4. Linux SDK
NOTE: By default, /dev/windrvr6 is created with permissions only for the root user. To enable other
user access, change the write permissions of /dev/windrvr6
4.2.3. Linux kernel versions supported
The bc635/637PCI API uses Jungo's WinDriver to control and access the PCI card. The version of
the Linux kernel supported is determined by the WinDriver Linux Device Driver. Symmetricom inte-
grates the latest WinDriver release (WinDriver 10.0.2) that supports Linux kernel up to 2.6.29. Since
there are many Linux distributions available, it is not possible to test Symmetricom drivers and APIs
in all installations. Symmetricom installed and tested its software (bc63xPCIcfg) on Fedora Core 8
(x86_32) and Fedora Core 7 (x86_64).
4.2.4. Test Installation
The bc635/637PCI API is provided in both a static library (bcsdklib.a) and a shared library
(libbcsdk.so). The 'sample' directory has a prebuilt test program bc63xPCIcfg (linked with bcsdklib.a)
and bc63xPCIcfg-so (linked with libbcsdk.so). To use the bc63xPCIcfg-so program, the libbcsdk.so
has to be put in a directory that is on the library path.
Rebuild the sample test program to verify that the software installation was successful.
1. Make sample your active directory.
/home/user/bc635pci> cd sample
2. Rebuild the sample code.
/home/user/bc635pci/sample> make clean
/home/user/bc635pci/sample> make
3. Run the sample program.
/usr/bin/bc635pci/sample> ./bc63xPCIcfg
NOTE: If a device open error is received, do the following:
1. Restart the computer.
2. Make drvr your active directory.
/home/user/bc635pci> cd drvr
3. Become super user.
/home/user/bc635pci/drvr> su
4. Run this command.
The installer should have created a folder called "LINUX.x.x.x.x" under the bc635pci path.
Substitute the x.x.x.x with the actual folder name, and run the command below:
/home/user/bc635pci/drvr# ./
LINUX.x.x.x.x/windrvr6.o FALSE
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