3. Windows SDK
Figure 3-1
The interface API library provides an abstraction layer between the application programs and the
device driver. This allows Symmetricom to advance the Time and Frequency Processor hardware fea-
tures while protecting your investment in application development at the same time.
3.2. Release Notes
This preferred device driver is called ‘SymmBCPCI.sys’, which replaces the old WinRT device driver
published originally by the Bluewater Systems. The WinRT driver was used in previous releases. The
‘SymmBCPCI.sys’ driver supports all types of the Windows operating systems, both 32 and 64-bit,
from Windows XP to Windows 7. If your target platform is Windows 2000 or earlier, you must use a
WinRT based software release (release 8.0.0 or earlier).
The InstallShield created setup program uses Microsoft WinDDK tool ‘DPInst.exe’ to install the tar-
get Windows driver package. ‘DPInst.exe’ sometimes takes a long time to install the driver package.
This is because ‘DPInst.exe’ tries to run the ‘Found New Hardware’ wizard silently when installing
the driver for found bc63xPCI-V2 and bc63xPCIe bus card(s). The setup program displays a DOS win-
dow with the message “Install SymmBCPCI driver package. This may take a few minutes …” Please
do not interrupt the setup program while the DOS window is still shown and wait for the ‘DPInst.exe’
to finish.
Both the bc635PCIcfg and the bc637PCIcfg setup programs include the TrayTime.exe. The instal-
lation of the bc637PCIcfg program also installs the bc635PCIcfg.exe program.
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