1.2. Installation
product CD and use the SDK installation button to install the SDK or browse to the Windows direc-
tory and run bc635_637PCI_SDK_Setup.exe.
The bc63x Windows SDK is a full featured software development kit containing functions necessary
to control and read the time from the card. The example application programs were originally devel-
oped under Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 and ported to support both Visual C++ 6.0 and Visual Studio
2008.This allows the user to create customized applications to use with the Symmetricom TFP cards
with a minimum amount of time and effort. The SDK is an easy to integrate and highly reliable alter-
native to writing lower level code to access a TFP card’s registers directly. The API functions make
interfacing to a TFP card straight forward, keeping software development effort focused on the end
user applications.
The Windows SDK supports both 32 and 64-bit Windows operating system from Windows XP
through Windows 7. However, the SDK does not support Windows 2000, NT 4, or any Windows 95
based Windows operating system (95, 98 and Me). The target application development environment
is Microsoft Visual Studio. The SDK includes .h, .lib, and .dll files for customer application devel-
opment. The SDK also includes source code for the bc635PCIcfg, bc637PCIcfg and the TrayTime
programs as well as other example programs.
Customers using the previous version of the SDK, which we will now refer to as the "Legacy bc635
SDK software”, can continue to use that driver and any application software previously written using
Legacy bc635 SDK software with the bc635PCIe.
For customers wanting to run previously written software with the new 32/64 bit driver, you will need
to recompile your applications with the new driver and .dll to support operating systems from Win-
dows XP through Windows 7. See "3.2. Release Notes" on page 102.
1.2.7. Linux Software Development Kit
To develop Linux based applications for Symmetricom TFP cards, you must install the bc63x Linux
Software Developer’s Kit included on the bc63xPCIe-V2 product CD. Browse to the Linux directory
and follow instructions in the readme file to install the Linux SDK.
The Linux SDK is a full featured software development kit (SDK) containing functions necessary to
control and read the time from the card. This SDK allows the user to create customized applications
to use with the Symmetricom TFP cards with a minimum amount of time and effort. The SDK is an
easy to integrate and highly reliable alternative to writing lower level code to access a TFP card’s reg-
isters directly. The API functions make interfacing to a TFP card straight forward, keeping software
development effort focused on the end user application.
The SDK supports both 32-bit and 64-bit Linux 2.4 and 2.6 kernels. The target application devel-
opment environment is GNU gcc/g++. The SDK includes .h, .lib and .so files for customer application
development. The SDK also includes source code for the bc63xPCIcfg example program. The exam-
ple program uses discrete functions to access TFP features. This allows developers to copy and
paste useful code into their own applications so that they can keep development effort focused on the
end user applications.
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