Tandberg Data
Data Reliability
Tandberg SLR Reference Manual
Tape is a very hygroscopic media. If exposed to a high humidity environment over some
period, it requires a special procedure to bring a Cartridge back to normal humidity condition,
even if the humidity level during this “dry-out” period is kept very low.
Please be aware that an environment with a high humidity may not only occur in areas with a
natural high humidity, but also in areas with normal or even low humidity.
A typical example may be a cartridge placed in its packaging box and cooled down during
transportation. The relative humidity inside the box may increase; and over time affect the
relative humidity of the tape itself.
Running high humidity tapes over a long period of time may severely reduce the life time of
the drive’s magnetic head. It may also drastically reduce the life time of the tape.
If in doubt, always let a cartridge “dry out” outside the packaging box in a normal humidity en-
vironment (< 50-65 % rel. hum. at +20°C) for at least 3-4 days prior to use.