Before you being, check for damage to the bobbin, its case and the cone or spool of thread you are using
for stitching.
Make sure that your machine is threaded correctly before you begin to check the tensions. Your upper
thread should run through the pretensioners ( sub-controllers) and the main tensioner as well as the take-up
lever and all the eyes and guides on the way to the needle.
The bobbin should be threaded correctly and the thread should be under the adjustment plate and through
the pigtail,
When checking the bobbin tension, perform a “ drop test” Put a new bobbin in the case but do not pass
thread through the pigtail. Hold the bobbin by the thread and let it drop into the palm of your hand, which
You should hold about 8-12 inches under the bobbin. If it drops a few inches and stops, the bobbin tension is
correct. If it doesn’t move, it is too tight. If it drops into your hand, it is too loose. Turn the screw on the
bobbin to the right to tighten and to the left to loosen the tension. Once the bobbin tension is set correctly,
leave it alone. Adjust the top thread to fine tune the thread on each needle.
The top tension begins with the pre-tensioners, the discs that first meet the thread as it comes off the
cones and through the thread rack guides. Loosen the main tension knob so there is no tension on the thread
at the tension spring and remove the thread from the needle eye. Hold the main tension disc to prevent
turning and pull the trand. If it stops when it is around the main tension disc, the pre-tensioner is doing its
job. If is does not, tighten the pre-tensioner until the thread stops. Your pre-tensioner has too much tension
on it if the main tension discs fail to turn when they are not being held. If the thread does not stay on the
main tension disc, you have too little tension at the pre-tensioner.
Once the pre-tensioners are adjusted, back off the main tension knob until there is no tension at all and
then tighten it down about 7or 8 turns. Sew a block, about 2 or 3 inches square. The reverse of the
embroidery should show 1/3 bobbin and 2/3 upper thread. If there is more bobbin thread, you need to loosen
the main tension. If there is more upper thread, you need to tighten the main tension.