Engine Flush treatment helps in
Safely and effectively cleaning and removing oxidised particles and fluid contamination left behind from previous oil changes
Preventing further deposits
Freeing sticky lifters and rings
Chemically “tuning” the engine during driving
Restoring pep and power
Removing sludge from valve train
Promoting fuel economy and improving overall engine operation
Special Products used for improving Compression
To fortify new oil and seal rings for optimum performance, special products from BG (RF7) and Bardhal (Special Duty) are added to new engine
oil. This makes it suitable for petrol and diesel engine applications
Resulting in:
Improved engine compression
Increased power and increased fuel economy
Reduced start-up wear
Increased engine life, especially under severe service conditions
Reduced emissions and oil consumption
Improved power & performance of older engines
Prevention of sludge, gum and varnish formation on engine parts both petrol & diesel engines
Please note:
These are symptomatic treatments to be availed beyond 20000 kms and only when you have problems in your car as mentioned
in first paragraph and are to be done only after you give your consent for carrying out these treatments
Tata Motors has tied up with
M/s HOEC Bardahl India Ltd and M/s BG
for these world class treatment at affordable prices. These treatments
are available in all authorized workshops. The Dealer Service Marketing Executive will explain to you the benefits and terms and conditions of
this treatment.
I / We have been explained the Benefits, Terms and conditions and the prices of these treatments by the Dealer Service
Marketing Executive
I wish to avail / Do not wish to avail these treatment
Customer’s Sign Dealer’s Sign