DesignWare ARC AXC003 CPU Card User Guide
Bare-Metal Package
Synopsys, Inc.
Version 6323-018
May 2017
1) This connector is located on the ARC SDP Mainboard.
2) In order to use the Pmod connectors, the
register (see the ARC SDP Mainboard User
) needs to be modified.
To build an application example, do the following:
1. Open a Windows command prompt
2. Navigate to the
3. Enter the
command followed by with the desired options.
The result of the build can be found in the
folder. The build generates seven types of files:
Archive library
Disassembly file
Elf file for debugger
Bin file for SPI-Flash or SD-Card
Hex file
Map file
Two sets of files are generated: One set includes hostlink
, the other doesn’t. For the set with
hostlink, the string
is appended to the file name.
If the arguments for
differ from the default values, the selected option
is included in the filename as shown in the following examples:
Example 1: Build the selftest Application with Default Arguments
build –app selftest
This command generates the files
Example 2: Build the selftest Application for a Different ARC core
build –app selftest –core archs38
This command generates the files
Example 3: Build the selftest Application for a Different Memory and Console
build –app selftest -memory ram –console uart0
This command creates the files