3. Windows SDK
Windows SDK Functional Command Summary
"bcSetGenOff" on page 120
Programs the board time code generator to operate at an
offset from UTC.
"bcSetJam" on page 120
Modifies the internal oscillator frequency control algorithm.
"bcSetDis" on page 121
Modifies the internal oscillator frequency control algorithm.
"bcSetLocalFlag" on page 121
Enables or disables the local time offset entered using
bcSetLocOff( ) function.
"bcSetDayLightFlag" on page 121
This command only applies Decoding IEEE 1344 Time
Code. If the dlight_flag is enabled, the TFP adjusts its time
by one hour.
"bcYearAutoInc" on page 121
This function is deprecated. It is provided for backwards
"bcSetTmFmt" on page 122
Modifies the format of the major time data returned by the
"bcSetUtcCtl" on page 122
Modifies the time base in GPS mode.
"bcSetLeapEvent" on page 122
This command can be used in modes other than GPS
mode for inserting or deletion of one leap second.
"bcAdjustClock" on page 123
This command advances or retards the TFP internal clock.
"bcSpecialBoot" on page 123
The Special Boot is no longer supported in the V2 hard-
"bcSetPciCard" on page 124
This command sets the manufacture settings of the mod-
"bcForceJam" on page 124
This command forces the TFP to Jam-Sync on the next ris-
ing edge of the 1PPS output.
"bcSyncRtc" on page 124
This command forces the TFP to Synchronize the RTC
time to current time.
"bcDisRtcBatt" on page 125
This command disconnects the RTC IC from the Battery
after power is turned off.
"bcGPSReq" on page 125
Retrieves a data packet from the GPS receiver.
"bcGPSSnd" on page 125
Sends a data packet from the GPS receiver.
"bcGPSMan" on page 125
Manually sends and retrieves data packets from the GPS
"bcGPSOperMode" on page 126
This function should only be used when the TFP is in GPS
Mode of Operation.
"bcStartInt" on page 126
Starts the interrupt thread to signal interrupts.
"bcStopInt" on page 126
Stops the interrupt thread and releases any used
"bcSetInts" on page 127
Enables one interrupt source.
"bcReqInts" on page 127
Query the currently enabled interrupt.
"bcGetLastInts" on page 128
Query the last signaled interrupt(s).
"bcSetMultInts" on page 128
Starts the interrupt thread to signal interrupts.
"bcReqRevisionID" on page 128
Returns the revision ID of the hardware.
"bcReqTimeCodeDataEx" on page 129 Returns timecode data from the board.
"bcSetPeriodicDDSSelect" on page 129 This command selects periodic output or DDS output.
"bcSetPeriodicDDSEnable" on page 129
This command enables or disables periodic or DDS out-
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