3.2. Release Notes
Driver Packages
Driver packages for all supported Windows operating systems are available in the ‘Driver’ directory
under the program installation folder. You can use the ‘Add Hardware’ control panel applet later to rein-
stall the driver package. Make sure you instruct the ‘Add Hardware’ wizard to search for .inf file in the
driver package directory that matches your running Windows operating system.
64-Bit Applications
The installed bc635PCIcfg.exe and bc637PCIcfg.exe programs are 32-bit application programs. The
64-bit version of both programs and the required DLL are installed in the ‘x64 Program Files’ directory
under the program installation folder.
The ‘SymmBCPCI.sys’ device driver supports both 32 and 64-bit application programs.
DLL File
The DLL file exporting the APIs is BC637PCI.dll. This DLL combines the APIs that were exported
from both BC637PCI.dll and BC_INT.dll from the previous releases. The BC637PCI.dll has a 32 and
a 64-bit version. By default, the 32 bit version is installed into the Windows\System32 directory. The
64-bit version is in the ‘x64 Program Files’ directory as mentioned above.
Software Developers Kit
As with previous releases, the SDK installation does not install the device driver. You must run either
the bc635PCIcfg.exe or the bc637PCIcfg.exe setup program or use ‘Add Hardware’ control panel
applet to install the device driver.
The source code for the sample programs, including both bc635PCIcfg.exe and bc637PCIcfg.exe, is
in the ‘Example Programs’ directory under the SDK installation folder. The project files are provided in
both Visual C++ 6.0 and Visual Studio 2008 formats. There are two workspace files in the ‘Example
Programs’ directory. The ‘BC635PCI SDK Examples.dsw’ is for Visual C++ 6.0, and the ‘BC635PCI
SDK Examples_VS2008.sln’ is for Visual Studio 2008. Each example program uses two directories.
The main directory contains the source files and the Visual C++ 6.0 project file. The directory ending
with ‘_VS2008’ has the Visual Studio 2008 project files only. The Visual Studio 2008 project files refer
to source files in the main directory. Each Visual C++ 6.0 project file has Win32 debug and release tar-
gets. Each Visual Studio 2008 project files have both Win32 and x64 debug and release targets.
The 32-bit import library file BC637PCI.lib is in the ‘Lib\Win32’ directory under the ‘Example Pro-
grams’ folder. Similarly, the same 64-bit version file is in the ‘Lib\x64’ directory under the ‘Example
Programs’ folder.
The TrayTime.exe links with APIs exported by the ‘TrueTimeSDK.dll’ file. The ‘TrueTimeSDK.dll’ sup-
ports Win32 debug and release targets only. Therefore, there is no 64-bit TrayTime.exe. There are
compiler warnings when compiling TrayTime.exe in Visual Studio 2008. These warnings are due to
TrayTime.exe using deprecated CRT functions. Compilation of other projects is free from compiler
warnings since those source files are modified to use different CRT functions depending on the Micro-
soft compiler version.
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