTENSITY Midrange STORAGE READOUT INTENSITY Midrange with READOUT on FOCUS Best defined display Storage STORE NON STORE ...

Page 73: ...is attached to the CH 1 OR X input 3 Remove the hook tip from the end of each probe NOTE While the probe tip is in the PRB ADJ connector use care not to to break off the probe tip 4 Insert the Channel 1 probe tip into the PRB ADJ connector 5 Use the CH 1 POSITION control to vertically center the display If necessary adjust the A TRIGGER LEVEL control to obtain a stable display on the plus OUT SLOP...

Page 74: ...rement of the calibra tor period are within 2 15 Set the STORE NON STORE switch to the NON 4 Turn the Vertical POSITION control to align the STORE position button out baseline trace with the center horizontal graticule line 5 Position the active cursor to the second vertical graticule line using the CURSORS Position control 16 Determine the horizontal graticule measurement of the probe adjust sign...

Page 75: ...instrument refer to the basic block diagram Figure 3 1 and to the detailed block diagrams located in the Diagrams section of this manual Each major block in the diagram represents a major circuit within the instru ment In Figure 3 1 the numbered diamond symbol in each block indicates the schematic diagram number Much of the analog portion of the oscilloscope operates without direction from the Mic...

Page 76: ...Theory of Operation 2230 Service 4999 01 3 2 Figure 3 1 Simplified block diagram ...

Page 77: ...RE mode signals are picked off in the Preamplifier and are not bandwidth limited by the BW LIMIT switch Triggering The Triggering circuitry uses either the Internal Trigger signal obtained from the input signal s an External Trigger signal or a Line Trigger signal derived from the ac power source to develop trigger signals for the Sweep Generator The Auto Trigger circuit sets the range of the Trig...

Page 78: ...instructions addressing and data transfers is provided by an external crystal controlled oscillator that drives the Microprocessor clock generator The Microprocessor clock circuit further divides the input clock frequency to generate two lower clock frequencies The clock circuit also generates the Ready and Reset con trol signals to the Microprocessor Storage front panel control settings are passe...

Page 79: ... busses to memory Acquisition mode is controlled in part by the Micropro cessor via data latched into the Acquisition Mode Register see also Time Base Mode Register in this section These data bits select the channel or channels to be acquired enable the XY mode enable MIN MAX acquisi tion control the Swap function for reordering data and select the Test function for diagnostics Acquisition clock s...

Page 80: ... also generated to drive the crt Z Axis Amplifier for Stored waveform and Readout intensity control Control signals to the Microprocessor and Display Memory are generated in response to a processor read write request Digital to analog converters take the digital data bytes supplied from the Display Memory via the Display Con troller and change them to the X and Y Axis analog signals that drive the...

Page 81: ... controlled by the instrument s storage circuitry ANALOG CIRCUITRY The instrument has full conventional oscilloscope capa bilities with all the associated analog circuitry Signal pickoff points and signal insertion points connect the ana log portion of the instrument to the digital operating system to acquire and display the stored waveforms The digital circuitry enhances the analog display by pro...

Page 82: ...Theory of Operation 2230 Service 510 499 9 02 Figure 3 2 Block diagram of the Channel 1 Attenuator circuit 3 8 ...

Page 83: ...e attenuator s output impedance is 75 ohms at all VOLTS DIV switch settings The VOLTS DIV switch S10 determines whether the Paraphase Amplifier receives a signal attenuated by a factor of 1 no attenua tion 2 4 or 10 Paraphase Amplifier Paraphase Amplifier U30 converts the single ended sig nal from the Low Impedance Attenuator into a differential signal for the Vertical Preamplifier Included in the...

Page 84: ...mplifier input transis tors Unequal collector currents from Q114 and Q115 go to the input transistors to introduce the vertical position offset to the Channel 1 NON STORE signal Output signals from Q114 and Q115 are applied to a Storage Vertical Position conditioning circuit where dc offset adjust ments provide tracking corrections between the vertical positions of the NON STORE and the STORE sign...


Page 86: ...cal deflection analog sig nals are applied to the Delay Line Driver input The store waveform display is determined by the Display Controller The nonstore output transistors are biased off by set ting pins 9 and 12 of U7201 LO The forward bias is removed and the nonstore path is disabled Pin 7 of U7201 is switched LO in STORE mode Inverter U7202B inverts the LO supplying forward bias to the store o...

Page 87: ...rcuit The circuit formed by Q283 Q284 Q285 and associ ated components acts to vertically position the Nonstore B trace with respect to the Nonstore A trace in BOTH Hor izontal mode In the B Sweep interval the SEP signal from the Alternate Display Switching circuit Diagram 6 is LO and Q283 is biased off This puts A B SWP SEP poten tiometer R280 in the circuit where it can affect the bias level on o...

Page 88: ...Theory of Operation 2230 Service TO HORIZ OUTPUT TO B TRIGGER LEVEEL COMPARATOR TO A TRIGGER LEVEL COMPARATOR 49S9 04 3 14 Figure 3 4 Block diagram ot Trigger Amplifiers and Switching ...

Page 89: ...rator The A Internal Trigger Signal from the emitter of U350B is passed to the A Trigger Level Comparator through forward biased diode CR372 CHANNEL 1 For triggering from Channel 1 the A B INT switch is set to CH 1 The XY line connected to S555 is at ground potential holding pin 4 of U555B LO The out put of U555B is then also LO and the Channel 1 signal has a path through U310 At the same time the...

Page 90: ... the A SOURCE switch are sent to peak detector circuits formed by Q420 Q422 and Q421 Q423 via R420 These peak detectors track dc lev els and have high voltage transfer efficiency The circuit arrangement of the transistors produces very low thermal drift and reduces the effect of differences in transistor characteristics The positive and negative peak signal levels are stored by hold capacitors C41...

Page 91: ...ep generator When the TV Vertical Sync block occurs the polarity reverses turning Q487 off and providing a positive going signal to U506 pin 6 to initiate a sweep A SWEEP GENERATOR AND LOGIC The A Sweep Generator and Logic circuitry shown on Diagram 5 produces a linear voltage ramp that drives the Horizontal Preamplifier in the Nonstore mode The Sweep Generator circuits also produce gate signals t...

Page 92: ...Theory of Operation 2230 Service TO HORIZONTAL ANO B SHEEP GENERATOR TO Z AXIS 499 9 05 Figure 3 5 A Sweep Generator and Logic circuitry 3 18 ...

Page 93: ...seline circuit as described in the P P AUTO and TV FIELD part of the discussion that follows NORM When NORM Trigger mode is selected input pin 12 of U532D is held HI by S401B causing the gate output to also be HI The output of U532C is then LO and U506 pin 3 is not held HI Input pin 4 of U532A is held HI by S401C causing the output to be LO placing a LO on input pin 7 of dual flip flop U506 Trigge...

Page 94: ...of U532B LO The output of U532B holds U506 pin 3 LO and pin 2 HI and no sweeps can be started during X Y mode Nonstore X Axis deflection horizontal is determined by the CH 1 OR X input signal In STORE mode the A Sweep Logic circuit must run to produce the gating required to synchronize the Storage signal acquisition The Store signal forward biases CR7140 to override the XY signal and the A Sweep L...

Page 95: ...y circuit holds the D input of flip flop U670A LO via U660B At the start of hold off when the A Sweep is reset U680D pin 13 is strobed with an Alt Sync pulse negative transition The output of the NAND gate latch formed by U680C and U680D is latched HI and the output of U660F goes LO This places a LO on the S input of U670A and a HI on the R input causing the flip flop to reset The LO on pin 2 and ...

Page 96: ...ked Since only positive transitions on the clock input causes the flip flop to change output states two A Sweeps must occur to cause the flip flop output levels to switch Switching this way the crt first displays two A Intensified Sweeps then two Alternate B Sweeps SWP SEP Whenever the B Sweep is selected to drive the Horizontal Amplifier the Q output of U670B is HI This HI goes to U665C pin 10 th...

Page 97: ...s Magnified timing accuracy is adjusted using X I0 Gain potentiometer R754 MAG REGIS potentiometer R749 is adjusted for no horizontal shift at the center of the graticule as X I0 Magnifier is switched on and off A second set of contacts on S721 informs the Microprocessor whether X I0 Magnification is off or on The SEC DIV readout is automatically set to the correct scale factor and STORE mode wave...

Page 98: ...Theory of Operation 2230 Service 499 9 06 Figure 3 6 Horizontal Amplifier block diagram 3 24 ...

Page 99: ... held at ground potential by R990 When the multivibrator output switches states and is at the negative supply voltage level CR988 is reverse biased Diode CR989 becomes forward biased and the cir cuit output level drops to approximately 0 5 V MICROPROCESSOR AND STORE PANEL CONTROLS The Microprocessor shown on Diagram 14 directs the operation of the Storage and digital circuitry in the oscillo scope...

Page 100: ...ress 0FFFF0 and begins program execution Other interrupts to the Microprocessor cause vectoring to addresses that start the interrupt handling routines The NMI non maskable interrupt vector is at 00008 and the Maskable Interrupt INTR is vectored to 03FC both inter rupt vectors are in RAM Store Panel Controls and Buffer The open or closed position of the Storage Panel Con trols is passed to the Mic...

Page 101: ...t Mask Latch out Time Base Mode Register U4119 Time Base Divider Register U4113 41XXX INT RST 42XXX FRAME Display chip interrupt reset Display chip next frame 4377E 10 0 A7 437BE 10 0 A6 437DE 10 0 A5 437EE 10 0 A4 437F6 10 0 A3 437FA 10 0 A2 Acquisition Memory Address Buffer Low bits U3427 Acquisition Mode Register U3310 B Delay Timer U4123 Record Counter U4115 and U4116 Front Panel A D control U...

Page 102: ... at pins 2 and 15 for Channel 1 and pins 7 and 10 for Channel 2 Gain setting and compensation networks are connected between the emitters of both differential pairs in the emitter current source path A gain setting potentiometer R2118 for Channel 1 and R2108 for Channel 2 sets the acquisition gain for each channel Thermistors RT2101 and RT2111 temperature compensate the gain of the circuit Diodes ...

Page 103: ... ECL clocks to the ADC The sample bridge strobe pulse is developed from the ADC clock signals by U2203B U2203A and the RC circuit composed of R2270 and C2225 The uninverted output of U2203C CLK A D is applied to pin 4 of OR NOR gate U2203A where its signal transitions are seen immediately The inverted output of U2203C CLK A D must charge C2225 through R2270 to the switching threshold of U2203B bef...

Page 104: ...o the MIN MAX Registers MIN MAX Registers Data is latched into the MIN MAX Registers in four different ways depending on the acquisition mode The MINCLK and MAXCLK clocking signals are selected by MIN MAX Clock Selector multiplexer U3309 The mode selected determines the actual clock signals that latch data into the MIN MAX Registers For Sampling mode the data is latched by ODDCLK and ODDCLK to pla...

Page 105: ...Theory of Operation 2230 Service 3 31 Figure 3 7 Sampling mode acquisition timing at 0 05 jiS per division ADCLK CONV 20 MHz ...

Page 106: ...lip flop U3306B and pin 9 remains HI With a LO MIN MAX signal on control input 1 and a HI from flip flop U3306B on con trol input 0 the multiplexer selects the sampling mode clocks ODDCLK and ODDCLK to clock data into the MIN MAX Registers When MIN MAX U3310 pin 14 goes HI the set is removed from U3306A and the flip flop becomes reset by the LO on pin 1 On the next rising edge of CONV the LO is cl...

Page 107: ... 2230 Service CONV U4102B 10 ADCLK U4102A 6 SAVECLK U4125B 9 EVENCLK U3101B 9 BUFFERCLK U3103A 5 MINCLK CHI U3309 7 MAXCLK CH2 U3309 9 IN IT STROBE U3309 14 3 33 Figure 3 8 MIN MAX Acquisition timing at 20 ps per division ...

Page 108: ... U3307B will be HI and SWAP will be LO enabling the nonswapping buffers U3236 and U3239 If a NEWMIN MINCLK occurred last pin 13 of U3308D will be LO When that LO is clocked through U3307B NAND gate U3313B goes LO passing and inverting the DATAEN ena bling signal That makes SWAP LO and the swapping buffers U3237 and U3238 are enabled placing the Max data into the Acquisition Memory that the process...

Page 109: ...tely transfer data clocked in by BUFFERCLK to the memory data buses CHANNEL SELECT When only Channel 1 or Channel 2 is selected the Microprocessor controls the choice via the Acquisition Mode Register For Channel 1 only the Microprocessor sets the CHI line LO which sets U3102A and holds the CHAN1 line LO CHAN1 switches the analog Channel Switch U2101 on Diagram 16 to select and apply the Channel 1...

Page 110: ...e Microprocessor is either reading from or writing to memory The RD signal is inverted to pin 2 of the multiplexer by U3416A and is again inverted to pin 4 by the multiplexer When the memory is enabled for reading stored data pin 4 is LO RD The ASQSEL signal is inverted by U3416B and applied to pin 5 of the multiplexer It is again inverted through the multiplexer to a LO enabling the memory out pu...

Page 111: ...Theory of Operation 2230 Service 3 37 Figure 3 9 Acquisition Memory timing ...

Page 112: ...ing data Memory locations are then read and transferred to the display RAM Diagram 15 At the end of the read the address count is reset to the pre viously stored address to resume storing more data pairs into the Acquisition Memory Acquisition Memory Address Registers These registers pass the address count onto the Microprocessor data bus when enabled Registers U3427 and U3428 are enabled during d...

Page 113: ... Y4100 8 ADCLK 20MHZ U4102A 6 CONV CLK 20MHZ U4102B 10 WRITECLK 10MHZ U4104A 6 HI RNGB U4103 2 LO 20 iS D IV to 5 S D IV 40MHz CLOCK Y4100 8 ADCLK 20MHz U4102A 6 CONV CLK 10MHz U4102B 10 WRITECLK 5MHZ U4104A 6 H I RNGB U4103 2 LO 999 35 3 39 Figure 3 10 Clock timing ...

Page 114: ...ter the data settles the 10 2 signal goes HI The rising transition is gated through OR gate U4114C to clock the data into the register The data bits loaded determine the number of times the CONV 10 MHz clock is divided to pro duce the SAVECLK frequency Flip flop U4125A divides the output of the divider chain by two An external signal may be used to clock the digital acquisition system TTL level si...

Page 115: ... 10 MHz 1 MHz 2 MHz DIVIDER 2 1 0 0 1 ms 10 MHz 0 5 MHz 1 MHz DIVIDER 2 1 0 0 2 ms 10 MHz 0 25 MHz 0 5 MHz DIVIDER 2 1 0 0 5 ms 10 MHz 0 1 MHz 0 2 MHz DIVIDER 2 1 0 1 ms 10 MHz 50 kHz 100 kHz DIVIDER 2 1 0 2 ms 10 MHz 25 kHz 50 kHz DIVIDER 2 1 0 5 ms 10 MHz 10 kHz 20 kHz DIVIDER 2 1 0 10 ms 10 MHz 5 kHz 10 kHz DIVIDER 2 1 0 20 ms 10 MHz 2 5 kHz 5 kHz DIVIDER 2 1 0 50 ms j 10 MHz 1 kHz 2 kHz DIVIDE...

Page 116: ...sition of two bytes SAVECLK U4125B pin 9 goes HI setting U4118B A HI at pin 9 of U4118B is inverted by U4120B generating a LO INTR the maskable interrupt at U4120B pin 4 To clear the interrupt the Microprocessor makes TBMODE U4114D pin 11 LO This resets U4118B removing the interrupt TRIGGERED INTERRUPT Triggered interrupts are gen erated when triggers occur after first being enabled by the Micropr...

Page 117: ...mparator When the capacitor s voltage drops to the comparison voltage the output of the comparator goes HI That HI is applied to NAND gate U4106 the Set input of flip flop U4232A The flip flop has been toggling on the CONV clock so depending on the state of the Q output when the comparator changes state the flip flop will either be set immediately if the Q state is HI or as soon as the logic state...

Page 118: ...ansceiver U9206 is enabled for 8 bit data transfers and transceiver U9207 is enabled for 4 bit transfers A ddress D ecoder To access a byte in RAM a row address followed by a column address is required Row and column memory addresses are written together as one address word from the Microprocessor Address Decoders U9204 and U9205 are switched by the ROW COL signal from the Display Controller to se...

Page 119: ...ctively connect the dots which are equivalent to the digital data values These circuits also have a dot mode available so that the integrator outputs are stepped dots rather than con tinuous vectors When the VECT DOT signal is LO U6301A and C switch the integrator inputs directly to the difference signals while also disconnecting the integration capacitors C6315 and C6314 The feedback loops are th...

Page 120: ...A to reduce the positioning effect on the characters This action is controlled by the HPOS DlS signal from the display controller Plot Drive When plot mode is on the display controller activates the PLT EN signal causing U6301B to apply the VECT SMPL signal to the PEN DN line via U6404A and U6402E and the display controller internal modes change so that VECT SMPL provides the pen down control func...

Page 121: ... amplifier to drive the input resistance of U6105 while maintaining fairly high load impedance for U6106 and U6108 U6107B and U6107C are differential amplifiers which convert the differential vertical position signals to single voltage levels within the range of the measuring system POWER INPUT PREREGULATOR AND INVERTER The Power Supply see Diagram 8 and Diagram 9 changes the ac power line voltage...

Page 122: ...trument protection from excessive output voltage is supplied by silicon controlled rectifier Q935 Should the Preregulator output voltage exceed 51 V zener diode VR935 conducts causing Q935 to also conduct The Preregulator output current is then shunted through Q935 and the output voltage quickly drops to zero With the supply voltage of U930 no longer being provided by the winding connected to pins...

Page 123: ...R841 sets the transresistance gain for changing the input current to a proportional output voltage Emitter follower Q835 is dc coupled to Q840 and for low speed signals Q845 acts as a current source Fast transitions couple through C845 providing added current gain through Q845 for fast voltage swings at the output of the Amplifier Store Z Axis signals controlled by the Display Con troller are appl...

Page 124: ...eam Find circuitry The out put voltage of Q835 is set to a level that displays either a bright trace or dot depending on whether the sweep is triggered or not and the INTENSITY controls and the Z Axis drive signals have no control over the crt intensity Hv Multiplier Dc Restorer and Crt The Dc Restorer circuit sets the crt control grid bias and couples the ac and dc components of the Z Axis Amplif...

Page 125: ...e voltage if the potential on either the control grid or the cathode is lost for any reason High voltage multiplier U975 uses the 2 kV winding of T948 to generate 12 kV to drive the crt anode An internal half wave rectifier diode in the multiplier produces 2 kV for the crt cathode The 2 kV supply is filtered by a low pass filter formed by C975 C976 R976 R978 and C979 Neon lamp DS870 protects again...

Page 126: ...try simply lowers the plotter pen with a Y T strip chart recorder the pen down circuitry is actually a motor drive control circuit This double duty is accomplished by providing the Pen Down signal to the operational amplifier about 1 s prior to the signals being provided to X Y plot output circuitry This allows the motor to have time to start up before signals are applied to the Y plot output circ...

Page 127: ... accomplish both the Per formance Check Procedure in this section and the Adjustment Procedure in Section 5 Test equipment specifications described in Table 4 1 are the minimum necessary to provide accurate results Therefore equip ment used must meet or exceed the listed specifications Detailed operating instructions for test equipment are not given in this procedure If more operating information ...

Page 128: ...uency Generator Range 1 kHz to 500 kHz Output amplitude 300 mV Output impedance 600 Q Reference fre quency constant within 0 3 dB of reference frequency as output fre quency changes Low frequency trigger checks TEKTRONIX SG 502 Oscillator 5 Pulse Generator Repetition rate 1 kHz Output ampli tude 5 V External clock and storage checks TEKTRONIX PG 501 Pulse Generator 6 Test Oscilloscope with 10X Pro...

Page 129: ...ange 4 6 5 Check Acquisition Position Registration 4 6 6 Check Non Store Aberrations 4 6 7 Check Store Aberrations 4 7 8 Check Bandwidth 4 7 9 Check Repetitive Store Mode and Bandwidth 4 8 10 Check Single Sweep Sample Acquisition 4 8 11 Check Bandwidth Limit Operation 4 8 12 CheckCommon Mode Rejection Ratio 4 8 13 Check Non Store and Store Channel Isolation 4 9 14 CheckStore Mode Cross Talk 4 10 1...

Page 130: ...OSITION CURS POSITION CURS SELECT WAVEFORM button in WAVEFORM REFERENCE WAVEFORM REFERENCE MENU SELECT button in 1 Check Deflection Accuracy and Variable Range a Connect the standard amplitude signal from the Calibration Generator via a 50 Q cable to the CH 1 OR X input connector b CHECK Deflection accuracy is within the limits given in Table 4 2 for each CH 1 VOLTS DIV switch set ting and corresp...

Page 131: ...1 V 0 5 V 4 90 to 5 10 0 490 to 0 510 V 0 2 V 1 V 4 90 to 5 10 0 980 to 1 020 V 0 5 V 2 V 3 92 to 4 08 1 960 to 2 040 V 1 V 5 V 4 90 to 5 10 4 90 to 5 10 V 2 V 10 V 4 90 to 5 10 9 80 to 10 20 V 5 V 20 V 3 92 to 4 08 19 60 to 20 40 V d Move the cable from the CH 2 OR Y input connector to the CH 1 OR X input connector set the VERTICAL MODE switch to CH 1 e Repeat parts b and c using the Channel 1 co...

Page 132: ...bottom hor izontal graticule line using the Channel 2 POSITION con trol f Repeat parts c and d using the Channel 1 controls l Set SAVE CONTINUE switch to SAVE button in m CHECK Trace shift of 0 5 division or less g Disconnect the test equipment from the instrument 5 Check Acquisition Position Registration a Set VOLTS DIV both AC GND DC both A SEC DIV SAVE CONTINUE 10 mV GND 10 ns CONTINUE button o...

Page 133: ...ORE STORE button in SAVE CONTINUE CONTINUE button out e Allow acquisition cycle to complete and press in the SAVE CONTINUE button to SAVE button in f CHECK Display aberrations are wjthin 4 0 2 divi l sion or less g Repeat part f for each of the following VOLTS DIV switch settings 5 mV through 0 5 V Adjust the generator output and attach or remove the 10X attenuator as neces sary to maintain a 5 di...

Page 134: ...a 50 kHz 6 division display c Set A SEC DIV 0 05 ms X I0 Magnifier On knob out d Set the generator output to 2 MHz e Set the AC GND DC switch to DC f CHECK The minimum peak to peak envelope amplitude is greater than 5 6 divisions d Set the generator to produce a 100 MHz display e Set STORE NON STORE STORE button in SAVE CONTINUE CONTINUE button out NOTE Allow the points to accumulate for a few sec...

Page 135: ...s to BOTH and ADD c Set the generator to produce a 50 MHz 5 division display f CHECK Display amplitude is 0 6 division or less d Set the VERTICAL MODE switch to CH 2 g If the check in part f meets the requirement skip to part p If it does not continue with part h e CHECK Display amplitude is 0 05 division or less h Set the VERTICAL MODE switch to CH 1 f Move the cable from the CH 1 OR X input conn...

Page 136: ... button out SCAN button out 1K button in b Set the generator to produce a 1 ms period 100 ns pulse duration 5 division display C Set the STORE NON STORE switch to STORE d Use the Channel 1 POSITION control to center the button in display e Set CH 1 VOLTS DIV switch to 50 mV for a 10 division display f CHECK Display amplitude on Channel 2 is less than 1 0 1 division g Set the A SEC DIV switch to 10...

Page 137: ...instrument 1 Set A SEC DIV 1 ms 16 Check Average Mode a Set the WAVEFORM REFERENCE MENU SELECT switch to MENU SELECT button out STORE NON STORE NON STORE button out ROLUSCAN SCAN button out b Use the Menu controls to select SWP LIMIT m Set the generator to produce a 1 ms period 20 tS pulse duration 5 division display c CHECK The SWP LIMIT is adjustable from 1 to 2047 or NO LIMIT by rotating the CU...

Page 138: ...ntrol to align the B DELAY TIME POSITION Fully counterclockwise 2nd time marker with the 2nd vertical graticule line BTRIGGER SLOPE OUT e CHECK Timing accuracy is within 2 0 16 divi LEVEL Fully clockwise sion at the 10th vertical graticule line and linearity is within 5 0 1 division over any 2 of the center 8 A TRIGGER divisions VAR HOLDOFF NORM Mode P P AUTO NOTE SLOPE OUT LEVEL Midrange For chec...

Page 139: ...ical graticule line c Use the CURSORS control and SELECT C1 C2 switch to set one cursor exactly on the 2nd vertical grati cule line and position the active cursor to the right using the CURSORS control until AT readout displays 0 800 ms d CHECK Graticule indication of cursor difference at the 10th vertical graticule line is within 0 16 division h Select 10 ns time markers from the time mark genera...

Page 140: ... A B SWP SEP control is rotated fully clockwise and counter clockwise respectively 4 Check Delay Time Differential Accuracy a Use the Horizontal POSITION control to align the start of the A Sweep with the 1st vertical graticule line b Set the B DELAY TIME POSITION control fully counterclockwise c CHECK Intensified portion of the trace starts within 0 5 division of the start of the sweep d Rotate t...

Page 141: ...e line by rotating the Horizontal POSITION control fully clockwise d CHECK The 11th time marker can be positioned to the left of the center vertical graticule line by rotating the Horizontal POSITION control fully counterclockwise e Select 50 ms time markers from the time mark generator f Align the 3rd time marker with the center vertical graticule line using the Horizontal POSITION control g Set ...

Page 142: ...ECK Display is 4 85 to 5 15 horizontal divisions d CHECK For 2 time markers per division over the center 8 divisions f Disconnect the test equipment from the instrument 11 Check X Bandwidth a Set the STORE NON STORE switch to NON STORE button out 9 Check Non Store Sweep Length a Set b Connect the leveled sine wave generator output via a 50 Q cable and a 50 Q termination to the CH 1 OR X SEC DIV Va...

Page 143: ...EDURE STEPS Horizontal 1 Check Internal A and B Triggering POSITION HORIZONTAL MODE A and B SEC DIV SEC DIV Variable X I0 Magnifier B DELAY TIME POSITION Midrange A 0 2 ms CAL detent Off knob in Fully counterclockwise a Connect the leveled sine wave generator output via a 50 ft cable and a 50 9 termination to the CH 1 OR X input connector b Set the generator to produce a 10 MHz 3 5 division displa...

Page 144: ...ough f s Set VERTICAL MODE CH 2 HORIZONTAL MODE A A B INT CH2 t Move the cable from the CH 1 OR X input connector to the CH 2 OR Y input connector u Repeat parts d through f v Disconnect the test equipment from the instrument 2 Check HF Reject A Triggering a Set VERTICAL MODE CH 1 VOLTS DIV both 50 mV HORIZONTAL MODE A A SEC DIV 5 ns X I0 Magnifier Off knob in A TRIGGER Mode NORM A TRIGGER LEVEL M...

Page 145: ...tive slope of the waveform as the A TRIGGER LEVEL control is rotated d CHECK Display is not triggered no trace at either extreme of rotation e Set the A TRIGGER SLOPE button to IN f CHECK Display is triggered along the entire nega tive slope of the waveform as the A TRIGGER LEVEL control is rotated g CHECK Display is not triggered no trace at either extreme of rotation d CHECK Stable display can b...

Page 146: ...ertical graticule line below the Menu f Set the PRETRIG POST TRIG switch to PRETRIG button in g CHECK The A TRIG POS default number is 3584 and the trigger point T appears near the 9th vertical grat icule line below the Menu h Set the IK 4K switch to 1K button in i CHECK The A TRIG POS default number is 896 and the trigger point T appears near the 9th vertical grat icule line below the Menu j Set ...

Page 147: ... TRIG button out ROLL SCAN SCAN button out 1K 4K 4K button out POSITION CURS POSITION CURS SELECT WAVEFORM button in WAVEFORM REFERENCE WAVEFORM REFERENCE MENU SELECT button in PROCEDURE STEPS 1 Check External Z Axis Operation a Connect the leveled sine wave generator output via a 50 0 cable and a T connector to the CH 1 OR X input connector Then connect a 50 Q cable and a 50 Q termina tion from t...

Page 148: ...scale C Set the WAVEFORM REFERENCE MENU SELECT switch to MENU SELECT button out d Use the Menu controls to select PLOT and then ON for GRATICULE NOTE The next menu selection Is only valid if the instru ment contains one of the communication options e Use the Menu controls to select PLOT and then XY for FORMAT f Use the Menu controls to select PLOT START g Press in momentarily the CURSORS button to...

Page 149: ...is important that test equipment used for making these checks meet or exceed the specifications described in Table 4 1 When considering use of equipment other than that recommended utilize the Minimum Specification column to determine whether available test equipment will suffice Detailed operating instructions for test equipment are not given in this procedure If more operating information is req...

Page 150: ...erforming any procedure in this section set the POWER switch to ON and allow a 20 minute warm up period The most accurate display adjustments are made with a stable well fccused low intensity display Unless other wise noted adjust the INTENSITY FOCUS and TRIGGER LEVEL controls as needed to view the display Table 5 1 Adjustments Affected by Repairs REPAIRS MADE INTERNAL ADJUSTMENTS AFFECTED D _i z ...

Page 151: ...le Sweep Sample Acquisition 5 17 29 Check Non Store and Store ChannelIsolation 5 17 30 Check Common Mode Rejection Ratio 5 18 31 Check Probe Encoding 5 18 Horizontal Page 1 Adjust Horizontal Amplifier Gain 5 19 2 Adjust X I0 Horizontal Amplifier Gain 5 20 3 Adjust Magnifier Registration 5 20 4 Check Sweep Length 5 20 5 Check Position Range 5 20 6 Check Variable Range 5 20 7 Adjust Check 4K to IK D...

Page 152: ...Variable CAL detent b CHECK Voltmeter reading is 8 56 to 8 64 V If X I0 Magnifier Off knob in the reading is within these limits skip to part d A TRIGGER c ADJUST The 8 6 V Adj potentiometer R938 for VAR HOLDOFF NORM a voltmeter reading of 8 6 V Mode P P AUTO SLOPE OUT LEVEL Midrange d CHECK Voltage levels of the remaining power HF REJECT OFF supplies listed in Table 5 2 are within the specified l...

Page 153: ... a Position the trace to the center horizontal graticule line b ADJUST The front panel TRACE ROTATION con trol for optimum alignment of the trace with the center hor izontal graticule line 5 Adjust Geometry R870 a Set CH 1 VOLTS DIV 50mV A SEC DIV 0 1ms b Connect 50 ns time markers from the time mark generator via a 50 Q cable and a 50 ft termination to the CH 1 OR X input connector c Adjust the C...


Page 155: ...ositions of the CH 1 VOLTS DIV Variable control g Return the CH 1 VOLTS DIV Variable control to the CAL detent Adjustment Procedure 2230 Service 4 Adjust Channel 2 Invert Balance R75 a Set the VERTICAL MODE switch to CH 2 b Position the trace on the center horizontal graticule line using the Channel 2 POSITION control c Set the INVERT button to On button in d ADJUST Invert Bal R75 to set the trace...

Page 156: ...ct 5 division display m Set both AC GND DC switches to GND n CHECK That no trace shift occurs when switching between the 5 mV and 2 mV positions of the CH 1 VOLTS DIV switch If trace shift is observed repeat Step 2 of this procedure o Set the VERTICAL MODE switch to CH 2 p CHECK That no trace shift occurs when switching between the 5 mV and 2 mV positions of the CH 2 VOLTS DIV switch If trace shif...

Page 157: ...e cable from the CH 2 OR Y input connector to the CH 1 OR X input connector Set the VERTICAL MODE switch to CH 1 NOTE g Repeat parts c through e using the Channel 1 controls Instruments with serial numbers below B022102 skip to part g and continue with this step 9 Check Position Range a Set both VOLTS DIV switches to 50 mV f ADJUST Horizontal Acq Offset R6430 to position the sweep start of the dis...

Page 158: ...R Y input connector Set the VERTICAL MODE switch to CH 2 f R e p e at parts I through r for Channel 2 trace 11 Adjust Acquisition Gain R2108 and R2118 a Set A C G N D D C both S T O R E N O N STORE S A V E C O N T IN U E 1K 4K DC STORE button in CONTINUE button out 1K button in b Set the calibration generator output to 50 mV c Center the display within the graticule using the Channel 2 POSITION co...

Page 159: ...ticule line 14 Adjust Acquisition Position Offset R7325 and R7335 VERTICAL MODE CH 2 VOLTS DIV both 0 1 V AC GND DC both DC WAVEFORM WAVEFORM REFERENCE REFERENCE MENU SELECT button in a Set VERTICAL MODE BOTH and ALT AC GND DC both GND b Set the calibration generator to produce a 50 mV signal b Use the Menu controls to call up Calibrate Vertical Position procedure on the screen by selecting CAL_V_...

Page 160: ...e f Set the generator to produce a 5 division display NOTE Use Table 5 5 to identify the correct capacitor for each channel adjustment g ADJUST The 10X Attn Cl 2 for best front corner Table 5 5 Attenuator Compensation Adjustments Adjustment Channel 1 Channel 2 10X Attn LF Comp Cl 2 C62 10X Attn Input C C11 C61 100X Attn LF Comp C5 C55 100X Attn Input C C4 C54 h Replace the 50 S i cable and 50 S i ...

Page 161: ...the center horizontal graticule line using the Channel 1 POSITION control e ADJUST HF Comp C237 for 2 overshoot 0 1 division on the displayed signal 18 Check Chop Operation a Set f ADJUST HF Comp R240 and R241 for best flat top on the front corner VERTICAL MODE BOTH and CHOP g Repeat parts e and f until no further improvement is A SEC DIV 1 nS noted A B INT VERT MODE A SOURCE EXT h Set the CH 1 VO...

Page 162: ...ine using the Channel 2 POSITION control h CHECK Display aberrations are within 4 0 2 division or less d ADJUST 2mV Peak C76 for 2 overshoot of the displayed signal i Move the cable from the CH 1 OR X input connector to the CH 2 OR Y input connector Set the VERTICAL MODE switch to CH 2 e Move the cable from the CH 2 OR Y input connector to the CH 1 OR X input connector Set the VERTICAL MODE switch...

Page 163: ...tch to 50 mV for a 10 division display f CHECK Display amplitude on Channel 1 is less than 1 0 1 division g Set the A SEC DIV switch to 10 ms h CHECK Display amplitude on Channel 1 is less than 1 0 1 division i Move the cable from the CH 2 OR Y input connector to the CH 1 OR X input connector j Set CH 2 VOLTS DIV 0 1 V Channel 1 AC GND DC AC Channel 2 AC GND DC GND k Use the Channel 1 POSITION con...

Page 164: ...ator Switch Setting Output Frequency 2 mV 80 MHz 5 mV to 5 V 100 MHz d Repeat parts b and c for all CH 1 VOLTS DIV switch settings up to the output voltage upper limit of the sine wave generator being used 25 Check Bandwidth Limit Operation a Set Vertical POSITION both VERTICAL MODE BW LIMIT VOLTS DIV Variable both AC GND DC both A SEC DIV STORE NON STORE Midrange CH 1 On button in CAL detent DC 2...

Page 165: ...rom the CH 2 OR V input connector to the CH 1 OR X input connector i Repeat parts f and g f Set 28 Check Single Sweep Sample Acquisition a Set VERTICAL MODE CH 2 Channel 1 AC GND DC DC Channel 2 AC GND DC GND VERTICAL MODE A SEC DIV X I0 Magnifier A TRIGGER Mode A B INT SAVE CONTINUE 1K 4K CH 2 5 iS Off knob in NORM CH 2 CONTINUE button out 1K button in g CHECK Display amplitude is 0 05 division o...

Page 166: ... j Set the VERTICAL MODE switch to BOTH k Adjust the CH 1 or CH 2 VOLTS DIV Variable con trol for minimum display amplitude I Set the VERTICAL MODE switch to CH 1 m Set the generator to produce a 50 MHz 6 division display n Set the VERTICAL MODE switch to BOTH o CHECK Display amplitude is 0 6 division or less p Disconnect the test equipment from the instrument 31 Check Probe Encoding a Set VOLTS D...

Page 167: ...e A 0 1 ms CAL detent Off knob in Fully counterclockwise OUT Fully clockwise STORE NON STORE SAVE CONTINUE PRETRIG POST TRIG ROLL SCAN 1K 4K POSITION CURS SELECT WAVEFORM WAVEFORM REFERENCE MENU SELECT NON STORE button out CONTINUE button out POST TRIG button out SCAN button out 4K button out POSITION CURS button in WAVEFORM REFERENCE button in PROCEDURE STEPS 1 Adjust Horizontal Am plifier Gain R...

Page 168: ... time markers from the time mark generator c CHECK Start of the sweep can be positioned to the right of the center vertical graticule line by rotating the Horizontal POSITION control fully clockwise d CHECK The 11th time marker can be positioned to the left of the center vertical graticule line by rotating the Horizontal POSITION control fully counterclockwise e Select 50 is time markers from the ...

Page 169: ...ove ment is noted e Set the Store Reset plug P9104 to normal position j Rotate the B DELAY TIME POSITION control until the 2nd A Sweep time marker is aligned with a selected reference vertical graticule line on the B Sweep Record f Select 0 1 ms time markers from the time mark gen erator and check that the time markers are 2 divisions apart the DLY readout for part 1 g Rotate the SEC DIV Variable ...

Page 170: ...within 2 0 16 divi sion at the 10th vertical graticule line and linearity is within 5 0 1 division over any 2 of the center 8 divisions NOTE For checking the timing accuracy of the A SEC DiV switch settings from 50 ms to 0 5 s watch the time marker tips only at the 2nd and 10th vertical grati cule lines while adjusting the Horizontal POSITION control f Repeat parts c through e for the remaining A ...

Page 171: ...fied portion of the trace is past the 11th vertical graticule line g Set the A and B SEC DIV switch to 0 5 ms h Repeat parts b through f i Set Channel 1 AC GND DC DC B SEC DIV 0 05 fis B DELAY TIME POSITION Fully counterclockwise j Select 0 5 ms time markers from the time mark generator k Rotate the B DELAY TIME POSITION control so that the top of the 2nd time marker on the B Sweep is aligned with...

Page 172: ...tal graticule line c ADJUST CDT X C4202 to horizontally align the vertical trace with the center vertical graticule line Both traces will intersect within the center box d Repeat part b and c until both traces are aligned with the center graticule lines within the boxes c Rotate the B DELAY TIME POSITION control coun terclockwise to position a time marker within the graticule area for each major d...

Page 173: ...ker with the 2nd vertical graticule line NOTE Allow the points to accumulate for a few seconds before saving the display q Repeat parts h through k NOTE Pulses with fast rise and fall times have only a few sample points and it may not be possible to place the cursors at exactly the same voltage levels r CHECK The AT readout is between 397 0 ns and 403 0 ns 18 Check Store Expansion Range a Set A SE...

Page 174: ... the instrument 21 Check X Y Store a Set the STORE NON STORE switch to STORE button in 23 Check A Sweep Holdoff a Set b Set the generator to produce a 50 mV signal X Y Off button out HORIZONTAL MODE A A SEC DIV 1 ms VAR HOLDOFF NORM c CHECK The display can be move vertically and horizontally with the Channel 2 POSITION and Horizontal POSITION controls b Connect the test oscilloscope and its 10X pr...


Page 176: ... CH 1 VOLTS DIV 50 mV A TRIGGER SLOPE OUT A TRIGGER LEVEL Fully clockwise b Set the leveled sine wave generator to produce a 50 kHz 6 division display c Set the CH 1 VOLTS DIV switch to 0 5 V d ADJUST P P Auto Level R434 so that the vertical display just solidly triggers on the positive peak of the signal e Set A TRIGGER SLOPE IN A TRIGGER LEVEL Fullycounterclockwise f ADJUST P P Auto Level R435 s...

Page 177: ... input connector to the CH 1 OR X input connector p Repeat parts e through g q Set HORIZONTAL MODE A A SEC DIV 0 05 ms r Set the generator to produce a 100 MHz 1 5 division display u Move the cable from the CH 1 OR X input connector to the CH 2 OR Y input connector v Repeat parts e through g w Disconnect the test equipment from the instrument 5 Check HF Reject A Triggering a Set VERTICAL MODE CH 1...

Page 178: ...1 OR X and EXT INPUT connectors e Set the A TRIGGER SLOPE button to IN f CHECK Display is triggered along the entire nega tive slope of the waveform as the A TRIGGER LEVEL control is rotated c Set the leveled sine wave generator output voltage to 35 mV and the frequency to 10 MHz g CHECK Display is not triggered no trace at either extreme of rotation d CHECK Stable display can be obtained by adjus...

Page 179: ...al graticule line below the Menu f Set the PRETRIG POST TRIG switch to PRETRIG button in g CHECK The A TRIG POS default number is 3584 and the trigger point T appears near the 9th vertical grat icule line below the Menu h Set the 1K 4K switch to IK button in i CHECK The A TRIG POS default number is 896 and the trigger point T appears near the 9th vertical grat icule line below the Menu j Set the P...

Page 180: ...izontal POSITION Midrange c CHECK For noticeable intensity modulation The HORIZONTAL MODE A positive part ol the sine wave should be of lower intensity A SEC DIV 20 ms than the negative part SEC DIV Variable CAL detent X I0 Magnifier Off knob in d Disconnect the test equipment from the instrument A TRIGGER VAR HOLDOFF NORM Mode P P AUTO 2 Check Probe Adjust Operation SLOPE OUT LEVEL Midrange a Set...

Page 181: ...d of the X Y Plotter connector Connect the volts lead to pin 3 X Output of the X Y Plotter connector b Set the digital voltmeter to the 20 V scale C Set the WAVEFORM REFERENCE MENU SELECT switch to MENU SELECT button out d Use the Menu controls to select PLOT and then ON for GRATICULE e Press in momentarily the CURSORS button to activate the X Y Plotter NOTE Voltage reading of the X Output will be...

Page 182: ... or on a metal rail Label any package that contains static sensitive com ponents or assemblies 3 Discharge the static voltage from your body by wearing a grounded antistatic wrist strap while handling these components Servicing static sensitive components or assemblies should be performed only at a static free work station by qualified service personnel 4 Nothing capable of generating or holding a...

Page 183: ...y isopropyl alcohol or a solution of 1 mild detergent with 99 water Before using any other type of cleaner con sultyour Tektronix Service Center or representative Exterior INSPECTION Inspect the external portions of the instrument for damage wear and missing parts use Table 6 2 as a guide Instruments that appear to have been dropped or otherwise abused should be checked thoroughly to verify correc...

Page 184: ...ating Clean solder corrosion with an eraser and flush with isopropyl alcohol Resolder defec tive connections Determine cause of burned items and repair Repair defective circuit runs Resistors Burned cracked broken blistered Replace defective resistors Check for cause of burned component and repair as necessary Solder Connections Cold solder or rosin joints Resolder joint and clean with isopropyl a...

Page 185: ...LTS DIV and SEC DIV switches are mounted on circuit boards within the instru ment Care must be exercised to preserve the high frequency characteristics of these switches Switch maintenance is seldom necessary but if required use this procedure 1 Cam activated VOLTS DIV Attenuator switches Most spray type circuit coolants contain Freon 12 as a propellant Because many Freons adversely affect switch ...

Page 186: ...lpful while troubleshooting TROUBLESHOOTING AIDS Diagnostic Firmware The operating firmware in this instrument contains diagnostic routines that aid in locating malfunctions of the digital storage portions of the instrument When instrument power is applied power up kernel tests are performed to verify proper operation of the instrument s microprocessor RAM and ROM If a failure is detected this inf...

Page 187: ...s of each component on the circuit board illustration Near each circuit board illustration is an alphanumeric listing of all components mounted on that board The second column in each listing identifies the schematic j diagram in which each component can be found These component locator tables are especially useful when more than one schematic diagram is associated with a particular circuit board ...

Page 188: ...rn off POWER switch before placing the Storage circuit board in Servicing Position While servicing the interior of the instrument the Storage circuit board may be latched in the Servicing Posi tion See the Storage Circuit Board in Servicing Position in the Removal and Replacement Instructions part of this section The two signal leads of the four wire connec tors P2111 and P2112 need to be grounded...

Page 189: ...onnect connector P9320 from the front of the Main board A1 14 Disconnect connector P9301 P8100 if the instru ment contains Option 10 or Option 12 from the middle left corner of the X Y Plotter board Kernel Isolation The Kernel Microprocessor Clock and Address Latch may be isolated from the rest of the circuitry The Kernel can then be troubleshot When the Kernel is functional the power up diagnosti...

Page 190: ...Maintenance 2230 Service 999 14 Figure 6 3 Isolated kernel timing 6 9 ...

Page 191: ...1 to 5 100 4 227 to 4 752 3 2 to 5 0 1 ms 2 716 to 3 742 0 V 5 V 4 591 to 5 100 3 547 to 4 226 3 2 to 5 0 0 5 ms 0 250 to 1 150 5 V 0 V 4 591 to 5 100 2 510 to 3 546 1 3 to 3 2 0 2 ms 4 591 to 5 100 5 V 0 V 1 109 to 2 715 1 548 to 2 509 1 3 to 3 2 0 1 ms 4 591 to 5 100 5 V 0 V 0 350 to 1 105 0 200 to 0 612 1 3 to 3 2 50 m s 1 151 to 2 715 5 V 0 V 4 591 to 5 100 0 6131O 1 547 1 3 to 3 2 20 ms 3 743...

Page 192: ...U T I O N Before using any lest equipment to make measure ments on static sensitive current sensitive or voltage sensitive components or assemblies ensure that any voltage or current supplied by the test equipment does not exceed the limits of the com ponent to be tested 1 Power up Tests The instrument performs automatic verification of the instrument s Microprocessor ROM and RAM the operat ing ke...

Page 193: ...B SEC DIV switch to 0 1 ms the HORIZONTAL MODE to B the ON OFF READOUT TOG GLE to display the readout the A TRIGGER Mode to P P AUTO and set the VERTICAL MODE switch to CH 1 When measuring ripple use a IX probe having a bay onet ground assembly see Table 6 7 attached to the probe tip to minimize stray pickup Insert the bayonet assembly signal tip into the first test point indicated in Table 6 7 an...

Page 194: ...e effects of the surrounding circuitry See Figure 9 1 for component value identification and Figure 9 2 for semiconductor lead configurations C A U T I O N When checking semiconductors observe the static sensitivity precautions located at the beginning of this section When checking emitter to base junctions do not use an ohmmeter range that has a high internal current High current may damage the t...

Page 195: ...pacitor passes ac signals 12 Repair and Adjust the Circuit If any defective parts are located follow the replace ment procedures given under Corrective Maintenance in this section After any electrical component has been replaced the performance of that circuit and any other closely related circuit should be checked Since the power supplies affect all circuits performance of the entire instru ment ...

Page 196: ... PRC ACQ_AB ACQ_MEM U4104 U4102 U4103 U4125 U4114 U4119 U4118 U4126 U4127 U4128 U4227 U4320 U3310 U3306 U3309 U3308 U3307 U3313 U3426 U3229 U3230 U3231 U3232 U3234 U3236 U3239 U4104 U3101 U3105 U3307 U3104 U3105 and U3308 TBD KERNEL IO_BLOCK_DECODING HS_ACQ U4107 1 4108 U4109 U4110 U4111 U4112 U6106 U4105 U4103 U4127 U4113 and U4114 MM_ACQ HS_ACQ XY_ACQ HS_ACQ CDT HS_ACQ U4230 U4231 U4122 U4232 U4...


Page 198: ...tual fi l_expected Power up Menu TBD hs 2 latent END_OF_RECORD TBD hs 2 acq_mem cntr mem_actual mem_expected TBD hs 2 prc prc_actual prc_expected TBD hs 2 fill fill_address fill_actual fill_expected Power up Menu TBD ps 2 latent END_OF_RECORD TBD ps 2 acq_mem cntr mem_actual mem_expected TBD ps 2 prc prc_actual prc_expected TBD ps 2 fill fill ddress fill_actual fill_expected Power up Menu TBD ps 5...

Page 199: ...al fill_expected Power up Menu TBD 100k latent END_OF_RECORD TBD 100k acq_mem cntr mem_actual mem_expected TBD 100k prc prc_actual prc_expected TBD 100k fill fill_address fill_actual fill_expected Power up Menu MM_ACQ latent END_OF_RECORD MM_ACQ prc prc_actual prc_expected MM_ACQ acq_mem cntr acq_mem_actual acq_mem_expected MM_ACQ fill fill_address fill_actual fill_expected Power up Menu XY_ACQ la...

Page 200: ...sequence of events occurs during power x Set up temporary interrupt vectors single task Do the power up PU Kernel tests each sets a bit in a q buffer ROM tests Send error codes to U4113 and U4119 once for each detected error RAM tests Send error codes to U4113 and U4119 once for each detected error Non maskable interrupt test Send error codes to U4113 and U4119 once for each detected error Initial...

Page 201: ... 10 ms ps 2 15 FC 85 2 24 0FFE FDB 0000 200 ns 2 20 ms ps 5 15 FB 85 5 24 0FFE FDB 0000 500 ns 5 50 ps 10 15 F8 85 10 24 0FFE FDB 0000 1 M S 10 0 1 ms 10 15 F5 85 10 24 0FFE FDB 0000 1 r 10 0 2 1 ms i 00 15 ED 85 91 24 0FFE FDB 0000 9 1 M S 91 2 10 ms Ik 15 DD 85 901 24 OFFE FDB 0000 90 1 ms 133 0 02 0 1 s 10k 15 BD 85 9001 8 OFFE FEB 0000 900 1 ms 41 0 2 1 s 100k 15 7D 85 90001 8 OFFE FEB 0000 90...

Page 202: ...es A fault generates one or more of the following error messages M l line stuck high M l Display controller TIMEOUT M l Display controller unable to reset mi For example if ROM U9110 RAM U9232 and RAM SYS_ROM n SYS_ROM_n checks each ROM by U9231 fail the instrument will calculating and then comparing its checksum to what is stored in the ROM 1 Flash failure codes on U4113 and U4119 PIN 12 PIN 19 0...

Page 203: ...e address greater than 0 but less than 8000 of the error the actual data found at the address and the data that was expected at that address are displayed on the crt SYS_RAM address actual data expected data For example if the address of the bad cell is 0x4000 the data found at that address is OxOF and the expected data for that address is 0x4F the following error message is displayed on the crt S...

Page 204: ...hecks the acquisition memory and it s microprocessor interface NOTE Software version 01 always claims address 0 is bad no matter what errors are actually found Firmware version 01 fills the acquisition memory with a ramp and then checks to see if the values are correct The value at each physical_address is the physical_address 0x48000 mod 256 Firmware version 02 fills the acquisi tion memory with ...

Page 205: ...ot just the first error Also in extended diagnostics mode the RS 232 C Option can be used to send the error reports to a terminal or computer This enables analysis of the data for pattern recognition For example if bit 5 U4116 pin 15 is shorted to ground all patterns where bit 5 should be a one will have a zero in bit position 5 and therefore fail HS_ACQ This test checks the High Speed Acquisition...

Page 206: ...gisters U3236 U3237 U3238 and U3239 latch a 16 bit word comprised of the output of the MIN REGISTER and the MAX REGISTER When the Acquisition Address Counter overflows PRE FULL U3425 pin 7 goes HI This in turn makes STO RDY U4226A pin 5 HI CALTIMER from U3310 pin 12 makes multiplexer U4227 select STO RDY and pass it through to U4227 pin 7 Convert clock CONV then passes the signal through U4228A U4...

Page 207: ... polled and the Post Record Counter and Acquisition Memory Counter completion values are checked Fill testing starts at acq_mem address 0000 The fill is tested for max odd byte minus min even byte to give either 255 or 200 NOTE The error message values are as in HS_ACQ except for the fill values If an error is found one of the following messages is displayed on the crt MM_ACQ latent END_OF_RECORD ...

Page 208: ...ng the test acquisition Min_actual is the value 85 0 to 115 0 read from U4230 CDT msb U3428 pin 8 during a test acquisition with TEST LO Delta_actual is the value 200 to 210 read from U4230 CDT msb U3428 pin 8 during a test acquisition with TEST HI minus the value of the pre vious min cycle FP_A2D This test checks the front panel A D converter circuitry A conversion is done on three of the analog ...

Page 209: ...t a multiple cf NMI to display the box not using Mis CIRCLE A high resolution circle is displayed on the crt by this exerciser This is the only diagnostic that uses all 10 bits of the display DACs U9210 and U9220 FP_VALUES Raw internal front panel data is displayed on the crt by this exerciser Table 6 16 shows the display format and Table 6 17 shows the bit definitions for the display NOTE Digital...

Page 210: ... 0 1 0 0 O O O O x x x x 0 0 0 x 0 0 1 0 O O O O x x x x 0 0 0 x 0 0 0 1 O O O O x x x x 0 0 0 x 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 x x x x 0 0 0 x 0 0 0 0 0 1 O O x x x x 0 0 0 x 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 x x x x 0 0 0 x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 x x x x 0 0 0 x 0 0 0 0 O O O O x x x x 0 0 1 x 0 0 0 0 O O O O x x x x Table 6 19 ACQ_MODE 0x437BE U3310 Pins 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 ...

Page 211: ...he display is a histogram with a vertical scale of 5 x samples X codes converted per division and a horizontal scale of 0 to 255 codes across 10 divisions left to right 25 5 codes per division COM_OPTION DEBUG This exerciser is used in debuging the communications option Debug outputs a test message and displays any incoming messages data on the crt PICTURES The picture exercisers use line drawings...

Page 212: ...eplacement components unless it is known that a substitute will not degrade instrument performance Special Parts In addition to the standard electronic components some special parts are used in the instrument These com ponents are manufactured or selected by Tektronix Inc to meet specific performance requirements or are manufac tured for Tektronix Inc in accordance with our specifications The vari...

Page 213: ...Long nose Pliers Component removal and replacement Diamalloy Model LN55 3 7 Diagonal Cutters Component removal and replacement Diamalloy Model M554 3 8 Vacuum Solder Extractor No static charge retention Unsoldering static sensitive devices and components on multilayer boards Pace Model PC 10 9 Contact Cleaner No Noise R Switch and pot cleaning Tektronix Part Number 006 0442 02 10 Pin Replacement K...

Page 214: ...ransistors Use a thin layer of heat transferring compound between the insulating block and chassis when reinstalling the block Maintenance 2230 Service NOTE After replacing a power transistor check that the collector is not shorted to the chassis before apply ing power to the instrument To remove socketed dual in line packaged DIP integrated circuits pull slowly and evenly on both ends of the devi...

Page 215: ...t alternate sides and ends of the 1C as solder is removed Allow a moment for the circuit board to cool before proceeding to the next pin C A U T I O N Excessive heat can cause the etched circuit conduc tors to separate from the circuit board Never allow the solder extractor tip to remain at one place on the board for more than three seconds Solder wick spring actuated or squeeze bulb solder sucker...

Page 216: ...all screwdriver between the extension shaft and the switch shaft Push down and for ward until the extension shaft is disengaged and pull the shafts straight back through the front panel 2 Disconnect the following two connectors from the Storage circuit board a P2111 a four wire connector located near the mid dle left edge of the Storage circuit board b P2112 a four wire connector located near the ...

Page 217: ...ocedure 4 Remove the ground clip near the center edge of the Storage chassis towards the instrument 5 Unsolder the strap from the ground clip near the center of the Storage chassis and slide the strap through the slot in the chassis when removing the Storage chassis from the instrument in step 7 6 Remove the four circuit board shield screws from the Storage circuit board see Figure 6 7 for locatio...

Page 218: ...Maintenance 2230 Service 4999 37 Figure 6 7 Location of screws and spacers on the Storage circuit board 6 37 ...

Page 219: ...the Storage circuit board perform the reverse of the preceding steps Input Output and Vector Generator Circuit Boards Assembly The Input Output and Vector Generator circuit boards assembly can be removed and reinstalled as follows 1 Perform the Storage Circuit Board in Servicing Position removal procedure 2 Remove the circuit board shield see Storage Cir cuit Board removal procedure steps 4 throug...

Page 220: ...in the plas tic crt frame and light filter to the front panel Remove the crt frame and light filter from the instrument 6 Remove the crt socket cap from the rear of the crt socket Save the cap for reinstallation 7 With the rear of the instrument facing you place the fingers of both hands over the front edge of the front sub panel Then using both thumbs press forward gently on the crt funnel near t...

Page 221: ...it Board and Cover To remove the Line Filter circuit board and cover per form the following steps 1 Perform the Storage Circuit Board in Servicing Position removal procedure 2 Remove the Power Supply shield see the Power Supply Shield removal procedure 3 Remove the two recessed screws that secures the Filter circuit board to the rear chassis and lift the Line Filter circuit board out and away from...

Page 222: ...ard 3 Remove the cable strap from the Alternate Sweep circuit board that secures the cable harness from the Storage circuit board 4 Use a vacuum desoldering tool to unsolder the 27 Alternate Sweep circuit board pins on the Main circuit board W9400 5 Unclip the plastic holder from the Power Supply shield and remove the Alternate Sweep circuit board from the instrument To reinstall the Alternate Swe...

Page 223: ...ue with the Attenuator Channel 1 and Channel 2 Logic circuit boards assembly procedure 3 Perform the Storage Circuit Board in Servicing Position removal procedure 4 Use a 1 16 inch hex wrench to loosen the set screws on both the CH 1 and CH 2 VOLTS DIV Variable knobs and remove the knobs 5 Set the CH 1 and CH 2 VOLTS DIV switches to the same position Note switch positions for reinstallation refere...

Page 224: ...ircuit board 3 Disconnect P5201 a three wire connector located on the right side of the Sweep Reference circuit board 4 Unsolder the two resistors from the Timing Circuit board on the right side of the SEC DIV Variable control 5 Remove the shaft extension by loosening the setscrew with a 0 50 hex wrench 6 Remove the SEC DIV variable control nut with a 9 16 inch open end wrench 7 Remove the Sweep R...

Page 225: ...d Attenuator and Timing circuit boards assembly can be removed and reinstalled as follows 1 Place the instrument upside down and remove the three screws and one spacer post securing the Bottom shield to the Main circuit board 2 Perform steps 1 through 9 of the Attenuator Channel 1 Logic and Channel 2 Logic Circuit Board removal procedure 3 Perform steps 2 through 5 of the Timing Sweep Interface an...

Page 226: ... out of the Main circuit board as the joint is heated 13 Use a vacuum desoldering tool to unsolder the 45 W9001 wire straps from the Main circuit board connect ing to the Front Panel circuit board 14 Remove the Front Panel circuit board from the instrument and clean the wire strap holes on the Main cir cuit board of any remaining solder To reinstall the Front Panel circuit board perform the revers...

Page 227: ...nt chassis 18 Disconnect the crt anode lead from the High Voltage Multiplier anode lead by carefully pulling the anode plug out of the jack Discharge the plug tip to the chassis 19 Unsolder two sets of crt socket wires from the Main circuit board noting wire color and position for rein stallation reference 20 Unsolder two sets of delay line wires from the Main circuit board noting wire color and p...

Page 228: ...5 Switzerland 161 0167 00 OPTION 33 Option 33 the Travel Line option provides impact protection needed for rough industrial and service environments When the instrument is ordered with Option 33 the instrument comes equipped with the Accessory Pouch and the Front Panel Cover front and rear mounted shock absorbing rubber guards an easy to use power cord wrap and a carrying strap OPTION 10 AND OPTIO...

Page 229: ...unction repertoire of a GPIB instrument in terms of interface function subsets is identified in ANSl IEEE Std 488 1978 The status of subsets applicable to this instrument with Option 10 are listed in Table 7 1 Both the GPIB interface and the RS 232 C interface conform to a Tektronix standard on Codes Formats Con ventions and Features of messages sent over the bus to communicate with other instrume...

Page 230: ...le side panels The standard side panel Figure 3 8 includes one AUXILIARY connector The Option 10 side panel Fig ure 7 1A includes one AUXILIARY connector one GPIB IEEE 488 1978 interface port and one PARAMETERS switch The side panel for Option 12 instruments Figure 7 1B includes one AUXILIARY connector one RS 232 C interface port includes one DTE and one DOE connector and one PARAMETERS switch The...

Page 231: ... maintained for 3 years without battery change 3 Power Down Detection Threshold Fail asserted for supply drop to less than 4 75 V 3 Reset held until supply is greater than 5 0 V 3 Reset Delay Power down interrupt to reset delay 5 1 ms 3 GPIB OPTION GPIB Requirements Complies with ANSI IEEE Standard 488 1978 3 RS 232 C OPTION RS 232 C Requirements Complies with EIA Standard RS 232 C 3 Baud Rates Av...

Page 232: ...p and when interface clear messages are received Four sections of the switch select the baud rate three select parity one selects the terminator and two are for printer plotter selection The function of each switch section is shown in Table 7 7 Table 7 6 GPIB PARAMETERS Switch Switch Section Switch Position Function 1 Address selection 0 0 1 1 2 Address selection 0 0 1 2 3 Address selection 0 0 1 ...

Page 233: ... are selected with the following switch positions Index Switch Position Baud Rate 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 50 1 0 0 0 1 75 2 0 0 10 110 3 0 0 11 134 5 4 0 10 0 150 5 0 1 0 1 300 6 0 1 1 0 600 7 0 111 1200 8 1 0 0 0 1800 9 1 0 0 1 2000 10 10 10 2400 11 1 0 1 1 3600 12 1 1 0 0 4800 13 1 1 0 1 7200 14 1 1 1 0 9600 15 1 1 1 1 Off Line 5 6 RS 232 C DTE Connector Provides connection meeting the E1A RS 232 C st...

Page 234: ...to take place Table 7 10 RS 232 C DTE Connector Pin Signal Name Function Internal External 1 CHAS CHAS Chassis ground GND GND 2 ITXD TXD Transmitted data 3 IRXD RXD Received data 4 IRTS RTS Request to send 5 ICTS CTS Clear to send 6 IDSR DSR Data set ready 7 SIG SIG Signal ground GND GND 8 IRLSD2 RLSD Received line signal detect 20 IDTR DTR Data terminal ready Table 7 11 RS 232 C DCE Connector Pin...

Page 235: ...es carrier detect on the RS 232 C option 54 PLOT Indicator Indicates the communication option is currently sending waveform data over its interface and acquisitions are inhibited MENU SELECTED FUNCTIONS The following functions are available as part of the ADVANCED FUNCTIONS Menu on instruments containing the GPIB or RS 232 C options REFERENCE Allows a SAVE REF memory to be Erased or Copied ERASE S...

Page 236: ...waveform TARGET references are selected with the Cursor knob The CHANNEL function selects the channel whose waveform is sent With the exception of XY waveforms only data from one channel is sent at a time even if both channels were acquired in ALT or CHOP Vertical Mode CHANNEL CHI CH2 The STOP BITS function available ONLY on Option 12 RS 232 C sets the number of stop bits Use the Cursor knob to se...

Page 237: ...nstrument still presents an active load but does not respond to nor interfere with any bus traffic This is useful for changing the instrument s status without turning off the oscilloscope s power Use Table 7 7 Table 7 8 and the PARAMETERS switch to select the desired baud rate Parity The parity parameters selected determine the instru ment response to received parity errors and the parity of data ...

Page 238: ...the header must be followed by at least one space In some cases the argument is a single word e g REFF REF4 PLOt STArt In other cases the argument itself requires another argument When a second argument is required a colon must separate the two arguments e g ACQuisition REPetitive SAMple WFMpre XINcr 1 0E 3 Where a header has multiple arguments the arguments or argument pairs if the argument has i...

Page 239: ... to the the instrument in either NR2 or NR1 format Likewise an NR3 argu ment may be sent in NR3 NR2 or NR1 format COMMAND LISTS Tables 7 13 through 7 24 describe all commands avail able in the instrument equipped with either the GPIB or RS232 Option Query and Response examples are shown in Table 7 25 The first column lists the name or header of the command The capitalized letters must be present t...

Page 240: ... A C Query only Returns the current position of the CHI INPUT D C COUPLING switch CHI COU string where string is either G N D AC DC or GND CH2 Query only Like CHI except includes an INVert query response INVert O N Query only Returns status of CH2 INVERT switch CH2 INV O FF string where string is either ON or OFF VMOde C H I Query only Returns current state of the vertical display VMO C H 2 string...

Page 241: ... when the knob is set to EXT CLK BSEcdiv N R 3 Query only Returns an NR3 value representing the current B SEC DIV setting HMAg O N O F F Query only Returns status of Horizontal Magnifier XI0 PULL in the form HOR HMA string where string is either ON or OFF EXTclk O N O F F Query only Returns status of EXTclk in the form HOR EXT string where string is either ON or OFF DELAy Query only Returns curren...

Page 242: ...o is returned for both P P AUTO and TV FIELD modes SGLswp A R M D O N e As a query SGLswp returns the status of the SGLswp trigger mode SGL string where string is either ARM or DONe ARM indicates that the sweep is armed or running DONe indicates that a sweep is complete An execution error SRQ is generated if SGL SWP is not ON As a command only SGLswp ARM is legal ARM re arms a completed sweep An e...

Page 243: ...screen position in the range of 0 1023 for 1024 point waveforms and 0 4095 for 4096 point waveforms If the value is outside the defined range the value is limited and a warning SRQ is generated DELTAV VALue N R 3 Query only Returns the voltage difference between cursors DELTAV VAL NR3 An SRQ is sent if the voltage cannot be measured VALue is returned in PERcent if the VAR knob is uncalibrated othe...

Page 244: ...ot in progress and returns the instrument to its previous mode PLOt ABOrt is the only command or query the instrument responds to during a plot AUTo ON OFF Turns AUTo mode ON or OFF If AUTo is ON each waveform is plotted after it is acquired however the graticule will only be plotted once if GRAt is ON GRAt ON OFF Determines if a plot will include a graticule image FORmat XY HPGI EPS7 EPS8 TJEt De...

Page 245: ...rgument this command selects the default algorithm for the acquisition parameters that are currently active With an argument the command selects the specified algorithm An SRQ is generated if the argument is not legal for the acquisition parameters that are active RESet Sets sampling modes at all sweep speeds to their default conditions SMOoth ON OFF Applies the smoothing algorithm when ON WEIght ...

Page 246: ...096 in the form ACQ POI NR1 TRIGMode P R E post Query only Returns the current trigger mode in the form ACQ TRIGM string where string is either PRE or POSt SAVE O N O F F Query only Returns the current state of the acquisition system in the form ACQ SAVE string where string is ON when the acquisition system has halted or is in the process of halting or OFF Display R O U SC An Query only Returns th...

Page 247: ...F2 and REF3 are 1024 point references and REF4 is the 4096 point reference REFA REFZ EMPty The non volatile references may not be displayed only EMPtied To display the non volatile references first transfer them to a numbered reference REFProt REFA LOCked Controls the write protection of non volatile reference PERM memories REFA through REFZ LOCked and PERM disable REFZ UNLocked further storage in...

Page 248: ...er channel may be selected Changes the vertical gain of the waveform pointed to by REFOrmat TARget Maximum change is 3 detents in a 1 2 5 sequence from the vertical gain setting of the original waveform acquisition Cannot be used on XY waveforms Query only Returns acquired vertical gain setting Adjusts vertical position relative to the original acquisition in divisions Valid range is 10 divisions ...

Page 249: ...is either Byte C ountxBinary DataxChecksum for BINary H Byte CountxHexadecimal DataxChecksum for HEX or ASCII Data for ASCii ENCdg For ASCii ENCdg each data value is seperated by a comma DATa SOUrce REF1 Sets data parameters for data transmission and reception Selects which reference memory is source for the next REF2 WFMpre or CURVe query sent to the instrument The REF3 REF4 ACQ default at power ...

Page 250: ... 5V 5s PKDET SMOOTH ACCPK REF4 DIVS CLKS ACCPK SMOOTH ENCdg NR Pts ASCii BINary HEX NFt1 Determines waveform encoding for waveform transmission or reception WFMpre ENCdg and DATa ENCdg operate identically Power up default is BINary All ENCdg formats represent unsigned integers Number of points in waveform Each point can be a single Y value T implied an X Y pair or an Max Min pair Although digitize...

Page 251: ...Y pairs with X first ENV Format used for envelope waveforms The data is sent in the form ylmax ylmin y2max y2min ENV is valid for PEAkdet and ACCpeak when SMOoth is OFF XUNits S CLKs If the argument is S the XINcr value is in seconds If it is CLKs the scaling is unknown EXTCLK XINcr NR3 Value gives the time interval between points sampling rate If NR3 does not correspond to a legitimate time div s...

Page 252: ... bit waveform may not be valid depending on the number of waveforms averaged CRVchk CHKsmO CHKsmO indicates that the last byte of a binary curve is a checksum It is the 2 s complement of the modulo 256 sum of the binary count and curve data bytes It does not include the CURVE that precedes the binary count Table 7 22 Service Request Group Commands Header Argument Link Argument Description RQS ON O...

Page 253: ...he current instrument state The returned string can be sent to the instrument to recreate that state In order to comply with Codes and Formats SET does not respond with its header NOTE This query has very limited capability because only settable values are returned in response to the SET query The status of LONg affects the length of the response to the SET query Table 7 24 RS 232 C Specific Comma...


Page 255: ...ery Response WFMpre WFM WFI ACQ CHI 0 5V DC 0 2MS SAMPLE SMOOTH CRV 2 NR P 4096 PT O 122 PT F Y XMlhO OEO XOF 0 XUN S XIN 2 0E 6 YMU 20 0E 3 YOF 20 YUN V ENC HEX BN F RP BYT 1 BIT 8 CRV CHK A typical response to the preamble query WFMpre for an XY acquisition is Query Response WFMpre WFM WFI ACQ XY 0 2V DC 50 0MV DC 1 0US SAMPLE CRV 19 NR P 2048 PT O 216 PT F XY XMU 8 0E 3 XOF 0 XUN S XIN 20 0E 9 ...

Page 256: ...ding data bytes and the binary count The Checksum is used by the controller to verify that all data values have been received correctly Table 7 26 shows an example of data sent over the interface during a 4096 point 8 bit BINary waveform transfer The actual waveform point Pt values will vary depending upon the signal acquired Table 7 27 shows an example of data sent over the interface during a 409...

Page 257: ...BINary transfer 4 The checksum is sent as two successive ASCII hex adecimal characters Table 7 28 and Table 7 29 show 8 bit and 16 bit HEXa decimal waveform CURVe structures Byte Contents Decimal GPIB EOI 1 Asserted 1 C 67 0 2 U 85 0 3 R 82 0 4 V 86 0 5 E 69 0 6 SP 32 0 7 35 0 8 H 72 0 9 IBin Count MS 4 bits 49 0 10 48 0 11 48 0 12 Bin Count LS 4 bits 49 0 13 1st Pt MS 4 bits d 1H 0 14 1st Pt LS 4...

Page 258: ... 232 C or GPIB with TERM LF EOI bRS 232 C with TERM CR LF CURVE space data data data data terminator Table 7 30 shows an example of an 8 bit ASCii waveform CURVe transfer Transmission length depends on specific data values record length acquisition mode and smoothing and whether the acquisition was 1 or 2 channels REMOTE LOCAL OPERATING STATES The following paragraphs describe the two operating st...

Page 259: ...age has begun In this case execution of the message being processed is not interrupted by the transition Go To Local GTL Instruments that are already listen addressed respond to GTL by assuming a local state Remote to local transi tions caused by GTL do not affect the execution of any message being processed when GTL was received My Listen and My Talk Addresses MLA and MTA The primary Talk Listen ...

Page 260: ...ssary instructions to permit proper processing of interrupts For example whenever power on occurs the oscilloscope asserts an SRQ interrupt If a GPIB program is operating on the controller when a power on SRQ is received the program should be able to determine that the oscilloscope s power was interrupted at some time during program operation This event could cause improper pro gram execution unle...

Page 261: ...illoscope 1 Send an EVENT query to the oscilloscope request ing service 2 If the EVENT query response is not zero then per form the desired response to the event 3 Return to the main program RESET UNDER COMMUNICATION OPTIONS CONTROL The oscilloscope may be set to its power up state by sending the INIt command via the communication option This command always initiates the power up self tests On com...

Page 262: ...rs 201 203 205 206 Command cannot be executed when in LOCAL I O buffers full output dumped Argument out of range command ignored Group execute trigger ignored 251 252 253 254 255 256 258 259 260 261 262 263 Illegal command Integer overflow Input buffer overflow Invalid waveform preamble Invalid instrument state GPIB Option 10 Command not allowed Command not allowed on a 2220 Command not allowed on...

Page 263: ... OPC Diagnostics test complete OPC Execution Warnings 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 Single sweep is already armed No ground dot measurement available Invalid probe code or identify Query not valid for current instrument state Requested setting is out of detent uncalibrated MESsage display buffer is full Waveform preamble incorrect has been corrected Waveform transfer ended abnormally 7 37 ...

Page 264: ...0 l 0 1 5 5 15 21 2 5 37 5 35 5 3 4 5 E 6 9 55 U B5 65 e 101 7 5 U 117 0 i 1 0 6 6 16 V 2 2 2 6 s 38 6 36 54 46 F 70 55 V 86 66 f 102 76 V 1 18 0 i 1 1 7 t h 7 17 2 3 27 39 7 37 5 5 47 G 71 57 w 87 67 9 103 77 W 119 1 0 0 0 8 8 IB 2 4 28 40 B 38 5 6 4 8 H 72 58 X 88 68 h 104 7 8 X 120 1 0 0 1 9 9 19 2 5 2 9 41 9 39 5 7 49 I 73 5 9 Y 89 69 i 105 7 9 y 121 1 0 1 0 A 10 1A 2 6 2A X 42 3A 5 8 4A J 74 ...

Page 265: ... 0 S P E 5 0 8 7 0 2 4 1 1 0 6 1 3 0 2 4 1 5 0 8 1 7 0 24 1 0 0 0 BS CAN 8 H X h X 8 8 1 8 2 4 2 8 4 0 3 8 5 6 4 8 7 2 5 8 8 6 6 8 1 0 4 7 8 1 2 0 11 T C T 3 1 S P D 51 9 71 2 5 ill 9 131 2 5 151 9 1 7 1 2 5 0 0 1 HT EM 9 I Y i y 9 9 1 9 2 5 2 9 41 3 9 57 4 9 7 3 5 9 8 9 6 9 1 0 5 7 9 121 12 3 2 5 2 10 7 2 2 6 1 1 2 10 1 3 2 2 6 1 5 2 10 7 2 2 6 1 0 1 0 LF SUB J z j z A 1 0 1 A 2 6 2 A 4 2 3 A 58 ...

Page 266: ... and BA7 are decoded to produce the eight strobes Four of the strobes enable the GPIB controller U1351 Parameter buffer U1322 Status buffer U1323 and Diagnostic latch U1335 Also generated by U1345 is a sig nal that is LO whenever one of the strobes is enabled and BA8 is LO This signal is gated with COM SEG and DEN in U1332 to produce an enable for data buffer U1331 via U1344C Half of U1332 generat...

Page 267: ...instrument but includes the XY Plotter circuitry The following discussion refers only to the RS 232 C portion of the board The option includes 64K bytes of ROM 2K bytes of RAM and an RS 232 C interface Supporting the RS232 port are two 8 bit input ports for status signals and parameter switches and a 4 bit output port used mainly for interrupt masking The remaining circuitry either decodes address...

Page 268: ...er U1223 All of the RS 232 C signals are protected by diode arrays CR1221 and CR1222 and zener diodes VR1221 through VR1224 Any transients that exceed a 25V range are clipped by the networks Two connectors J1212 and J1214 are provided to make interfacing easier The male DB 25 connector con forms to the DTE data terminal equipment specifications of RS 232 C and the female DB 25 connector conforms t...

Page 269: ...charge disassemble heat or short termi nals See service information for complete instructions Lithium Battery If instrument power is available 5 V from the instru ment forward biases CR1102 and reverse biases CR1104 disconnecting lithium battery BT1101 from the circuit Because CR1102 is forward biased the instrument suplies power VS to the RAM through CR1102 If instrument power is not available th...

Page 270: ...e RS 232 checks it is assumed that the standard instrument meets all of its Performance Requirements as stated in the Specification Section 1 of the Service manual Test Equipment Required Test equipment listed in Table 7 37 is required to per form this procedure Test equipment specifications I described in Table 7 37 are the minimum necessary to pro vide accurate results Therefore equipment used m...

Page 271: ...the instrument h CHECK The SRQ indicator is turned off i Disconnect the test equipment from the instrument ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE There are no adjustment procedures for the GPIB and RS 232 C Options OPTION MAINTENANCE INFORMATION WARMI NG The battery used in this device may present a fire or chemical burn hazard if mistreated Do not recharge rapidly discharge disassemble heat above 100 C 212 F or in...

Page 272: ...ta read back from the Option U1223 pin 3 or U1323 pin 3 x2 y2 data read back from the Option U1223 pin 2 or U1323 pin 2 COMM_LOOPBACK This test checks the GPIB con troller U1321 and associated circuitry by commanding the controller to change its TR output and then checking the TR output If an error is found it is displayed on the crt COMM_LB FGET NOT SET or COMM_LB FGET NOT CLEAR INPUT_PORTS Two a...

Page 273: ...rear of the Option Assembly c P9301 a five wire connector located at the rear of the Option Assembly d P8100 a ribbon cable from the Storage circuit board NOTE Instruments with factory installed GPIB and RS 232 C proceed to step 3 For field installed GPIB and RS 232 C proceed with step 2 2 Disconnect either P1316 GPIB or P1216 RS 232 C from the front of the Option assembly circuit board 3 Stand th...

Page 274: ... A ssem bly num ber Circuit number Read Resistor 1234 of Assembly 23 Example b A23A2R1234 A ssem bly num ber component number A23 A2 R1234 Only the circuit num ber w ill appear onthe diagrams and circuit board illustrations Each diagram and circuit board illustration is clearly m arked with the assem bly number Assem bly numbers arealsom arkedonthem echanical exploded views located in the Mechanic...




Page 278: ...80009 670 8698 00 CH 2 LOGIC BOARD A16 670 8706 00 CIRCUIT BD ASSY SWEEP REF 80009 670 8706 00 A17 670 8780 00 CIRCUIT BD ASSY POSITION INTERFACE 80009 670 8780 00 A18 670 8938 00 CIRCUIT BD ASSY THERMAL SHUTDOWN 80009 670 8998 00 A20 670 8898 00 B010100 B021412 CIRCUIT BD ASSY X Y PLOTTER 80009 670 8898 00 A20 670 8898 01 B021413 CIRCUIT BD ASSY X Y PLOTTER 80009 670 8898 01 A21 670 8899 00 B0101...

Page 279: ...A1C312 281 0893 00 CAP FXD CER DI 4 7PF 0 5PF 100V 04222 MA101A4R7DAA A1C337 281 0893 00 CAP FXD CER DI 4 7PF 0 5PF 100V 04222 MA101A4R7DAA A1C350 281 0898 00 CAP FXD CER DI 7 5PF 0 5PF 500V 96733 XR3446 A1C351 281 0756 00 B010270 CAP FXD CER DI 2 EPF 0 5PF 200V 04222 HA106A2R2DAA A1C363 281 0862 00 B010100 B022101 CAP FXD CER D I 0 001UF 80 20 100V 04222 MA101C10ZKAA A1C369 281 0862 00 CAP FXD CE...

Page 280: ...52 281 0775 01 CAP FXD CER DI 0 iUF 20 50V 04222 MA205E104MAA A1C562 281 0775 01 B010552 CAP FXD CER DI 0 1UF 20 50V 04222 MA205E104MAA A1C563 281 0775 01 CAP FXD CER DI 0 1UF 20 50V 04222 MA205E104MAA A1C563 281 0775 01 8010552 CAP FXD CER DI 0 1UF 20 50V 04222 MA205E104MAA A1C565 281 0768 00 CAP FXD CER DI 470PF 20 100V 04222 MA101A471KAA A1C590 290 0136 00 CAP TO ELCTLT 2 2UF 20 20V 05397 T322B...

Page 281: ...LT 100UF 20 25VDC 55680 ULB1E101MPA A1CS40 290 0922 00 CAP FXD ELCTLT 1000UF 20 50V 55680 ULB1E102TFAANA A1C941 283 0057 00 B010100 B022456 CAP FXD CER D I 0 1UF 80 20 200V 04222 SR306E104ZAA A1C941 285 1341 00 8022357 CAP FXD PLASTIC 0 1 UF 20 100V TK1573 MKS2 0 1 100 20 A1C942 290 0768 00 CAP FXD ELCTLT 10UF 50 10 1OOVDC 54473 ECE A100V10L A1C943 290 0768 00 CAP FXD ELCTLT 10UF 50 10 100VDC 5447...

Page 282: ...COND DVC DI SW SI 30V I50MA 30V DO 35 03508 DA2527 1N4152 A1CR505 152 0141 02 SEMICOND DVC D I SW S1 30V 15DMA 3 OV DO 35 03508 DA2527 1N4152 A1CR508 152 0141 02 SEMICONO DVC D I SW S1 30V 150MA 30V DO 35 03508 DA2527 1N4152 A1CRS09 152 0141 02 SEMICOND DVC D I SW S1 30V 1SOMA 3OV DO 35 03508 DA2527 1N4152 A1CR514 152 0141 02 SEMICOND DVC Dl SW SI 30V 15DM4 30V DO 35 03508 DA2527 1N4152 A1CR527 15...

Page 283: ...A 30V DO 35 03508 DA2527 1N4152 A1CR72C3 152 0141 02 SEMICOND DVC DI SW SI 30V 150MA 30V DO 35 03508 DA2527 1N4152 A1CR7301 152 0141 02 SEMICOND DVC DI SW SI 30V 15DMA 30V DO 35 03508 DA2527 1N4152 A1CR7302 152 0141 02 SEMICOND DVC DI W SI 30V 150MA 30V DO 35 03508 DA2527 1N4152 A1CR7303 152 0141 02 SEMICOND DVC D I SW SI 30V 150MA 30V DO 35 03508 DA2527 1N4152 A1CR7304 152 0141 02 SEMICOND DVC D ...

Page 284: ... BFR96 A1Q256 151 0752 00 TRANSISTOR NPH SI MARCO T 25403 8FR96 A1Q257 151 0752 00 TRANSIST0R NPN SI M4RC0 T 25403 BFR96 A1Q282 151 0190 00 TRANSISTOR NPN SI TO 92 80009 151 0190 00 A1Q283 151 0736 00 TRANSISTOR NPN SI TO 92 80009 151 0736 00 A1Q284 151 0712 00 TRANSISTOR PNP SI TO 92 04713 SPS8223 A1Q285 151 0712 00 TRANSISTOR PNP SI TO 92 04713 SPS8223 A1Q302 151 0711 01 TRANSISTOR NPN SI TO 92 ...

Page 285: ... TRANSISTOR NPN SI TO 106 04713 SPS8512 A1Q944 151 0311 01 B010270 TRANSISTOR NPN SI TO 126 04713 SJE90S A1Q948 151 0476 02 B010100 B011144 TRANSISTOR SELECTED 04713 SJE389 A1Q345 151 0852 00 B011145 TRANSISTOR 80009 151 0852 00 A1Q347 151 0476 02 B010100 B011144 TRANSISTOR SELECTED 04713 SJE389 A1Q947 151 0852 00 B011145 TRANSISTOR 0946 AND Q947 HJST BE REPLACED AS A PAIR 80009 151 0852 00 A1Q720...

Page 286: ...043ED1K960F A1R1S4 321 0225 00 RES FXD F1LM 2 15K OFM l O 125W TC T0 19701 5033ED2K15F A1R165 321 0225 00 RES FXD FILM 2 15K 01M 1 0 125W TC T0 19701 5033ED2K15F A1R172 321 0085 00 RES FXO FILM 75 QFM 1 0 125W TC T0 57668 CRB14FXE 75 OFM A1R175 315 0242 00 RES FXD FILM 2 4K Of W 5 0 25W 57668 NTR25J E02K4 A1R176 315 0182 00 RES FXD FI LM 1 8K 0FW S 0 25W 57668 NTR25J E1K8 A1R180 315 0510 00 RES FX...

Page 287: ... 6490F A1R257 322 0175 00 RES FXD FILM 649 0rf4 1X 0 25W TOT0 75042 CE8T0 6490F A1R258 322 0180 00 RES FXD FI LM 732 OFW 1 0 25W TOTO 75042 CEBT0 7320F A1R259 322 0180 00 RES FXD FILM 732 OHM 1 0 25W TOTO 75042 CEBT0 7320F A1R261 323 0058 00 RES FXD FI LM 39 2 OHM 1 0 5W TOTO 57668 CRB11FX39R2E A1R262 315 0151 00 RES FXD FILM 150 0HM 5 0 25W 57668 NTR25J E150E A1R266 323 0114 00 RES FXD FI LM 150 ...

Page 288: ...4 321 0213 00 RES FXD FILM 1 62K OFM 1X 0 125W TOTO 07716 CEAD16200F A1R346 321 0208 00 RES FXD FILM 1 43K OFM 1 0 125V TOTO 19701 5033ED1K43F A1R347 321 0238 00 RES FXD FILM 2 94K OFM 1 0 125W TOTO 07716 CEAD29400F A1R349 315 0101 00 RES FXD FILM 100 OHM 5 0 25W 57658 NTR25J E 100E A1R350 315 0470 00 RES FXD FILM 47 0HM 5X 0 25W 57668 NTR25J E47E0 A1R351 315 0470 00 RES FXD FILM 47 0HM 5 0 25W 57...

Page 289: ...R448 315 0270 00 RES FXD FILM 27 0HM 5 0 25W 19701 5043CX27R00J A1R443 315 0270 00 RES FXD FILM 27 OHM 55 0 25W 19701 5043CX27RO0J A1R452 321 0130 00 RES FXD FILM 221 OFM 17 0 125W TC T0 19701 5043ED221ROF A1R453 315 0470 00 RES FXD FILM 47 0HM 5 0 25W 57668 NTR25J E47E0 A1R454 315 0470 00 RES FXD FILM 47 0 4 5 0 25W 57668 NTR25J E47E0 A1R455 315 0101 00 RES FXD FILM 100 0HM 5 0 25W 57668 NTR25J E...

Page 290: ...RES FXD FILM 4 7K 01W 5 0 25W 57668 NTR25J E04K7 A1RS32 315 0102 00 RES FXD FILM IK OFM 5t0 25W 57668 NTR25JE01K0 A1R533 315 0102 00 RES FXD FILM IK OFM 5 0 25W 57668 NTR25JEO1K0 A1R534 315 0102 00 RES FXD FI LM IK OFW 5tO 25W 57668 NTR25JE01K0 A1R535 315 0204 00 RES FXD FILM 200K OHM 5 0 25W 19701 5043CX200K0J A1R536 315 0394 00 RES FX0 FILM 390K 0HM 5t0 25W 57568 NTR25J E390K A1R537 315 0103 00 ...

Page 291: ...M 25W 57668 NTR25J E 2K A1R758 321 0336 00 RES FXD FI LM 30 9K OrM 1 0 125W TOTO 19701 5043ED30K90F A1R759 321 0267 00 RES FXD FI LM 5 SOK OrM i 0 125_ TOTO 19701 5033ED5K900F A1R760 311 2229 00 RES VAR NONW TRMR 250 0HM 20M 5W LINEAR TK1450 GF06L T 250 A1R761 321 0210 00 RES FXD FILM 50K OHM 1 0 125W TOTO 19701 5033ED1K50F A1R764 315 0221 00 B010100 B011299 RES FXD FILM 220 OFf i 0 25W 57658 NTR2...

Page 292: ...ILM 6 2M OHM 5 0 25W 01121 CB6255 A1R870 311 2239 00 RES VAR NONVM TRMR 10QK OHM 2010 5W LINEAR TK1450 GF050T 100K A1R871 315 0102 00 RES FXD FILM IK OHM 5 0 25W 57668 NTR25JE01K0 A1R872 315 0223 00 RES FXD FILM 22K OHM 5 0 25W 19701 5043CX22K00J92U A1R873 315 0513 00 RES FXD FILM 51K OHM 57 0 25W 57668 NTR25J E51K0 A1RS74 311 2239 00 RES VAR NONVW TRMR 1OOK OH4 205 0 5W LINEAR TK1450 GF06LTT 100K...

Page 293: ...CMPSN 4 7 OHM 5 0 25W 01121 CB 4765 A1R975 315 0512 00 RES FXD FILM 5 IK 0HM 5 0 25tf 57668 NTR25J E05K1 A1R973 315 0512 00 RES FXD FILM 5 IK 0HM 5X 0 25W 57658 NTR25J E05K1 A1R7111 321 0354 00 RES FXD FILM 47 5K Orf4 1 0 125W TC T0 19701 5043ED47K50F A1R7317 315 0102 00 RES FXD FILM 1K 0HM 5O 25W 57668 NTR25JE01K0 AiR72C3 315 0102 00 RES FXD FILM IK OHM 5 0 25W 57658 NTR25JE01K0 A1R7204 315 0682 ...

Page 294: ...GTL ECL RETRIG MONOSTABLE MV 04713 MC10198 P OR L A111504 156 1335 00 MICRXKT DGTL LSTTL DUAL RETRIGGERABLE 07263 96LS02PCQR A1U506 156 1639 00 MlCRXKT DGTL ECL DUAL D M4 SL4VE FF 04713 MC10H131 P OR L A1U532 155 1641 00 MICRXKT DGTL tCL QUAD 2 INPUT NOR GATE 04713 MC10H102 L OR P A1U537 156 0721 02 B010100 B022299 MICRXKT DGTL QUAD ST 2 INP NANO GATES 18324 N74LS132 NBORFB A1U537 156 0721 00 B022...

Page 295: ... CONDXTOR DUMMY RES 0 094 X 0 225 24546 OMA 07 A1W560 131 0556 00 BUS CONDXTOR DUMMY RES 0 094 X 0 225 24546 OMA 07 A1W565 131 0566 00 BUS CONDXTOR DUMMY RES 0 094 X 0 225 24546 OMA 07 A1W570 131 0556 00 BUS CONDXTOR DUMMY RES 0 094 X 0 225 24546 OMA 07 A1W575 131 0566 00 BUS CONDXTOR DUMMY RES 0 094 X 0 225 24546 OMA 07 A1W5S1 131 0566 00 BUS CONDXTOR DUMMY RES 0 094 X 0 225 24546 OMA 07 A1W592 1...

Page 296: ...2949 00 WIRING HARNESS I O 80009 179 2949 00 A1W9020 131 0566 00 BUS CONDXTOR DUMMY RES 0 094 X 0 225 24546 OMA 07 A1W9035 131 0566 00 BUS CONDXTOR DUMMY RES 0 094 X 0 225 24546 OMA 07 A1W9058 131 0566 00 BUS CONDXTOR DUMMY RES 0 094 X 0 225 24546 OMA 07 A1W9070 198 4819 00 WIRE SET ELEC POWER FET 80009 198 4819 00 A1W9080 175 9852 00 CA ASSY SP ELEC 3 18 AWS 6 0 L RIBBON 80009 175 9852 00 A1W9103...

Page 297: ...0 100V 04222 MA101C10ZMA4 A2C96 290 0776 00 CAP FXD ELCTLT 22UF 50 10 10V 55680 ULA1A220TAA A2C97 281 0862 00 CAP FXD CER DI 0 001UF 80 20 100V 04222 MA101C10ZMAA A2CR7 152 0324 00 SEMICOND DVC DI SW SI 35V 0 1A D0 7 14552 MT5128 A2CR18 152 0141 02 SEMICOND DVC D I SW 5I 30V 150K4 30V DO 35 03508 DA2527 1N4152 A2CR57 152 0324 00 SEMICOND DVC DI SW 51 35V 0 1A D0 7 14552 MT5128 A2CR68 152 0141 02 S...

Page 298: ...O FILM IK OHM 5 0 25V 57668 NTR25JE01K0 A2R38 321 0144 00 RES FXO FILM 309 OHM 17 0 125V TWO 07715 CEAD309R0F A2R39 315 0242 00 RES FXO FILM 2 4K OHM 5 0 25V 57668 NTR25J E02K4 A2R41 315 0221 00 RES FXO FILM 220 OHM 5 0 25V 57668 NTR25J E220E A2R42 315 0333 00 RES FXD FILM 33K OHM 5 0 25V 57668 NTR25J E33K0 A2R43 311 2218 00 RES VAR NONVW PNL 10K 0FM 20 0 25W DPST 01121 ORDER BY DESCR A2R46 315 01...

Page 299: ...5Q 156 2469 00 MICROCKT DGTL OP AMP 01295 TLC271ACP A2U80 155 0273 00 MICROCKT L1NEAR ATTEN AMPLIFIER 80009 155 0273 00 A2VR10 152 0744 00 SEMICOND DVC Dl ZEN SI 3 6V 5 0 4W DO 7 15238 IN747ATK A2VR50 152 0744 00 SEMICOND DVC Dl ZEN SI 3 6V 5 0 4W DO 7 15238 IN747ATK AZW 43 131 0566 00 BUS CONDUCTOR DUMMY RES 0 094 X 0 225 24546 OMA 07 A2W93 131 0566 00 BUS CONDUCTOR DUMMY RES 0 094 X 0 225 24546 ...

Page 300: ...D FILM 1iOK 0HM 5 0 25W 19701 5043CX110K0J A3R986 315 0434 00 RES FXD FILM 430K 0HM 5 0 25tf 57668 NTR25J E430K A3R987 315 0124 00 RES FXO FILM 120K 0TM 5 0 25W 19701 5043CX120K0J A3R988 315 0182 00 RES FXD FILM 1 SK 0HM 5 0 25W 57668 NTR25J E1K8 A3R989 321 0239 00 RES FXD FILM 3 OIK 0W 1 0 125W TC T0 19701 5043ED3K01OF A3R990 321 0126 00 RES FXD FILM 200 OHM 1 0 125W TC T0 19701 5O33ED20OROF A3R7...

Page 301: ...201C103KAA A4C728 283 0203 00 CAP FXD CER DI 0 47UF 20 50V 04222 SR305SC474KAA A4C749 281 0775 00 CAP FXD CER D I 0 iU F 20 50V 04222 KA205E104MAA A4C750 290 0246 00 CAP FXD ELCTLT 3 3UF 10 15V 12954 D3R3EA15K1 A4C751 281 0809 00 CAP FXD CER 01 200 FF 5 100V 04222 MA101A201JAA A4C752 281 0775 00 CAP FXD CER 0 1 0 1UF 20 50V 04222 MA205E104HAA A4C755 283 0107 00 CAP FXD CER 01 51PF 5 200V 04222 SR2...

Page 302: ...M 47 0W 5 0 25W 57668 NTR25J E47E0 A4R745 321 0177 00 RES FXD FILM 681 OFM 17 0 12SW TC TO 07716 CEAD681R0F A4R746 321 0184 00 B010100 B012199 RES FXD FILM 806 OHM 1 0 125W TC TO 19701 5033E0806R0F A4R746 321 0133 00 B012200 B012337 RES FXD FILM 237 OHM 1 0 125W TC TO 07716 CEA0237R0F A4R746 321 0128 00 B012338 B022101 RES FXD FILM 210 0HM 1 0 125W TC T0 07716 CEAD210R0F A4R746 321 0133 00 B022102...

Page 303: ...7 152 0141 02 SEMICOND DVC DI SW SI 30V 150HA 30V DO 35 03508 DA2527 1N4152 A5J4220 131 0608 00 TERMINAL PIN 0 365 L X 0 025 BRZ GLD PL QUANTITY OF 2 22526 48283 036 A5L657 120 0382 00 C01L RF 21OUH 28 43 14 TURNS 80009 120 0382 00 A5Q630 151 0369 00 TRAN SISTOR PNP S I X 55 04713 SPS8273 A50631 151 0369 00 TRANSISTOR PNP SI X 55 04713 SPS8273 A5Q537 151 0276 01 TRANSISTOR PNP SI TO 92 TK1016 S142...

Page 304: ...A5R669 315 0102 00 RES FXD FILM IK OHM 5 0 25V 57658 NTR25JE01K0 A5R670 315 0102 00 RES FXD FILM IK 0HM 5 0 25W 57658 NTR25JE01K0 A5R671 315 0102 00 RES FXD FILM IK 0HM 5 0 25W 57658 NTR25JE01KO A5R672 315 0331 00 RES FXD FILM 330 0HM 5 0 25W 57668 NTR25J E330E A5R674 315 0102 00 RES FXD FILM IK OHM 5 0 25W 57668 NTR25JE01K0 A5R578 315 0561 00 RES FXD FI LM 560 OHM 5 0 25 W 19701 5043CX560ROJ A5R6...

Page 305: ...21984 CIRCUIT BD ASSY STORAGE 80009 670 8702 01 A10 670 8702 02 B021985 CIRCUIT BD ASSY STORA6E 80009 670 8702 02 A10C2101 281 0757 00 CAP FXD CER D I 1OPF 20 100V 04222 MA101A100MAA A1X2102 281 0757 00 CAP FXD CER DI 10PF 20 100V 04222 MA101A100MAA A10C2103 281 0123 00 CAP VAR CER DI 5 25PF 100V 59560 5I8 000A5 25 A10C2104 281 0814 00 CAP FXD CER D I 100 PF 10 100V 04222 MA101A101KAA A10C2111 281...

Page 306: ...V 54583 MA12COG1H271J A1X4125 281 0773 00 CAP FXD CER 01 0 01UF 10 100V 04222 HA201C103KAA A1X4126 281 0773 00 CAP FXD CER D I 0 01UF 10 100V 04222 MA201C103KAA A1X4201 283 0789 00 CAP FXD MICA DI 600PF 1 500V 00853 D153F601FO A1X4202 281 0158 00 CAP VAR CER D1 7 45PF 25V 59550 518 006 G 7 45 A1X4203 281 0759 00 CAP FXD CER D I 22PF 10 100V SELECTED MAY NOT BE REQUIRED 04222 MA101A220KAA A1X4217 2...

Page 307: ... 0775 00 CAP FXD CER D I 0 IU F 20 50V 04222 MA205E104MAA A1X9206 281 0775 00 CAP FXD CER D I 0 IUF 20 50V 04222 MA205E104HAA A1X9207 281 0775 00 CAP FXD CER D I 0 IU F 20 50V 04222 MA205E104MAA A1X9210 281 0814 00 CAP FXD CER D I 100 PF iO 100V 04222 KA101A10IKAA A1X9211 281 0775 00 CAP FXD CER DI 0 1UF 20 50V 04222 MA205E104M AA A1XS212 281 0775 00 CAP FXD CER D I 0 1UF 20 50V 04222 MA205E104MAA...

Page 308: ... T0 92B 80009 151 0711 00 A10Q2212 151 0472 00 TRANSISTOR NPN SI TO 92 51984 NE41632B A10Q2213 151 0188 00 TRANSISTOR PNP SI TO 92 80009 151 0188 00 A10Q4203 151 0220 03 TRANSISTOR PNP SI TO 92 04713 SPS6915 A1004204 151 0220 03 TRANSISTOR PNP SI TO 92 04713 SPS6915 AMQ4205 151 0190 00 TRANSISTOR NPN SI TO 92 80009 151 0190 00 A10Q4207 151 1121 00 TRAN SI STOR FE N CHANNEL SI TO 92 17856 V10206 A1...

Page 309: ...01 5053CX27CK0J A10R2152 315 0100 00 RES FXD FILM 10 OH 5 0 25W 19701 5043CX10RR00J A10R2153 321 0214 00 RES FXD FILM 1 65K OrM 1 0 125W TC T0 19701 5033ED1K65F A10R2154 321 0657 00 RES FXD F1LM 60 OH 1 0 125U TC TO 57568 CRB14 FXE 60 OH A10R2155 321 0816 00 RES FXD FILM 5K OH i 0 125W TC TO 24546 NA55D5001F A10R2156 321 0641 00 RES FXD FILM 1 8 OH l 0 125W TC T0 91637 MFF1816G18000F A10R2157 321 ...

Page 310: ...8 NTR25JE01K0 A10R4205 321 0145 00 RES FXD FILM 316 0FM 1 0 125W TD T0 07716 CEAD316R0F A10R4206 321 0183 00 RES FXD FILM 787 OKI 1 0 125W TC T0 07716 CEAD787R0F A10R4207 321 0512 00 RES FXD FILM 500 0H4 1 0 125W TC TO 07716 CEAD50OR0F A10R4208 315 0102 00 RES FXD FILM IK 0FM 5 0 2EM 57658 NTR25JE01K0 A10R4209 315 0102 00 RES FXD FILM IK OHM 5 0 25W 57668 NTR25JE01K0 A10R4210 321 0161 00 RES FXD F...

Page 311: ...2 POLE MEMORY 80009 260 2254 00 A10SS402 260 2253 00 SWITCH PUSH 5 BUTTON 2 P0LE ST0RA6E 80009 260 2253 00 A10S9403 A10S9412 260 1132 02 B010100 B012599 SWITCH PUSH DPDT 1A 23VDC 1 BUTTON PART OF R9412 59821 2KAB010000543 A1072201 120 1661 00 TRANSFORMER RF 7 TURNS BIFILAR COMMON MODE TK1345 ORDER BY DESCR A1OT2202 120 1680 00 TRANSFORMER RF 5 TURN BIBILAR 80009 120 1680 M A10T22C3 120 0444 00 XFM...


Page 313: ...M SCRN 01295 TMS4416 15 A10U9202 156 1859 00 M1CRXKT DGTL M0S DYNAMIC RAM SCRN 01295 TMS4416 15 A101 9203 156 1859 00 MICRXKT DGTL MOS DYNAMIC RAM SCRN 01295 TKS4416 15 A10U9204 156 2210 00 MICRXKT DGTL QUAD SEL MUX W 3 STATE OUT 01295 SN74ALS257N3 A10U9205 156 2210 00 MICRXKT DGTL QUAD SEL MUX W 3 STATE OUT 01295 SN74ALS257N3 A101 9206 156 1921 00 MICRXKT DGTL XTAL BUS XSCVR E 3 ST OUT 27014 MM74...

Page 314: ... 281 0775 00 CAP FXD CER D I 0 1UF 20 50V 04222 MA20SE104MAA A11A1C6110 281 0775 00 CAP FXD CER DI Q 1UF 2Q 53V 04222 HA205E104MAA A11A1C6U1 281 0775 00 CAP FXD CER 01 0 1UF 20 DV 04222 MA205E104MAA A11A1C6112 281 0775 00 CAP FXD CER DI 0 1UF 20 50V 04222 MA205E104MAA A11A1C6113 281 0775 00 CAP FXD CER DI 0 1UF 20 50V 04222 MA205E104MAA A11A1C611A 281 0775 00 CAP FXD CER D I 0 1UF 20 50V 04222 KA2...

Page 315: ... 10 OK OEM l 0 125W TC T0 19701 5033ED10KOF A11A1R6U0 321 0289 00 RES FXO FILM 10 OK 0EM 1 0 125W TC T0 19701 5033ED10KOF A11A1R6111 321 0414 00 RES FXD FILM 200K OrM l 0 125W TC T0 07716 CEAD20002F A11A1R6112 321 0414 00 RES FXO FILM 200K OEM 1 0 125W TC T0 07716 CEAD20002F A11A1R6113 321 0289 00 RES FXO FI LM 10 OK OEM 1 0 125W TC T0 19701 5033ED10K0F A11A1R6114 321 0289 00 RES FXD FI LM 10 OK O...

Page 316: ...15 0102 00 RES FXD FILM IK O H M 55 0 25W 57668 NTR25JE01K0 A11A1R6229 315 0164 00 RES FXD FILM 160K 0HM 5X 0 25W 57668 NTR25J E160K A11A1R6230 315 0564 00 RES FXD FILM 550K OHM 5 0 2 W 19701 5043CX560KOJ A11A1R6231 315 0102 00 RES FXD FILM IK OHM 5 0 25W 57668 NTR25JE01K0 A11A1R6232 315 0472 00 RES FXD FILM 4 7K OHM 5 0 25W 57668 NTR25J E04K7 A11A1R6233 321 0302 00 RES FXD FILM 13 7K 0rW lX 0 125...

Page 317: ...I SW SI 30V 150MA 30V DO 35 03508 DAB527 1N4152 A11A2CR6304 152 0141 02 SEMICOND DVC DI SW SI 30V 150MA 30V DO 35 03508 DA2527 1N4152 A 1A2CR6305 152 0141 02 SEMICOND DVC D I SW S1 30V 1SOMA 30V DO 35 03508 DA2527 1N4152 A11A2CR6306 152 0141 02 SEMICOND DVC D I SW SI 30V 150M4 30V DO 35 03508 DA2527 1N4152 A11A2CR6307 152 0141 02 SEMICOND DVC D I SW S1 30V 150MA 30V DO 35 05508 DA2527 1N4152 AUA2C...

Page 318: ...25 321 0344 00 RES FXO FILM 37 4K 044 1 0 125W TC TO 19701 5033E0 37K40F AUA2R6426 315 0363 00 RES FXD FILM 36K 0HM 5 0 25W 57668 NTR25J E36K0 A11A2R6427 315 0513 00 RES FXD F1LM 51K 0HM 5 0 25W 57668 NTR25J E51K0 AUA2R6428 315 0104 00 RES FXD FILM 100K OHM 5 0 25W 57668 NTR25J E100K A11A2R6429 321 0354 00 B010100 B022101 RES FXD FILM 47 5K 044 1 0 125U TC TO 19701 5043E047K50F A11A2R6429 321 0326...

Page 319: ... 156 2457 00 MlCROCKT LI NEAR DUAL DIFF VOLT COMP 01295 TLC372CP A14 670 8698 00 CIRCUIT BD ASSY LOGIC CHI CH2 CH 1 LOGIC BOARD 80009 670 8698 00 A14C5301 281 0775 00 CAP FXD CER D I 0 1UF 20 50V 04222 HA205E104MAA A14C5302 281 0775 00 CAP FXD CER D I 0 1UF 20 50V 04222 HA205E104HAA A14J6111 131 0589 00 TERMINAL PIN 0 46 L X 0 025 SQ PH BRZ QUANTITY OF 3 22526 48283 029 A14R5301 321 0292 00 RES FX...

Page 320: ... GLD PL QUANTITY OF 4 22526 48283 036 A17R120 321 0123 00 RES FXD FILM 187 0HM 1X 0 125W TC TO 07716 CEAD187R0F A17R121 321 0123 00 RES FXD FILM 187 0HM 1 0 125W TC TO 07716 CEAD187R0F A17R170 321 0123 00 RES FXD FILM 187 0HM 1 0 125W TC TO 07716 CEAD187R0F A17R171 321 0123 00 RES FXD FILM 187 OfM l 0 125W TC TO 07716 CEAD187R0F A17R7320 307 0706 00 RES NTWK FXD FI 4 1 OK 0HW 2 0 2W EA 01121 20831...

Page 321: ...0 A20L1002 108 0443 00 CO L RF FIXED 23 5UH 80009 108 0443 00 A20L1003 108 0422 00 B010100 BC21412 COIL RF FIXED 8CXJH 80009 108 0422 00 A20Q1011 151 0188 00 TRANSISTOR PNP SI TO 92 80009 151 0188 00 A20Q1012 151 0188 00 TRANSISTOR PNP SI T0 S2 80009 151 0188 00 A20R1001 301 0202 00 RES FXD FILM 2 OrM 5 0 5W 19701 5O53CX2XX0J A20R1002 301 0202 00 RES FXD FILM 2K 0HM 5 0 5W 19701 5O53CX2KOO0J A20R1...

Page 322: ...4222 MA201C103KAA A21C1252 283 0639 00 CAP FXD MICA DI 56PF 1 1Q3V 00853 D155E560F0 A21C1253 283 0539 00 CAP FXD MICA Dl 56PF 1 100V 00853 D155E560F0 A21CR1001 152 0141 02 SEMICO DVC DI SW SI 30V 150MA 30V DO 35 03508 DA2527 1N4152 A21CR1002 152 0141 02 SEMICOND DVC D I SW S1 30V 1 SOMA 30V DO 35 03508 DA2527 1N4152 A21CR1003 152 0141 02 SEMICO DVC DI SW SI 30V 150MA 30V DO 35 03508 DA2527 1N4152 ...

Page 323: ...0 RES FXD FILM 4 7K OHM 5 0 25W 57668 NTR25J E04K7 A21R1246 315 0472 00 RES FXD FILM 4 7K 0HM 5 0 25W 57668 NTR25J E04K7 A21R1248 315 0472 00 RES FXD FILM 4 7K OHM 5 0 25W 57658 NTR25J E04K7 A21R1251 315 0472 00 RES FXD FI LM 4 7K 0 HM 5 0 25W 57668 NTR25J E04K7 A21R1252 315 0472 00 RES FXD FILM 4 7K 0HM 5 0 25W 57668 NTR25J E04K7 A21R1253 315 0472 00 RES FXD FILM 4 7K OHM 5 0 25W 57668 NTR25J E04...

Page 324: ...NECTOR TK0196 8431381 A22C1001 281 0775 00 CAP FXD CER DI 0 1UF 20 50V 04222 MA205E104MAA A22C1002 281 0775 00 CAP FXD CER DI 0 IUF 20 50V 04222 MA205E104MAA A22C1003 281 0775 00 CAP FXD CER D I 0 1UF 20 50V 04222 MA205E104KAA A22C1004 281 0773 00 CAP FXD CER DI 0 01UF 10 100V 04222 M4201C103KAA A22C1005 281 0773 00 CAP FXD CER D I 0 01 UF 10 100V 04222 MA201C103KAA A22C1006 281 0773 00 CAP FXD CE...

Page 325: ... E47K0 A22R1012 315 0681 00 RES FXD FILM 680 0HM 5 0 25W 57668 NTR25J E690E A22R1013 301 0202 00 RES FXD FILM 2K OHM 5 0 7 19701 5053CX2KXOJ A22R1014 315 0473 00 RES FXD FILM 47K OHM 5 0 25W 57668 NTR25J E47K0 A22R1015 315 0134 00 RES FXD FILM 130K OHM 5 0 25W 57668 NTR25J E130K A22R1016 315 0105 00 RES FXD FILM 1M 0HM 5 0 25W 19701 5043CX1M000J A22R1017 315 0112 00 RES FXD FILM l IK 0rM 5 0 25W 1...

Page 326: ...4 X 0 225 24546 OMA 07 A22W8101 175 9847 00 CA ASSY SP ELEC 50 28 AW6 2 5 L RIBBON 80009 175 5847 00 A23 670 8952 00 B010100 B021935 CIRCUIT BO ASSY OPT MEMORY 80009 670 8952 00 A23 670 8952 01 B021936 CIRCUIT BD ASSY A23 OPTION MEMORY 80009 670 8352 01 OPTION 12 10 ONLY A23C1106 290 0983 00 CAP FXD ELCTLT 4 7UF I0V X 56289 150D475X5010A2 A23C1112 281 0775 00 CAP FXD CER D I 0 1UF 20 50V 04222 MA2...

Page 327: ...F 500V 52763 2RDPLZ007 3P3XC C9273 281 0534 00 CAP FXD CER DI 3 3PF 0 25PF 500V 52763 2RDPLZ007 3P30CC CR97Q 152 0600 00 SEMICOND DVC OI SCKDTTKY RECT S I 35V 15A 04713 MBR1535CT DL9210 119 1515 00 DELAY LINE ELEC 93NS 150 OHM ASSEMBLY 80009 119 1515 00 DS518 150 1029 00 LT EMITTING D10 GREEN 565NM 35MA 58361 Q6480 MV5274C DS9150 150 1071 00 LT EMITTING DIO 6REEN 565NM 20MA MAX 50434 HLMP3910 FI 0...

Page 328: ...r lOpF RATING BLACK 0 1 1 20 2 pF 4 VDC BROWN 1 10 1 10 1 0 1 pF 6 VDC RED 2 101 or 100 2 102 or 100 2 10 VDC ORANGE 3 101 or 1 K 3 103 or 1000 3 15 VDC YELLOW 4 104 or 10 K 4 104 or 10 000 100 9 20 VDC GREEN 5 10s or 100 K 105 or 100 000 5 0 SpF 2SVOC BLUE 6 10s or 1 M ty 106 or 1 000 000 35VOC VIOLET 7 1 10 SOVDC GRAY 8 10 J or 0 01 80 20 0 25 PF WHITE 9 I f 1 or 0 1 10 1 pF 3 VDC GOLD 10 1 or 0...

Page 329: ...PUT Figure 9 2 S em ico n d u cto r lea d co n fig u ratio n s ...

Page 330: ...ted at the beginning of each set of waveform s Input signals and hookups required are also indicated If needed for each set of waveform s Voltage m easurem ents are made with a I X probe unless otherwise noted Horizontal P O S IT IO N Midrange H O R IZ O N T A L M O D E A A S E C D IV 0 5 ms S E C D IV Variable C A L detent X I 0 M agnifier Off knob In ATRIGGER V A R H O LD O FF M ode S LO P E LEV...

Page 331: ... a pow er supply comes up after lifting one of the m ain jumpers from the pow er supply to isolate that supply it is very probable that a short exists in the circuitry on that supply line By lifting jumpers farther dow n the line the cir cuit in which a short exists m ay be located AC Waveforms warming Instrum ent m ust be connected to the ac pow er source using a 1 1 isolation transformer D o not...

Page 332: ...2230Service CHASSIS MOUNTED PARTS ...

Page 333: ... 10 R33 t R4 1 R68 1 C91 10 R34 1 RS 1 R67 1 C93 10 R35 1 R08 1 C94 to R37 1 R6 1 R69 1 C96 io R38 1 R7 1 R7I 1 C97 10 R39 t R8 1 R72 1 CR7 1 R41 R9 1 R73 1 CRIB 1 R42 T RIO 1 R75 1 CR57 1 R43 1 R1I 1 R76 1 CR68 1 R46 1 R12 1 R77 1 J9I03 1 R47 1 R t3 1 R79 1 J9 I08 1 R48 1 R I4 1 R80 1 J999I 10 R51 1 R1S 1 RBI I L90 10 RSI 1 R16 1 R83 1 A14 CH 1LOGIC BOARD A15 CH2 LOGICBOARD c ir c u it s c h e m ...

Page 334: ...A14 CH 1 LOGIC BOARD ...

Page 335: ...h Y C55T csj cRea W29S0 P9991 W h rrsTi Figure 9 6 A2 Attenuator board Static Sensitive Devices See UtiMtnme Section COMPONENT NUMBER EXAMPLE Component Number AvtmbN Htimbtt A 2 3 A 2 R1234 I 1 Schtmthc L O re iM SututiimNr Hwflbtf Numb it out CVdm ireuMed compo wnd Mve 0 Aiw vbl MumMr pi Ki h e RtsUcttttt EMt ui Perulut A2 ATTENUATOR BOARD ...

Page 336: ... 3E IB R52 5A 3A 3C R6 2E 2C R53 55 3C 30 R6 2E 2C R54 5B 3A 38 R7 3C IB R55 BE 3C 4C R8 2B 2A R56 5E 4C 3C R9 3F 1C R57 SC U10 3D RIO 3E 10 RS8 SB 4A 30 R1 2F 1C R59 5F 3C U60 55 R12 30 IB R60 65 3D U80 4C R13 2F 20 R61 3C R14 2F 1C R62 SO 3E R I5 3F 10 R63 SF c C76 30 R16 3F 1C R64 5F 3C W93 R1 2G 10 R85 K 4S R18 2G to RB6 6F 3C P a rtia la 2 also shtiwn on diagram 10 A S S E M B l Y A 3 J9200 7...

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Page 338: ...R 166 2 3 C 825 9 C R 477 4 39010 6 Q 770 7 R 188 2 3 C 828 9 C R 501 5 J9010 10 0775 7 R 189 2 4 C 832 10 C R 504 5 J9050 10 Q 779 7 R 192 2 4 C 835 9 C R 505 5 J9060 10 0780 7 R 193 2 C 350 4 C 845 9 C R 508 5 39210 2 Q 785 7 R 194 2 C J51 4 C 847 9 C R 509 5 J9210 9 Q 789 7 R 195 2 4 C 849 1 0 C R 514 5 J9300 1 0 0804 9 R 200 2 4 C 851 9 C R 527 5 J9320 4 0614 9 R 202 3 4 C 853 9 C R 531 4 J964...

Page 339: ... oQXUXan n rrn rtm irn m o ttM0 1 1 1 1 1 n B 9v g o n a III I O fcfl9 S n 0 9 O KrSsU J v S V J O fcR 955H f 8 Y U 9 J _Q CM KJ j M m h 2 2 o PL92I01 c s s a fSfiB S r 0 1 l 7 O pQvAis O o t o o 55550313 0 8 g gK g g IBaoias oel J bsoaoedTOo W7 70 O O 0 0 o rR 7 0 do otw fl4 oq 2 84 sa3 a ay3 a 0 k o B S t e K H g aA piR Talo o C w B fc 0 3 d A A 3 o IStcB5 _ rTnoj J l i i l u fi A bsa oo6 Ii2 5 ...

Page 340: ...844 9 R 7214 2 V R 764 7 R 318 4 R 453 4 R 560 4 R 845 9 R 7215 2 V R 782 7 R 319 4 R 454 4 R 5 6 1 4 R 849 9 R 7216 2 V R 828 9 R 321 4 R 455 4 R 562 4 R 8 5 1 9 R 7260 9 V R 925 8 R 322 4 R 457 4 R 564 4 R 852 9 R 7261 9 V R 935 8 R 324 4 R 458 4 R 565 4 R 853 9 R 7262 9 V R 943 6 R 326 4 R 459 4 R 566 7 R 854 9 R 7263 9 V R 953 1 3 R 327 4 R 460 4 R S 68 5 R 858 9 R 7301 7 V R 954 1 3 R 328 4 R...

Page 341: ... 0 3 3 2 2 o m O 3 2 O r 3 2 4 0 S O i o M J S 0 342 9 a a o 344 Co 0 1 5 r n ft r iussscl 0 t C R 3 S O t 1 0 0 0 343 c s f U 3 I0 1 Z 8 0 c o i 2 w n3 s c ft rt o 0 395 C1 O o O O b O C C 33 7 S C3I2 O 3 3 7 O f f O 3 2 3 2 in s s T 397 O C 3 3 7 3 0 O O C 0 3 97 _ f 7 S C O g C n 0 0 00 S v R g g 0 0 C C 3 5 0 O S S 3 2 4 C O 6 0 O 3io C 3 9 9 O f S 3 C C O O O 7 5 7 O O R J I J f z g g 5 I I I...

Page 342: ...D 0 0 0 0 00 ISSEHii f l 1 O o O M 1 Ofl OOO OOOO pooo j 4 A17 POSITION INTERFACE BOARD F ia 9 11 I i 4 J 2 W M O O O O C IR C U IT N U M B E R wfj W M NW Is sS 3 J3 3 1B 2 v j J J 1 8sS C IR C U IT N U M B E R Z A is sssssa SI 58O 4 O 1 1 c ac W JM U U W Z A Is m 2 t 2 v n J o o o IP ...

Page 343: ...5 5 C 3 E U 540B 7 E 2 L L142 1L 2D R 156 5 C 2 F U 7201 7H 2J LI43 2L 2D R 158 5 B 3 F U 7202A 4H 3J LI92 4L 2E R 159 58 3F U 7202B 6H 3J LI93 6L 2E R 164 5 E 4 E R 165 5 E 4 E W 535 7 F 8G 0102 IB 30 R 172 5 E 3 E W 537 7 F 3L 0103 2B 3D R 175 5J 3 E W i 38 7 G 2L 0114 IE 3C R 176 5J 3 E w m i 1L 2D Q 115 2 E 30 R 180 5K 3 E W 2112 4L 2E Q 152 5 B 3F R 181 S K 3 E W 7220 6G 2 K Q 153 6A 3 F R 18...

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Page 346: ...6 2 K 2 G C 9 2 7 3 7 L 1 H R 2 2 3 5 E IE R 2 8 7 2 K 2 G R 2 2 5 70 1 C R 2 8 8 3 K 1 G C R 2 2 4 4 F 10 R 2 26 S F IE R 2 8 9 3 K 20 C R 2 2 5 4 G 2 F R 2 2 7 5 G IF R 2 9 2 2 K 3 F C R 2 2 6 5 F IE R 2 3 0 6 J 2 F R 2 9 3 2 K 3 F C R 2 2 7 5f IE R 2 3 1 4 J IF R 7 2 1 3 4 H 2 G C R 2 2 8 5 G IE R 2 3 3 5 J IF R 9 2 7 2 7 L 2H C R 2 2 9 5 G IE R 2 3 4 6 J 2 F R 9 2 7 3 3 L 1 H R 2 3 5 5 J IF D ...

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Page 349: ... Sensitive Devices SeeMaintenance Section COMPONENT NUMBER EXAMPLE C o m ponent N u m b e r A23 A2 R1234 Assembly Number I T T Subissembly Number if used S c h e m t Circuit Number Chissts mounted components have no Assembly Number prefix see end ot Replaceable Electrical Parts List ...

Page 350: ... 9521 5 R 224 3 S200 4 W 9900 7 R 280 3 S226 3 B 0 O o o O O O g o O W5IS O o On OO OO 0 Otnoo OO O oOO oOO O B r J R379 9 u oo W952I So s o M o o 2 0 o o OOS ID u tn2 S o ooO O O o 3 o o c O W 904O 5boo 31313 3 0 ID D ID D C O C O C O C O v l u i 01 CO Q a OOOOu u u u 33 O ai M o o o o 0 0 00 O o 01 O oi 0 5 O 0 0 9 8 7 0 OCR988 QCR989OO RIGI 0 0 0 0 R3o o O O O O o 3 S545 O O O O SG48 O O O O O ...

Page 351: ...7 7 E 5 E R 458 5K 9C U 555C 2 S 4 F C R 415 3K 8C R 339 7 F 5 E R 459 4L 80 U 555D 3 E 4F C R 467 6L 90 R 340 6F 4E R 460 5K 8C U 565A IE 2 K C R 476 6M 9C R 342 2 F 4F R 461 4K 8D U 565B 2E 2K C R 477 6M 9D R 343 6F 4 R 462 5K 8D U 565C 3 E 2K C R 531 4C 5A R 344 7F 4 E R 463 7K 80 U 565D 2 2K C R 532 3 C 6C R 346 7F 5 E R 464 7 L 80 C R 541 3C 6C R 347 8 F 5 E R 465 6 L 80 W 335 6 E 4E C R 556 ...

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Page 353: ...01 S R 765 6 C710 10 R 702 5 R 767 6 C 7 12 6 R 703 S R 769 6 C 713 6 R 704 6 R 7 7 1 6 C 714 6 R 705 5 R 772 6 C720 7 R 707 5 R 774 6 C 724 10 R 709 6 R 7 0 1 6 C 728 7 R 710 6 R 790 5 C 749 10 R711 6 S 701 5 C 750 10 R 713 6 S 701 6 C 751 7 R 724 10 U 715 6 C 752 10 R 727 7 U 715 6 C 755 7 R 728 7 U715 10 C R 732 7 R 730 7 U 750 10 C R 742 7 R 731 7 U 7 5 1 10 C R 76C 6 R 732 7 U 760 7 C R 761 6...

Page 354: ... SeeMaintenance Section COMPONENT NUMBER EXAMPLE Component Number Assembly Number A 23A 2R 1234 J T T Subessembly Number if used Schematic Circuit Number Chassis mounted components have no Assembly Number prelu see end ot Replaceable Electrical Parts lis t C IR C U IT N U M B E R S C H E M N U M B E R C IR C U IT N U M B E R S C H E M N U M B E R C IR C U IT N U M B E R S C H E iM N U M B E R C 7 ...

Page 355: ...WAVEFORMS FOR DIAGRAM 5 4999 83 ...

Page 356: ...527 2 K 9F R 522 6 E 6 E U 532B 1 G 1 0 E R 523 7 F 8F U 532C 1G 1 0 E J4210 1L 8E R 524 7F 8 F U5320 10 1 0 E R 525 6 F 8F 0509 30 IO C R 526 2 F 10 F W 502 6E 7 F 0511 2 J 9E R 527 2 K 9 F W 503 6 E 5 E Q 521 7 F 8E R 528 IF 1 0 E W 7122 1 C IO C Q S 22 5 7 E R 529 5 E 7 F W 7420 4E IO C Q 523 6 E 6E R 568 ID 10D W 7440 4D 10B 0525 7 F 7E R 569 ID 10D W 900Q IB 8A Q 527 2 L 10F R 571 IE 9E W 900...

Page 357: ... LOCATION NUMBER LOCATION LOCATION C766 6K 1C R798 7L 18 U781B 8L IB U781C 8L 18 R734 7L 1A U780A 7L 1A U781D 8L IB R735 8L 1A U780B 7L 1A R791 6K IB U780C 8L 1A W1304 7K 2A R794 6K 1C U7800 7L 1A R795 7L IB U781A 7L 18 P a r t ia l A 1 3 a ls o s h o w n o n d ia g r a m s 6 a n d 10 CHASSIS MOUNTED PARTS P9700 2L CHASSIS R9521 7A CHASSIS P9700 7C CHASSIS ...

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Page 359: ...C R 625 6 R 628 6 C R 626 6 R 630 6 U 605 6 C H 680 9 R 6 3 1 6 U 605 10 C R 684 9 R 632 6 U 655 6 C R 685 9 R 633 6 U 660 6 C R 687 9 R 634 6 U 660 9 C R 816 9 R 637 6 U 660 10 C R 817 9 R 638 6 U 665 6 R 640 6 U 665 9 J4220 9 R 642 6 U 665 10 R 643 6 U 670 6 L667 6 R 644 6 U 670 1 0 R 650 6 U 680 6 Q 630 6 R 6 5 1 6 U 680 1 0 Q 631 6 R 652 6 Q 637 6 R 653 6 V R 660 6 Q 643 6 R 655 10 Q 670 6 R 6...

Page 360: ...e o S S 2 06 5710 ojg o p F 5 o R 5 i S o g v d o ceR8i a K O toiOuj SiScl 000 V R 6 6 3 0 R665 ct 0 O r 7 o o U635 J co O O O O S t 6 7 ofiSiSo q e a o 1 S i b o o o P m r n G Q in L i x L a o i n w a j a s i n i m i a UfSS gi 3i s o t h O O i i i n r c m n 4999 17A Figure 9 16 A5 Alternate Sweep board Static Sensitive Devices See M ainten an ce S ection COMPONENT NUMBER EXAMPLE Component Number ...

Page 361: ...WAVEFORMS FOR DIAGRAM 6 S 84 ...

Page 362: ...2230 Service TEST SCOPE TRIGGERED ON U665 PIN 8 FOR WAVEFORMS 31 THROUGH 33 ...

Page 363: ... 5 L 38 S 701C 4J 1 A 4K 3 B 6 L ID U 715A 6L ID 6M ID U 715B 6L ID 6 L ID 6 L 1 C W 1304 6M 3B 5 L 3A W 1304 7H 3 B 5 L 3A W it304 8H 3B 6L ID 6M ID P a r t ia l A 4 a ls o s h o w n o n d ia g r a m s 5 7 a n d 1 0 ASSEMBLY A5 C610 ID 3A R 610 C 643 3 G 3D R611 C 646 8D 3C R 613 C 657 70 2C R 614 C 665 7 E 3C R 616 C 667 5 E ID R 617 C 672 6K 2C R 618 R 619 C R 625 2 G 1 C R 621 C R 626 2 G 1 C ...

Page 364: ...C IR C U IT N U M B E R S C H E M B O A R D LO C A TIO N L O C A T IO N C IR C U IT N U M B E R S C H E M B O A R D L O C A T IO N L O C A T IO N J6421 6M 1C R 729 R736 7K 8K R 723 R 725 7K 7K IB IB U782A 7K IB 1 C 1 C U 782B U 782C U782D U783A 8K 8K 8K 7K 1 C 1 C 1 C IB U 783B 7K IB W 1304 6M W 1304 7j 2A 2A P a rtia lA 1 3a ls os h o w no nd ia g r a m s5a n d1 0 CHASSIS MOUNTED PARTS 2L CHASSIS...

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Page 366: ...A 1 6 S W E E P R EFEREN CE BOARD FIG 9 17 2230 Service Figure 9 17 A16 Sweep Reference board ...

Page 367: ... E M N U M B E R N U M B E R N U M B E R N U M B E R N U M B E R N U M B E R C 7 50 1 7 R 7504 7 C 7502 7 Q 7501 7 R 7505 7 Q 7502 7 R 7506 7 C R 721 7 R 7 2 1 7 R 7507 7 J 5 2 0 1 7 R 7501 7 S 721 7 J9410 7 R 7502 7 TEST SCOPE TRIGGERED ON U665 PIN 8 FOR WAVEFORMS 34 AND 35 REV FEB 1987 ...

Page 368: ...l A 1 a ls o s h o w n o n d ia g r a m s 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 1 0 a n d 13 ASSEMBLY A3 C 987 8 B IE R 726 I B IE U 985 B B ID R 985 8B IE C R 988 8 C ID R 986 8B IE W 9900 8D 1A C R 989 8C ID R 987 8B IE R 988 8C ID J9250 7D 3D R 989 8C ID J9900 60 1 A R 990 80 1 C P a r t ia l A 3 a ls o s h o w n o n d ia g r a m s 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 1 0 a n d 1 3 ASSEMBLY A4 C 720 2 B 1 C Q 742 4E 30 R 745 5 E 3C C 728 7 ...

Page 369: ... o 0 UJU sa eg aiu c u J in su eg 5 C sis n g e s o N QO ...

Page 370: ...shutdown board A6 LINE FILTER A18 THERMAL SHUTDOWN BOARDS FIG 9 18 19 OJ o c S to 00 I H 3 O 3 S 07 GW OjfQ a a 0950 IV 5 S c c f9 5 0 o S ____ B o R9 5 7 9 5 9 fO iD C n O i v COMPONENT NUMBER EXAMPLE ...

Page 371: ...Static Sensitive Devices See Maintenance Section CM I rv CD o 2230 Service ...

Page 372: ...8 R 903 8 W 9011 8 C 902 8 R T 901 8 W 9041 8 C 903 8 T 901 8 W 9091 8 R 900 8 T903 8 W 9191 8 R 9 0 1 8 V R 901 8 A18 THERMAL SHUTDOWN BOARD C IR C U IT N U M B E R S C H E M N U M B E R C IR C U IT N U M B E R S C H E M N U M B E R C IR C U IT N U M B E R S C H E M N U M B E R C R 950 8 R 957 C R 9 5 1 8 R 958 Q 950 8 R959 R 956 8 R T950 8 W 950 8 W 950 8 8 8 8 ...

Page 373: ...enced to chassis ground m e rit m u s t b e c o n n e c te d to th e a c p o w e r s u s in g a 1 1 is o la tio n tra n s fo rm e r D o n o t c o n he te s t o s c illo s c o p e p ro b e g ro u n d le a d to th e ts r c irc u it te s t p o in ts i f th e in s tru m e n t is n o t is o A C s o u rc e v o lta g e e x is ts o n re fe re n c e p o in ts 50 a n d T 9 0 6 p in 5 4999 87 ...

Page 374: ...4F 9L TP950 2E 9L CR904 2D 6M R916 4F 10M CR907 4J 7L R917 4F 9L U930 SG 9M CR908 4H 9L R919 4F 10M CR920 2H 8M R921 5F 9M VR925 3F 9M CR946 7L 10K R922 4F 10M VR935 8H 10M CR947 7L 10K R925 3F 9M VR943 6K 10L CR948 8K 10L R926 2 9M R927 3F 9M W 950 6J 10L E907 5H 8K R928 3F 9M W9040 2C 6L R929 2F 9M W9070 1 5H 7K P9070 4J 8K R930 3F 9M W9070 2 5H 8L R934 7H 10M W9070 3 5H 9L Q908 5H 9L R935 8H 10...

Page 375: ...I Service i S Static Sensitive D vi See Miinltmnce Stihc iMPONENT NUMBER XAR C mOtr 1 2 3 4 LT L i Jines SvbiSStmMy N Numtrr if attS tn 4 s i S s t W r ...

Page 376: ...R C IR C U IT N U M B E R S C H E M N U M B E R R 9802 9 R 9S 02 9 W 9802 9 Static Sensitive Devices See Maintenance Section COMPONENT NUMBER EXAMPLE Component Number Assembly Number A23 A2 R1234 I T T Subissembly Number it used Schematic Circuit Number Chassis mounted components neve no Assembly Number prefix see end of Replaceable Electrical Parts list A7 INTENSITY POT BOARD ...


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Page 379: ...T948 5 J 8J C 963 7 L 10H J9210 IB 2K R 835 4G 4 L C 964 8 K 10J J9802 5B 5B R 836 4G 4M TP 842 3J 4L C 965 6 K 9K J9965 6 K 10J R 840 4H 4 L C 968 6 K 9H R 841 4H 4M U 537B 3F 1M C 970 8 L 8H i960 7K 10J R 842 3J 4M U 975 5 J 6H C 975 5 J 6J L 9 6 1 7K 10H R 844 3H 3M C 976 5 J 7J L962 8K 10J R 845 3H 3M V R 828 5 F 3L C 979 5 K 6J L968 8K 9H R 849 3H 3M C 7201 3 F 3M R 851 4J 4M W 565 3 E 4K Q 5...

Page 380: ... H M1A A6 LINE FILTER A18 THERMAL u f f fw w n n o A o n s c m o fi a AMccnonc cno r JA6 WEEP r eference BOARD FIG 9 17 UUARD ALTERNATE SWEEP FIG 9 16 A7 1NTENSITY POT B0A FIG 9 20 ...

Page 381: ...7A R 964 7F 4L W 885 5G 5 K W 9068 7 F 1 0 G C 590 8C 80 R 966 7A 9F W 954 1 A 7 G W 9400 5 J 9 G C 796 4D 2J W 955 1A 4L W 9400 6 J 9 G C 797 3A 3 J U 225 4D ID W 956 1A 6 G W 9705 5 J 7 F C 799 IB 4G U426 4 E 8B W 959 1 A 5 G W 9991 2 J 7 F C 832 3B 3L U460 8D 80 W 960 2A 1 0 G P a r t ia l A 1 a ls o s h o w n o n d ia g r a m s 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a n d 13 ASSEMBLYA2 C 90 1 J 2 F J9991 1 J 3 F U 1...

Page 382: ... 6 ou auvoa IO d AilSN31NI lV J fl a OB QUVOQ NIVW IV a d d W b d lV N H 3 J 1 V C V 3 0 N 3 H 3 3 3 W d 3 3 M S v f V v i n o u a i v a IV X 1 V W U 3 H 1 8 1 V U B l l U f fZK ...

Page 383: ... 3426 5 K 5 G C 9044 4C 8 K U 3427 5H 7G C 9045 4C 9 K U 3428 5H 7F C 9071 4C 40 U 4101 5K 5M C 9072 4C 5D U 4102 4 J 7K C 9073 4C 60 U 4103 4 J 7L C 9074 5C 7D U 4104 4 J 7L C 9075 5C 80 U 4105 5K 9M C 9091 5C 4E U 4106 5K 8L C 9092 5C 5E U 4107 4J 7 K C 9093 5C 6E U4108 5J 7K C 9094 5C 7 E U 4109 5J 7L C 9095 5C 8E U4110 5J 7 L C 9101 5 C 3 E U411 1 5J 8 K C 9102 5 C 7 E U 4112 5J 8L C 9104 5 C ...

Page 384: ... I I c o C u o a 5 r O tD v j If 3 IV if I I ci if 5 3 I ...

Page 385: ... V 9090 5 F 10 G W4100 2 2 K 7K W 4220 5K 10K W 9210 4K 9 B W 4110 IK 5L W 9010 3K 9 F V V 9 3 2 1 IK 5 L W 4211 5 K 10K W 9050 5K 10F V V 9322 2 K 5 F W 4212 6 K 10K W 9060 4K 10F W 9410 7K 7B P a r t ia l A 1 0 a ls o s h o w n o n d ia g r a m s 1 1 1 4 IS 1 6 1 7 1 8 a n d 2 1 CHASSIS MOUNTED PARTS P4110 IB C H A S S IS P 9010 7B C H A S S IS P 9210 2B C H A S S IS P4210 6 B C H A S S IS P9050...

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Page 387: ...13 3D 6A R 954 3 C 8A W 6122 4D 8 F W 6422 5D 3L W 6t23 4D 9 F W 9000 2C 8A VR 953 2 C 6A W 6130 2D 7A W 9000 3C 8A ASSEMBLY A1 P a r t ia l A 1 a ls o s h o w n o n d ia g r a m s 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a n d JO ASSEMBLY A3 R 960 P a r t ia l A 3 a ls o s h o w n o n d ia g r a m s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 a n d 10 CHASSIS MOUNTED PARTS P6U0 P611 1 P 6112 P6U3 5 L C H A S S IS P6120 7 E C H A S S IS P6130 8 E C ...

Page 388: ...H K L M N 7 8 8 2 2 3 0 INPUT OUTFUT WIRING INTERCONNECT ...

Page 389: ...w m r o o o o o o o o i 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 1 ol tQOOOKSjooooJ lnoo K OCM oj orvpo c fi JnooOOdbooopol XXXX 300 L106O 2106D C t l 1 1 K06M CC O6O f r 1060c l 000 P O l IfO O O W O O O O K 0OrlK 000 O O O O O O O O O i C O O U JO O O t rOOO fWOO i f OOOW OUO r n i s i OOPOOO l OOOcajOOOJ MJOO OOO J O Ct2VtV3 K O B M O A 1 fOOOOWXKrOPS KMXXflA O O t t OO t 8 g f i i L s i n J T j tOBMJ o 12 LooooiPa...

Page 390: ...U 9206 1 1 W 9014 1 1 U 4232 1 1 U 9206 1 5 W 9015 1 1 U 4232 1 8 U 9207 1 1 W 9016 1 1 U 9 10 1 1 1 U 9207 1 5 W 9017 1 1 U 9 10 1 1 4 U 9208 1 1 W 9018 1 1 U 9102 1 1 U 9208 1 5 W 9019 1 1 U 9102 1 4 U 9210 1 1 W 9021 1 1 U 9103 1 1 U 9210 15 W 9022 1 1 U 9103 1 4 U 9211 1 1 W 9023 1 1 U 9104 1 1 U 9211 1 5 W 9024 1 1 U 9104 1 4 U 9220 1 1 W 9025 1 1 U 9105 1 1 U 9220 1 5 W 9026 1 1 U 9105 1 4 U...

Page 391: ... 2 4 6 1 1 C 9250 1 1 R 2127 1 6 R 4207 1 8 U 3104 1 7 U 4105 1 8 i1 2 2 4 7 1 1 C 9301 1 1 R 2128 1 6 R 4208 1 6 U 3105 1 1 U 4106 1 1 2 24 8 1 1 C 9302 1 1 R 2129 1 6 R 4209 1 6 U 3105 1 7 U 4 1Q 6 1 8 i 3 1 0 1 1 1 C 9410 1 4 R 2130 1 6 R 4210 18 U 3106 1 1 U 4107 1 1 i 3 10 2 1 1 C 9411 1 4 R 2131 1 6 R 4211 18 U 3106 1 7 U 4107 1 8 i1 3 1 0 4 1 1 R 2133 1 6 R 4212 1 7 U 3112 1 1 U 4108 1 1 1 ...

Page 392: ...W A V E F O R M S F O R D IA G R A M 14 ...

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Page 394: ...2230 Service TEST SCOPE TRIGGERED ON U911 PIN 21 FOR WAVEFORMS 64 THROUGH 69 4999 92 ...

Page 395: ...19104 3B 6E J9105A 7C 6D L91050 7K 6 J9105B 5E 5E S9401A 1A 5A U9105 3J 8E J9105C 8F 8E S9401B 16 5A U9106 7G 7E J9105D 6K 4E S9401C IB 5A U9107A 7H 6D J9107 5A 8E S9401D IB 5A U9107B 6H 6D J9430 1M 78 S9401E 1C 5A U9107C 5H 60 S9402A 1C 8A U9108 6C 6E Q9100 7B 6E S9402B IE 8A U9109 4J 4C S9402C IE 8A U9110 5J 4C R9101 48 6E S9402D IF 8A U9111 3D 4E R9102 6B 8E S9403 1G 4B U9112 4F 40 R9103 8F 8E ...

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Page 398: ...60 78 U9207 5C 6B C9220 2H 9D R92190 60 7B U9208 5E 8B R9220 2G IOC U9210 3J IOC J6100 1M 10D R9221 2H 90 U9211 6B 6C R9222 2G 10D U9220 1J IOC R9210 2G 9C R9223 IK IOC U9231 4M 6C R9211 3H 9C R9224 1L 100 U9232 4K 80 R9212 3G IOC U9233 4J 70 R9213 3K IOC U9201 6M 7C R9214 3L IOC U9202 6K 80 W9211 6D 5C R9219C 8B 7B U9203 6J 7D U9204 6F 5D U9205 7F 5C P a r t ia l A 1 Q a ls o s h o w n o n d ia g...

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Page 401: ...J 2H R2120 2B 2G R2291 3K 2J C2236 1J 2J R2121 2B 2G R2292 2K 2J C2237 2K 2J R2122 2B 2G R2293 2K 2J C2238 4H 2J R2123 4B 3G R2295 3L 3J C2239 6F 3J R2124 3B 3G R2296 7K 2K C2241 8K 2K R2125 4B 3G R2297 7K 2K C2242 3J 2J R2126 5D 2G R2127 50 1G RT2101 4C 3G CR2101 5D 1G R2128 4C 4H RT2102 40 2F CR2102 5D 1H R2129 5C 3H RT2103 4C 4G CR2103 5C 3H R2130 4D 3F RT2111 2C 2G CR2104 5C 3H R2131 3F 1H RT2...

Page 402: ... diagram and corresponding component locator illustration The Replaceable Electrical Parts list is arranged by assemblies in numerical sequence the components are listed by component number see following illustration for constructing a component number The schematic diagram and circuit board component location illustration have grids A lookup table with the grid coordinates is provided for ease of...

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Page 406: ...2230 Service n CD O O i 0 s a f s s o m O F ig u re 9 5 D e ta ile d S to ra g e b lo c k diagram 4999 22 ...


Page 408: ...30 0231 Q251 0255 Q2S6 0257 A B SVP SEP Q283 0284 0285 B WLIMIT CR226 CR227 CR228 CR229 ENA STO y FRO M 1S L 1 UV OUT DV OUT TO FROM V A B SVP SEP B V LIMIT R280 S226 HOR REF V A R X Y CHOP BLANK SW EEP INTERFACE A13 U78BA B C D U781A B C 0 U782A B C D U783A B S250 X Y 1 CH I SELECTED A18 SW EEP REF BO A RD Q7501 075081 HOR CAL HOR M AG L HOR REF HOR VAR 1K REF 4K REF I S721 HOR REF A SVP HOR X 10...

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Page 411: ...O N FC IN S T R U M E N T C IR C l B O A R D LO C ATIO I 5 ______________________________________ L__L Locate the Component on the Circuit Board a In the manual locate and pull out the tabbed page whose title and Assembly Number correspond with the desired circuit board This information is on the back side of the tabs 4 Determine the Circuit Board Illustration and Component Location a From the sch...

Page 412: ...OARD LOCATION atermine the Circuit Board lllmstration and Component ion From the schematic diagram determine the Assembly Number of the circuit board on which the component is mounted This information is boxed and located in acomer of the heavy line that distinguishes the board outline Scan the Component Location Table for the Assembly Number just determined and fi nd the Circuit Numberof the desi...

Page 413: ... 0672 R 679 I C 673 0673 P 680 1 C 680 U 617 1 C 681 R 6 7 1 1 P 603 R 673 U 618 I P 607 R 674 U 619 I 0669 R 675 CRT C IR C U IT DIAG RAM A 6 ASSEM BLY CIRCUIT SC H EM B O A R O C IR C U IT r S C H E M B O A R O N UM BER LO C A TIO N LO C A TIO N N U M B E R LO C A TIO N LO C A TIO N rsn 2r 3C Q 656 2 F 29 C603 K ___1G 066S 1 G IB X533 4 E _ 0668 2 G 2 B C 612 7 C 3E C 615 7C 30 R604 _4C IE C 616...

Page 414: ...n the front side of the tabs facing the Inntof the manual Scan the exponent Location Table adjacent to the schematic digram and find the Circuit Number of the desired com ponent c U nder the SCHEM LOCATION column read the grid coordinates for the desired component d Using the Circuit Number and grid coordinates locate the component on the schematic diagram PULL OUT PAGE TABS FOR SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS...

Page 415: ...IMF PU TPR A IR TM FQ U I W A V E F O R M SF O RO IA G R A M1 5 W A V E F O R M SF O R i ...

Page 416: ...N U 4 1 1 8 P IN 8 F O R W A V E F O R M S 9 0 T H R O U G H 9 3 0 0 0 T F T JH r 1 y i 1 j 1 i 1 1 1 i I a I 1_ I iV 1 U w r 1 t H 1 1 0 0 0 0 T f t f ftL fh rY 7 7 T E S T S C O P E T R IG G E R E D O N U 9 1 1 1 P IN 21 F O R W A V E F O R M S 9 4 T H R O U G H 1 0 5 0 0 0 ...

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Page 418: ...231 38 5K U3232 1C 4J U3233 3E 5J U3234 2C 7J U323S 2S 7J U3236 IK 4J U3237 3K 5J U3238 2K 7H U3239 4K 8H U3306A 6E 4K U33068 6F 4X U3307A 6F 5K U3307B 2H 5K U3308A 3G 5L U3309B 8J 5L U3308C 7F 5L U33080 2G 5L U3309 2G 4L U3310 88 5F U33T3A 2J SL U3313B 2J 5L U33130 7F SL U3416A 6G 5H CIRCUIT CH6M BOARD NUMBER LCCATION LOCATION U3416B 5G SH U3416C SH 5H U 34I60 6H 5H U3416E 7H 5H U3416F 7H SH U341...

Page 419: ...i s 5 0 C C p F 2 CC p 2 a u 4 I s c c O 2 e e o 5 a o 5 i 2 i f 2 E C 52 ...



Page 422: ...U4107 5C 7K U4226B IF 9K R4110 28 6K U4108 5D 7K U4227 1C 9K R4115 7D 8F U4109 SE 7L U4228A 2D 9L R4119 5A 8J U 4110 6F 7L U42288 IE 9L R4201 IB 10J U4111 6G 8K U4229 2H 9L R4202 2E 10K U4112 6G 8L U4230 IK 8J R4203 2F 10K U4T13 5B 6K U4231A 1M 9J R4204 1G 9L U4114A 88 9H U4231B 1M 9J R4205 1G 10L U4114B 78 9H U4232A 1J 9L R4206 1H 10L U4114C 6A 9H U4232B 1J 9L R4207 1H 10L U4114D 5A 9H R4208 IE 1...

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Page 424: ...Figure 9 22 A11A1 Input Output board ...

Page 425: ...O O O O OSD O O O O O O O c o O O O O O O 0 O O O O a M o C 2 o CD CCS203O oCfclTOTo OC f0 OCft62O 4O Cft6206O OC iQ4OCR 209O C 620JO OR6f03O C JT O CRfiiOlo O g 6 l0 6 O O o f t f t o TO4o S oS S i S a w I 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I O a n p O A o n i 2 8 C j5 oynpr S S o s S S S f S sT lS J n n o O O O O C Q a o S P 9 o k oooc o o n n o o o o o iVSi Svoy 0 6 6 O O O O O O O P O o o o o o o o PJ3 5...

Page 426: ...19 C 6204 2 1 R 6 12 3 19 U 6102 2 1 C 6205 2 1 R 6124 19 U 6103 1 9 C 6206 2 1 R 6125 19 U 6103 2 1 C 6207 2 1 R 6126 19 U 6104 1 9 C 6208 2 1 R 6 127 19 U 6104 2 1 C 6210 2 1 R 6128 19 U 6105 1 9 C 6211 2 1 R 6 12 9 19 U 6105 2 1 C 6212 2 1 R 6130 19 U 6106 1 9 C 6220 2 1 R 6131 19 U 6106 2 1 C 6221 2 1 R 6132 19 U 6107 19 C R 6101 19 R 6133 19 U 6107 1 9 C R 6102 19 R 6 134 19 U 6107 1 9 C R 61...


Page 428: ... RI5215 7B 2B C6114 2K 2E R6116 4C 3E R6216 7B IB C6115 2K 2E R6117 6B 3E R6217 7B 18 C6116 3K 2E R6118 6C 3E RI3218 6L 30 C6117 5C 4E R6119 30 4E C6118 50 40 R6120 3D 3E US101A 7D 20 C6130 66 IE R6121 2K 2E US 101B 70 20 R6122 2L 2E US101C 4F 2D CR6101 4J 3E R6123 2L 2D U6101D 6K 20 CR6102 4J 3E R6124 2L 20 US 102 3M 2C CR6103 5C 30 R6125 1M 2D US 103 7D 1C CR6104 5C 30 R6126 1L 2D US 104 7F 2C R...

Page 429: ...I IMF P tL T K tt A 1 U TWJXBUAI A 1 1 A 1 IN P U T O U T P U T BOARD FIG 9 22 W A V E F O R M S F O R D IA G R A M 1 8 W A V E F O R M S F O R D IA G R A M 17 3 r V W A V E F O R M S F O RD IA G R A M 16 ...

Page 430: ...Figure 9 23 A11A2 Vector Generator board ...

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Page 432: ...0 R 6313 20 U 6 30 1 2 0 C 6401 20 R 6320 20 U 6301 2 1 C 6402 20 R 6321 20 U 6302 2 1 C 6403 2 1 R 6322 20 U 6303 20 C 6404 2 1 R 6323 20 U 6303 2 1 C 6407 20 R 6330 20 U 6304 20 C 6408 20 R 6331 20 U 6304 2 1 C 6409 2 1 R 6 4C 1 20 U 6305 20 C 6 42 1 20 R 64C 2 20 U 6305 2 1 C 6422 20 R 64C 3 20 U 6306 20 C 6440 20 R 64C 4 20 U 6306 2 1 C 6441 20 R 64C S 20 U 6307 2 0 C 6442 20 R 6406 20 U 6307 ...


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Page 438: ...J 3D C6220 5C 18 R6220 4C IB U6107 SB 40 C6221 56 2A R6221 40 IB ueioe 6J 4C R6222 5D IB U620t 4G CR6201 50 2B R6223 40 IB U6202B 4E IB CR6202 40 38 R6224 40 IB U8202 CR6203 5F 2A R6225 50 26 CR6Z04 5F 30 R6226 5E 2A W8000 1J 3A R6227 SE 2A w e too 66 J6140 40 1C R6228 4E 2A W 620t JH J6150 4B 3C R6229 A 1A W6202 2J 3A R6230 6E 2A Partial A l l A t also shown on diagrams 19 and SO ASSEMBLYA11A2 C6...

Page 439: ... r q u j POR DIAG R AM IS A 11A1 IN P U T O U T P U T y A x c c n o u c r n n n iA G R A M 14 WAVEFORMS FOR DIAGRAM 18 WAVEFORMS FOR DIAGRAM 17 WAVEFORMS FOR DIAGRAM 21 i 1 A 2 VECT0H g e n e r a t o HOARD cw ...

Page 440: ...Y PLOTTER BOARD 2230 Service Static Sensitive Devices Set Uiintenenct Section COMPONENT NUMBER EXAMPLE Component Number Ailimot I Schtmbi Huaih t Circuit CA nmua tmmem M w HMVr Ngine M tufuiit Ciccuicii eMi uti ...

Page 441: ...011 22 C1004 22 R1012 22 C100S 22 J1011 22 R1013 22 C l006 n 04110 22 R1014 22 C l 007 22 J6423 22 R1015 22 c io n 22 09301 22 R1016 22 C10I2 22 R1017 22 C1013 22 K1001 22 C1014 22 U1001 22 C1015 22 LlOOt 22 LI 002 22 VR1011 22 CR1001 22 L1003 22 VR1012 22 CR1002 22 CR1003 22 Q lO lt 22 W1001 22 CR1011 22 01012 22 W1002 22 CR1012 22 W1003 22 CR1014 22 R1001 22 REV FEB 1987 ...

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Page 445: ...om Bawta a c K3 O O rSSL 6 3 5 j c v j 1 ro 11 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 IS I IH I S i il l 1111111IIIIS 1 II 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 i III illH IIIIIllIIIililillliill I H 538 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 11 I liiiiilili 1 ilH lilS i 1 111 II 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 ...

Page 446: ...25 3K 2E J1222 10 2E R1252 4B 1J U1244B 7D 3H Cl 226 3K 2E J1251 2D 2K R1253 2E 3J U1244C 7F 3H Cl 227 2K 2E J4110 7J 1A R1255 2G 3K U 12440 3K 3H C l 228 3K 2E J6423 7J 1A U1244E 5C 3H C l 229 2K 3E J9301 8J 2A SI 221 5M ID U1244F 3G 3H C l 231 7C 2F U1244 8F 3H Cl 232 7C 1G K1001 7M 2B U1001A 7L 1A U1245 6E 3H C1233 7C 1G U1001B 7K 1A U1245 8E 3H C l 234 80 3F L1001 8B 2A U1001C 7J 1A U1251 1H 1...

Page 447: ...A21 RS 232 OPTION BOARD Flfi A 9 K 01 01 W M ...

Page 448: ... S3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 I SI1I1II11I1II11111 lllllllll S 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 I Illilllllllliilliiliilll 1 I 3 3 3 3 333 3 3 3 3 3 3 333 3 33 3 I I1 1 I I 1 1 1 h i h i him i s I I3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 33 3 3 I SlllllSSSlllSBlIIllllIIl 1 1 1 Q7 C PMJ REV FEB 1987 ...

Page 449: ...1344A 5E 3H Cl 323 7C 2F U1001 8C 1A U1344B 6E 3H C1331 7C 2F Q 1011 7K 2A U1322 6K 2F U1344C 6F 3H Cl 332 7C 2G Q1012 7K 28 U1322 7E 2F U1344D 3H 3H Cl 333 7C 2G U1323 5K 2F U1344E 7F 3H Cl 334 7C 3F R1001 7L IB U1323 7E 2F U1344F 6 0 3H C1335 7C 3F R1002 8L IB U1324 2K 3F U1344 8F 3H Cl 342 7C 1J R1005 7J 2B Ut 324 7E 3F U1345 5E 3H Cl 343 7C 3J R1011 7M 2C U1325 IK 3F U1345 8E 3H Cl 351 7C 1J R...

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Page 451: ... o 3 2 Ec3 o o o l o o Q O O O O Q O O O O O O O O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o u o o o o o o o o o o o o o O O O O O O O O O O O O O O C O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o g o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 l l i H 0 3 CC o cj o o c 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 OOOCHOOOO C V J X ro L Z 6 Old aavoa AHowaw N o iid o czv Figure 9 27 A23 Option Memory board ...


Page 453: ...25 R1154 25 U 1132 25 Cl 120 25 P1122 25 R1156 25 U1 138 25 Cl 128 25 P1122 25 RT1102 25 U 1138 25 Cl 132 25 P1151 25 U 1118 25 U1 142 25 Cl 134 25 P1151 25 U1118 25 U 1142 25 Cl 138 25 R1112 25 U 1122 25 U1142 25 Cl 142 25 R1114 25 U 1128 25 U1148 25 Cl 143 25 R1 t 16 25 U 1128 25 U 1148 25 Cl 148 25 R11 32 25 U 1132 25 U1162 25 Cl 154 25 R1132 25 U 1132 25 U 1162 25 C l 156 25 R11 34 25 U1132 25...

Page 454: ...H ID C l 132 2G ID R1112 1C 1C U1132D 3J 10 Cl 134 IF 2D R1114 1C 2C U1132E 3J ID Cl 138 2E 2D R1116 2C 2C IJ1132F 3K 10 Cl 142 3J IE R1132 2G ID U1132 3F ID Cl 143 IF 2E R1134 1G 2D U1138 3D 30 C l 148 2D 2E R1 144 3H 2E U1138 6H 30 Cl 154 3K IE R1150 IK IE U1 U 2 A 2K ID Cl 156 IF 2E R1 152 IK IE IJ1142B 2K ID R1154 3J IE U1142D 3K ID CR1102 2C IB R1156 3K 2E U 1142 IF ID CR1104 2C IB 111 148 30...

Page 455: ...r n n i i i i n O T IA ll D A A o n XY PLOTTER BOARD P in A23 OPTION MEMORY BOARD FIG 9 27 A22 GPIB OPTION BOARD ...

Page 456: ...S N O iiv o o n iN a w is n r a v a u v o e n iv w tv J UVJ S ANH3Q SN3S D ia l 0 Z 8 U fr Z 8 H Z C 2 0 t f r j H 3 A J9S0C 22 I u i 1 0 2 J I 2 S i i I i i t l I o o o z s m o 73 I ll ...

Page 457: ...2 S C H 1 A C Q P O S O F F S E T O c d 3 o l O O O O O O O D _ n c ioo G n GO o o o_ R 7 3 3 S C H 2 A C Q P O S O F F S E T 999 43 A 1 7 P O S IT IO N IN T E R F A C E A D J U S T M E N T L O C A T IO N S 12 r ...

Page 458: ...T E P 1 0 X 1 0 X M F L F M F L F A T T E N R 2 6 2 m V C 2 6 2 m V R 2 5 V A R R 3 3 2 5 m V D C B A L R 7 5 IN V E R T B A L A T T N C O M P G A IN B A L A T T E N B A L A 2 A T T E N U A T O R B O A R D A D J U S T M E N T L O C A T IO N S ...


Page 460: ...MING O O R 7 5 4 X 1 0 G A IN 2 4999 45 V R 7 4 0 A S W E E P G A IN R 7 4 9 M A G R 7 3 0 B S W E E P G A IN A 4 T IM IN G B O A R D A D J U S T M E N T L O C A T IO N S R 6 2 7 B T R IG S E N S A 5 A L T S W E E P L O G IC B O A R D A D J U S T M E N T L O C A T IO N S ...


Page 462: ...2230Service I f v y I I I 1 C 2103 R 2 1 1 3 CH2ACQ C H1ACQ R 2 13 8 H FP E A K G A IN A C QO F F S E T c 1 V O la t th e t t the 5 Cx r G ss E Q R K T O 3 A10 STORAGE BOARD ADJUSTMENT LOCATIONS ...


Page 464: ...ARDS AVE 9301 ALLEN D R 2021 WVALLEY VIEW LANE P 0 BO X 34829 2200 U S H W Y 27 S O U TH P 0 BO X 1980 77 D R A G O N C O U R T 2040 15TH AVE W E S T 4737 D AR R AH 2620 EN D R ESS PLACE P 0 B O X D 2000 S BATAVIA AVE 114 OLD STATE R D P O BO X 14460 446 M O R G A N ST 1219 S PAR T ST SAINT CHAR LES R D ST CHARLES R O A D 4900 S WGRIFFITH D R P 0 B O X 500 213 E HARRIS AVE 3221 WBIG BEAVER R D 110...

Page 465: ...XTENSION SHAFT 0 312 OD X 1 58 L AL 80009 384 1669 00 210 1027 00 B010100 B020464 1 WASHER FLAT 0 252 ID X 0 406 OD 80009 210 1027 00 210 0905 00 B020465 1 WASHER FLAT 0 256 ID X 0 438 OD X 0 05 BRS 83385 ORDER BY DESCR 20 2 CONN RCPT ELEC BNC SEE J9100 J9510 REPL ATTACHING PARTS 21 220 0497 00 2 NUT PLAIN HEX 0 5 28 X 0 562 HEX BRS CD PL 80009 220 0497 00 22 210 0241 00 2 TERMINAL LUG 0 515 ID PL...

Page 466: ... Parts 2230 Service Fig Index No ___ 1 40 Tektronix Serial Assently No Kfr Part No ______ Effective Dscont Qtv 12345 Name D e scrip tio n ___________________Code 200 3130 00 1 COVER FAN ALUM1NUM 80009 Hfr Part No 200 3130 00 ...

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Page 469: ...OARD POLYCARBONATE 80009 342 0743 01 19 1 CIRCUIT BD ASSY OPT MEMORY SEE A23 REPL ATTACHING PARTS 20 211 0379 00 4 SCREW MACHINE 4 40 X 0 312 FLH CD PL T 9 80009 211 0379 00 END ATTACHING PARTS 21 1 CKT 80 ASSY RS 232 OR GPIB SEE A21 22 REPL ATTACHING PARTS 22 129 1095 00 4 SPACER POST 0 43 L 4 40 INT EXT AL 0 2 5 HEX 80009 129 1095 00 22 1 211 0325 00 6 SCR ASSEM WSHR 4 40 X 0 2 5 PNH STL TORX T9...

Page 470: ... L X 0 1 W NYLON 06383 PLT2M 210 0802 00 8010100 B021267 1 WASHER FLAT 0 15 ID X 0 312 O D X 0 032 STL 12327 O R D ER BY D ESC R 210 1426 00 B021268 2 EYELET METALLIC 0 2 X 0 345 BRS TK0869 O R D ER BY D ESC R 343 1309 00 B021268 2 CLAMP CABLE 0 25 DIA STEEL 75272 O R D ER B Y D ESC R 58 136 0830 00 1 SKT PL IN ELEK CRT SO C KET ASSY 80009 136 0830 00 CRT SKT IS SUBPART O F A1 MAIN BO AR D ASSY 59...

Page 471: ...0 00 END ATTACHING PARTS 92 200 1388 03 1 COVER FUSE LEAD POLYURETHANE 80009 200 1388 03 93 200 2264 00 1 CAP FUSEHOLDER 3AG FUSES S3629 FEK 031 1666 94 204 0833 00 1 BODY FUSEHOLDER 3AG 5 X 20W FUSES TK0861 031 1653 FEU 95 210 1039 00 1 WASHER LOCK 0 521 ID IN T 0 025 THK SST 24931 ORDER BY DESCR 96 1 CKT BD ASSY EMI FILTER SEE A6 REPL ATTACHING PARTS 97 211 0379 00 2 SCREW MACHINE 4 40 X 0 3 1 2...

Page 472: ... 0326 00 2 SCREW MACHINE 4 40 X 1 2 5 PNH STL 83486 ORDER BY DESCR END ATTACHING PARTS 2 CKT BD ASSY LOGIC SEE A14 A15 REPL ATTACHING PARTS 211 0325 00 2 SCR ASSEM WSHR 4 40 X 0 2 5 PNH STL TORX T9 01536 ORDER BY DESCR END ATTACHING PARTS 129 0988 00 1 SPACER POST 0 966 L 4 40 EA END AL 80009 129 0988 00 ATTACHING PARTS 211 0325 00 1 SCR ASSEM WSHR 4 40 X 0 2 5 PNH STL TORX T9 01536 ORDER BY DESCR...


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Page 478: ...41 EFFECTIVE SERIAL NUMBER B023320 REPLACEABLE MECHANICAL PARTS LIST CHANGES CHANGE TO 2 20 211 0343 00 4 SCREW MACHINE 2 28 211 0343 00 1 SCREW MACHINE 2 35 211 0343 00 4 SCREW MACHINE 2 43 211 0343 00 1 SCREW MACHINE 4 40 X 0 25 TRUSS HEAD STL CD PL TORX T9 4 40 X 0 25 TRUSS HEAD STL CD PL TORX T9 4 40 X 0 25 TRUSS HEAD STL CD PL TORX T9 4 40 X 0 25 TRUSS HEAD STL CD PL TORX T9 Page 1 of 1 ...

Page 479: ...23219 REPLACEABLE ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST CHANGES CHANGE TO A1R908 315 0222 00 RES FXD FILM 2 2K OHM 5 0 25W CHASSIS PARTS Q9070 151 1245 00 TRANSISTOR MOSFET N CHAN TO 220 ADD A1CR906 152 0808 00 SEMICOND DVC DI RECT SI 400V 1 5 A 50 NS DIAGRAM CHANGES DIAGRAM POWER INPUT PREREGULATOR INVERTER Change the value of resistor R908 to 2 2K fi Add diode CR906 in parallel with CR907 See the partial digram...

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Page 481: ...K MICROCIRCUIT 40 DIP 09922 DILB40P 108 386 1130 00 2 INSULATOR DISK TRANS ISTOR NYLON 13103 7717 15N 343 0549 00 B010857 1 STRAP TIEDOWN E 0 091 W X 4 0 L ZYTEL 06383 PLT1M TO HOLD W4100 IN PLACE 5 343 1098 00 1 RETAINER CKT BD PLASTIC 80009 343 1098 00 ATTACHING PARTS 6 211 0304 00 1 SCR ASSEM WSHR 4 40 X 0 312 PNH STL T9 01536 ORDER BY DESCR END ATTACHING PARTS 7 214 3327 01 3 HINGE CKT BOARD 1...


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