5. Solaris SDK
Geographical addressing, which eliminates the need for DIP switches and jumpers normally required
to select a 'base address' or interrupt level for plug-in modules; and auto configuration, which allows
the host computer to read the device ID and other configuration information directly from the card
itself so that the host can select the appropriate device driver automatically. The only thing the user
has to do is pick a vacant PCI / PCIe slot, plug the bc635PCI-V2, bc637PCI-V2, bc635PCIe, and
bc637PCIe into it, and then install the device driver. Be sure to consult the user documentation that
came with your particular workstation for any specific card installation instructions. When installing
the PCI / PCIe card, use good ESD precautions.
5.2.2. Software Installation
The software is created as a Solaris package. To install the software package follow these steps.
1. Untar the platform specific package tar file.
/export/home/user> su
# tar xf BCPCI-V<aaa>-sparc64-build<bbb>.tar
Note 'user' is the name of your user. <aaa> is the release version, and <bbb> is the three digit build
number. For x86_64 platform, the file is BCPCI-V<aaa>-x86_64-build<bbb>.tar.
2. Use the 'pkgadd' command to install the package. Answer 'y' to the question when prompted.
# pkgadd -d . BC635PCI
Processing package instance <BC635PCI> from </export/home/user/bc635pci>
BC635/637PCIe-V2 Solaris driver(sparc) 1.0,REV=8.0V0
Symmetricom, Inc.
Using </> as the package base directory.
## Processing package information.
## Processing system information.
1 package pathname is already properly installed.
## Verifying disk space requirements.
## Checking for conflicts with packages already installed.
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