background image

3) Press the button ENTER and set the follow-

ing parameters:

ƊRed  :

Brightness of red

(0 – 255)


Brightness of green (0 – 255)

blue :

Brightness of blue

(0 – 255)


Brightness of white (0 – 255)


Flash frequency (0 – 20 Hz)
of the stroboscope

Time :

Length of scene (time), 
100 = 60 seconds

Fade :

Crossfading time

4) The arrow 


always precedes the current

selection or the value to be set. To set the
parameter selected: Press the button ENTER
and use the button UP or DOWN to change
the setting; then press the button MENU to
return to the parameter selection and to
change another parameter.


1. The length of a scene must at least be set to the



; otherwise, it is not possible to pro-

gram the subsequent scene.

2. To crossfade from one scene to the next, a cross-

fading time must be set for both scenes. 

5) Once the first scene has been set, press the

button MENU repeatedly until the arrow
points to the number of scene (


). Use

the button UP to select the second scene,
press the button ENTER, set the scene and
then repeat this procedure for all subsequent

6) Once the final scene has been set, store the

sequence of scenes: Immediately after set-
ting a parameter, keep the button ENTER
pressed for 5 seconds. When the button is
released, the number of the sequence




) will appear on the dis-

play; if not, the button ENTER has not been
pressed long enough. 


1. A sequence of scenes must have been completely

programmed before the floodlight is disconnected
from the power supply. After the floodlight has been
switched on again, the sequence of scenes cannot
be changed anymore; it can only be programmed
again. To overwrite a sequence of scenes, it is not
necessary to delete the previously programmed
scenes first. 

2. When the sequence of scenes is not called up by

means of the control buttons (4) [chapter 7.3.] but via
a DMX light controller, DMX channel 2 will define the
length of a scene and DMX channel 3 will define the
crossfading time (chapter 10.1.7). Channel 2 must be
set to a DMX value > 0; otherwise, the floodlight will
remain dark. 

7.5 Synchronous control of multiple

floodlights (master / slave mode)

Multiple ODW-2410RGBW can be intercon-
nected. The master unit will then synchronously
control all slave units.

1) Use the inline jack (9) of the cable DMX OUT

and the plug (6) of the cable DMX IN to con-
nect the floodlights in a chain. Please refer 
to chapter 8.1, “DMX connection”, skipping
step 1.

2) The floodlight is factory-set to act as a slave

unit in master 

slave mode. Thus, only the

floodlight that is to control the slave units
must be defined as a master unit.

Call up the menu item 


to change the 

setting. The display will show the following:


= master unit


= slave unit

An arrow will point to the current setting. If

required, use the button UP or DOWN to
change the setting. 

3) Set the master unit to the operation mode

desired (

chapters 7.1 – 7.3).

7.5.1 Copying sequences of scenes

The programmed sequences of scenes of a unit
(chapter 7.4.) can be copied to other units. This
is useful when multiple units are to run inde-
pendently with the same sequences of scenes.
For synchronous operation on interconnected
units (chapter 7.5), it is not necessary to copy the
sequences of scenes.

Define the unit whose sequences of scenes are
to be copied as a master unit and connect it to
the other units (

chapter 7.5); set up the other

units as slave units:

1) At the slave units that are to adopt all

sequences of scenes from the master unit,
call up the menu item 


and set the option



2) At the master unit, call up the menu item 


and the submenu item 



will appear on the display.

3) Press the following buttons:

For each press of a button, an asterisk 



appear on the display.

4) Use the button ENTER to start copying. Dur-

ing the copy process, the slave units will light
up in yellow; they will light up in red in case of
an error; and they will light up in green once
the copy process has been successfully com-

Note: The sequences of scenes copied will only be
available after a different sequence of scenes has been
selected or after the power supply has been interrupted.   

8 Operation with 

a DMX Controller

DMX (Digital Multiplex) means digital control of
multiple DMX units via a common control line.
For operation by means of a DMX light controller
(e. g. DMX-1440 or DMX-510USB from “img
Stage Line”), the floodlight is equipped with 11
DMX control channels. However, it can also be
controlled by 10, 6, 5, 4 or 3 channels, if
required. The functions of the channels and the
corresponding DMX values can be found in
chapter 10.1.

8.1 DMX connection

For DMX connection, 3-pole XLR connections
with the following pin configuration are available: 

pin 1 = ground, 2 = DMX−, 3 = DMX+

For the connection, special cables for DMX sig-
nal transmission (e. g. cables of the CDMXN
series from “img Stage Line”) should be used.
For cable lengths exceeding 150 m and for the
control of more than 32 units via a single DMX
output, the insertion of a DMX level matching
amplifier (e. g. SR-103DMX from “img Stage
Line”) is recommended.

1) Connect the plug (6) of the cable DMX IN to

the inline jack of the cable supplied that is fit-
ted with the XLR plug (10), and then use the
cap nut to screw the plug-in connection
together. Using an extension cable, connect
the XLR plug to the DMX output of the light

controller or, if additional DMX-controlled
units are used, to the DMX output of another
DMX-controlled unit.

2) If additional floodlights ODW-2410RGBW are

used, use the inline jack (9) of the cable DMX
OUT to connect the first floodlight to the plug
(6) of the cable DMX IN of the second flood-
light. Proceed in the same way to connect the
second floodlight to the third one etc. until all
floodlights are connected in a chain.

If the DMX connection cables between the

floodlights are too short, use suitable extension
cables, e. g. ODP-34DMX (length: 2 m) or
ODP-34DMX /10 (length: 10 m).
To connect other DMX-controlled units, use
the adapter cable fitted with the XLR inline

3) To prevent interference in signal transmis-

sion: For long cables or for a great number of
units connected in series, terminate the DMX
output of the last DMX unit in the chain with a
120 Ω resistor (> 0.3 W): Connect an appro-
priate terminating plug (e. g. DLT-123 from
“img Stage Line”) to the XLR inline jack of the
supplied adapter cable. For outdoor installa-
tion, protect the XLR inline jack and the ter-
minating plug against humidity.

8.2 Setting the DMX operation mode

To operate the ODW-2410RGBW by means of a
light controller, set the DMX start address

chapter 8.3) and the DMX operation mode.

The DMX operation mode selected will deter-
mine the number of the DMX channels required
(3 – 11 channels). Please refer to chapter 10.1
for the functions that can be controlled with the
respective DMX operation modes, and then,
based on this information or based on the num-
ber of the control channels available at the light
controller, select the DMX operation mode:

1) Call up the menu item 



2) The following settings are available: 


11 channels 

/10 channels without


chapter 10.1.7)


3 channels
1 = red, 2 = green, 3 = blue


4 channels
1 = dimmer, 2 = red, 3 = green,
4 = blue


4 channels
1 = red, 2 = green, 3 = blue, 
4 = white


5 channels
1= dimmer, 2 = red, 3 = green,
4 = blue, 5 = white


6 channels
1 = dimmer, 2 = red, 3 = green,
4 = blue, 5 = white, 6 = stroboscope


3 channels
1 = colour, 2 = colour saturation,
3 = brightness

3) The arrow 


points to the current setting. Use

the button UP or DOWN to change the set-



Summary of Contents for ODW-2410RGBW


Page 2: ...4 I Italiano Pagina 19 NL Nederlands Pagina 24 E Espa ol P gina 29 PL Polski Strona 34 DK Dansk Sida 40 S Svenska Sidan 40 FIN Suomi Sivulta 40 ELECTRONICS FOR SPECIALISTS ELECTRONICS FOR SPECIALISTS...

Page 3: ...3 2 2 3 3 4 5 4 10 11 6 7 8 9 1...

Page 4: ...Kabel aus der Steckdose fassen Sie am Stecker an G Verwenden Sie zum S ubern des Scheinwer fergeh uses und der Schutzscheibe vor den LEDs nur ein mildes Reinigungsmittel G Wird das Ger t zweckentfremd...

Page 5: ...en des Speicherplatzes die Taste ENTER dr cken 4 Die folgenden Parameter einstellen Red Helligkeit Rot 0 255 green Helligkeit Gr n 0 255 blue Helligkeit Blau 0 255 white Helligkeit Wei 0 255 5 Der Pfe...

Page 6: ...ot und nach einem erfolgrei chen Kopieren gr n Hinweis Die kopierten Szenenfolgen sind erst verf g bar nachdem auf eine anderen Szenenfolge umge schaltet oder die Stromversorgung unterbrochen wurde 8...

Page 7: ...EY LOCK ausgeschaltet wurde 9 2 Farben begrenzen Die Helligkeitswerte der Farben Rot Gr n und Blau lassen sich auf einen Maximalwert begren zen Dadurch k nnen z B Unterschiede zu anderen Scheinwerfern...

Page 8: ...elb Magenta 171 180 Rot Gr n Blau Wei 181 190 T rkis Gr n Gelb Rot Magenta Blau 191 200 Wei max Helligkeit 201 205 WT01 Wei ton 1 Kap 7 2 206 210 WT02 211 215 WT03 216 220 WT04 221 225 WT05 226 230 WT...

Page 9: ...e floodlight housing and the protective pane in front of the LEDs only use a mild detergent G No guarantee claims for the unit and no liabil ity for any resulting personal damage or mate rial damage w...

Page 10: ...of white are stored which however can be changed if required For each shade of white the brightness of the colours red green blue and white may be set to different val ues so that this mode can also b...

Page 11: ...DOWN UP DOWN For each press of a button an asterisk will appear on the display 4 Use the button ENTER to start copying Dur ing the copy process the slave units will light up in yellow they will light...

Page 12: ...s been deactivated by means of the menu item KEY LOCK 9 2 Limiting colours A maximum value can be defined for the bright ness of the colours red green and blue Thus it is for example possible to compe...

Page 13: ...agenta 171 180 Red Green Blue White 181 190 Cyan Green Yellow Red Magenta Blue 191 200 White max brightness 201 205 WT01 shade of white 1 chapter 7 2 206 210 WT02 211 215 WT03 216 220 WT04 221 225 WT0...

Page 14: ...alis G Ne d branchez jamais l appareil en tirant sur le cordon secteur retirez toujours le cordon secteur en tirant la fiche G Pour nettoyer le bo tier du projecteur et la vitre de protection devant l...

Page 15: ...lectionn l em placement de m moire 4 R glez les param tres suivants Red luminosit rouge 0 255 green luminosit vert 0 255 blue luminosit bleu 0 255 white luminosit blanc 0 255 5 La fl che est toujours...

Page 16: ...a touche ENTER Pendant la copie les appa reils auxiliaires brillent en jaune en cas d er reurs ils brillent en rouge et une fois la copie r alis e en vert Conseil les suites de sc nes copi es ne sont...

Page 17: ...uillage des touches est nou veau activ s il n a pas t d sactiv par le point de menu KEY LOCK 9 2 Limitation des couleurs Vous pouvez limiter les valeurs de luminosit des couleurs rouge vert et bleu un...

Page 18: ...uge vert bleu blanc 181 190 turquoise vert jaune rouge magenta bleu 191 200 blanc luminosit max 201 205 WT01 tonalit de blanc 1 chapitre 7 2 206 210 WT02 211 215 WT03 216 220 WT04 221 225 WT05 226 230...

Page 19: ...izzato G Staccare il cavo rete afferrando la spina senza tirare il cavo G Per la pulizia del contenitore del proiettore e del vetro protettivo davanti ai LED usare solo un detergente delicato G Nel ca...

Page 20: ...r modificare un impostazione dopo la scelta della locazione di memoria premere il tasto ENTER 4 Impostare i parametri seguenti Red Luminosit rosso 0 255 green Luminosit verde 0 255 blue Luminosit blu...

Page 21: ...pressione di questi tasti viene segnalata ogni volta con un asterisco sul display 4 Avviare la copiatura con il tasto ENTER Durante la copiatura gli apparecchi secon dari emettono una luce gialla ross...

Page 22: ...CK 9 2 Limitare i colori I valori di luminosit dei colori rosso verde e blu possono essere limitati a un valore massimo In questo modo possibile per esempio compen sare le differenze rispetto ad altri...

Page 23: ...sso verde blu bianco 181 190 turchese verde giallo rosso magenta blu 191 200 bianco max luminosit 201 205 WT01 tonalit bianco 1 cap 7 2 206 210 WT02 211 215 WT03 216 220 WT04 221 225 WT05 226 230 WT06...

Page 24: ...vervangen G Trek de stekker nooit met het snoer uit het stopcontact maar met de stekker zelf G Gebruik voor het schoonmaken van de schijn werperbehuizing en de afscherming van de leds uitsluitend een...

Page 25: ...R 4 Stel de volgende parameters in Red helderheid rood 0 255 green helderheid groen 0 255 blue helderheid blauw 0 255 white helderheid wit 0 255 5 De pijl staat steeds voor de huidige selec tie of de...

Page 26: ...groen Opmerking De gekopieerde sc nereeksen zijn pas beschikbaar nadat naar een andere sc nereeks omge schakeld of de voedingsspanning onderbroken werd 8 Gebruik met een DMX regelaar DMX is de afkorti...

Page 27: ...LOCK werd uitgeschakeld 9 2 Kleuren begrenzen De helderheidswaarde van de kleuren rood groen en blauw kunnen tot een maximum waarde worden begrensd Zo kunnen bv ver schillen ten opzichte van andere s...

Page 28: ...1 170 turkoois geel magenta 171 180 rood groen blauw wit 181 190 turkoois groen geel rood magenta blauw 191 200 wit max helderheid 201 205 WT01 wittint 1 hoofdstuk 7 2 206 210 WT02 211 215 WT03 216 22...

Page 29: ...a des conectarlo de la toma tire siempre del enchufe G Para la limpieza de la carcasa del foco y del panel de protecci n frontal de los LEDs utilice solamente un detergente suave G No podr reclamarse...

Page 30: ...4 Ajuste los par metros siguientes Red Brillo del rojo 0 255 green Brillo del verde 0 255 blue Brillo del azul 0 255 white Brillo del blanco 0 255 5 La flecha siempre precede la selecci n actual o el...

Page 31: ...ot n ENTER para empezar la copia Durante el proceso de copia los apa ratos Slave se iluminar n en amarillo se ilu minar n en rojo si hay un error y se ilumina r n en verde en cuando el proceso de copi...

Page 32: ...s active mediante el objeto de men KEY LOCK 9 2 Limitar colores Se puede definir un valor m ximo para el brillo de los colores rojo verde y azul Por lo tanto se pueden compensar diferencias con otros...

Page 33: ...51 255 WT11 7 0 255 Velocidad si canal 6 11 190 0 15 Sin estroboscopio 16 255 Estroboscopio 1 20 Hz 8 0 9 Sin funci n 10 19 Programa de muestra Aut 01 fig 3 2 20 29 Programa de muestra Aut 022 30 39 P...

Page 34: ...i specjali cie G Nie wolno od cza zasilania ci gn c za kabel nale y zawsze chwyta za wtyczk G Do czyszczenia obudowy oraz panelu u ywa mi kkiej ciereczki oraz agodnych detergen t w G Producent ani dos...

Page 35: ...NTER i za pomoc przycisk w UP oraz DOWN zmie ni ustawienie nast pnie wcisn przycisk MENU aby powr ci do wyboru parametru i wybra kolejny parametr do zmiany 6 Aby w czy inny odcie bieli lub zmieni kt r...

Page 36: ...braniu innej sekwencji lub od czeniu zasilania 8 Sterowanie przez kontroler DMX DMX jest skr tem od Digital Multiplex i pozwala na cyfrowe sterowanie wieloma urz dzeniami DMX poprzez wsp ln lini Refle...

Page 37: ...anie wy czona przez polecenie KEY LOCK 9 2 Ograniczenie jasno ci kolor w Mo liwe jest zdefiniowanie maksymalnej jasno ci poszczeg lnych kolor w czerwonego zielonego oraz niebieskiego Pozwala to na dop...

Page 38: ...ony 161 170 Turkusowy ty Karmazyn 171 180 Czerwony Zielony Niebieski Bia y 181 190 Turkusowy Zielony ty Czerwony Karmazyn Niebieski 191 200 Bia y max jasno 201 205 WT01 odcie bieli 1 rozdz 7 2 206 210...

Page 39: ...39...

Page 40: ...lee huol lattaa valtuutetussa huollossa G Virtajohdon saa vaihtaa vain valtuutettu huol tohenkil G l koskaan irrota virtajohtoa pistorasiasta johdosta vet m ll G K yt laitteen ja LEDej suojaavan ruudu...

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Page 42: ...MONACOR INTERNATIONAL GmbH Co KG Zum Falsch 36 28307 Bremen Germany Copyright by MONACOR INTERNATIONAL All rights reserved A 1618 99 01 01 2015...
