5.4. Example Program
command_t' to specify which DDS command to invoke. The source file 'bc635pci.c' for the demo pro-
gram defines a set of DDS functions, such as, bcSet-
PeriodicDDSSelect(),bcSetPeriodicDDSEnable(), etc. See the source code for details.
TCFORMATEX, *struct tc_command_t
Selects the time code input format and its sub type or time code output format and sub type. The hard-
ware supports a variety of input and output time codes. This ioctl control code supersedes both
SELTCFORMAT and SETTCOUTFMT ioctl codes. See stfpio.h for the definitions of supported time
codes and sub types. The sample code showing how to set input time code and its sub type is in the
function bcSetTcInEx() inside the file 'bc635pci.c'. Similarly, the function bcSetGenCodeEx() inside
the file 'bc635pci.c' shows how to set output time code and its sub type.
RDREGOFFSET, *struct reg_rdwr_t
Reads the register value from the specified address
WRREGOFFSET, *struct reg_rdwr_t
Sets the register value to the specified address
RDEVENT2TV, *struct stfp_timeval
Reads time from the EVENT2 registers assuming the time format is binary.
RDEVENT3TV, *struct stfp_timeval
Reads time from the EVENT3 registers assuming the time format is binary.
5.4. Example Program
5.4.1. General
The bc63xPCIcfg.exe is an example program that provides sample code. The program exercises the
device driver functions. It is also an example of converting many of the ASCII format data objects
passed to, and from the device into a binary format suitable for operation and conversion. The exam-
ple program was developed using discrete functions for each operation. This allows the developer to
clip any useful code and use it in their own applications.
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