2.2. bc637PCIcfg.exe Windows Application Program
Reset Menu
The Send menu group commands, (see Figure 2-25) are used to reset various components on the
TFP card and the GPS receiver.
Figure 2-25: Reset menu
Reset > Board Reset
This command will reset the TFP card per the DPRAM command 0x1A, and is described in "Com-
mand 0x1A: Software Reset" on page 46.
Reset > Receiver Reset
This command performs a GPS receiver software reset, which is equivalent to cycling power. The
self-test function is performed as part of the reset operation. This command is described in more
detail in: GPS Receiver Interface, packet 0x25.
Reset > Battery back-up
This packet commands the GPS receiver to clear data and perform a software reset. This command
is described in more detail in GPS Receiver Interface, packet 0x1E.
Reset > Oscillator offset
This packet commands the GPS receiver to clear the stored oscillator offset. This command is
described in more detail in GPS Receiver Interface, packet 0x1D.
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