Tandberg Data
Selftest and Diagnostics
Tandberg SLR Reference Manual
10.2. Power-on Selftest
The main objective for the Power-on Test is to exercise most of the drive’s functionality
without requiring any cartridge to be inserted.
Starting the Test
The Power-on Selftest is started whenever power is
applied to the drive.
Test Sequence
The Power-on Selftest is run at three different stages
during Power-up. The core part is run during early
initialization. A few areas of conflicts are placed in
a middle section. More complex and time-consuming tests
are put at the end allowing other parts of the FW to
operate in parallel.
POST Stage 1
FLASH Memory Check
This is a test of the Flash PROM integrity. A simple
checksum test is used to verify that we are operating from a completely programmed
Flash PROM. This test is a simple 32-bit sum of the whole Flash area.
Complete Address test of the whole SRAM Area (64 Kbytes). The test
restores all locations that are tested.
EEPROM Recognize Test
Write/Read test of dedicated Test Cells.
SCSI Controller Recognize Test
Register Test.
Data Path Controller (DPC) Recognize Test
Register Test.
Test of Memory (DRAM) Access Channels in DPC.
Test of DRAM with support from DPC.
Analog Data Path (ADP) Recognize Test
Register Test of the Analog
Read/Write circuitry.
POST Stage 2
DPC Functional Tests
. Buffer interface, interrupt
logic, internal RAM’s and motor ramping control.
POST Stage 3
Servo Controller Test
Write/Read Loopback Test
Data Compression Test
ECC Functionality Test
Failure Indication
Flashing amber Failure LED when finished.
The drive goes into a ‘Secure Mode’ if the Power-on
Selftest detects any errors. Only the following SCSI
commands will be accepted: INQUIRY, REQUEST SENSE, SEND
commands will be rejected with a Check Condition
Detailed information can be retrieved by the ‘Receive
Diagnostic Results’ SCSI command.
See also Appendix A for a description of the various Selftest Marker codes produced during
the power-on initialization and test sequence.
For further description of the specific Selftests, see the
Tandberg SLR24-140 Selftest
Reference Manual