Mounting Hardware Installation
Clamp the catcher in a vise or hold it secure with a 13 mm wrench.
Use a second 13 mm wrench to thread the push pin along the rod until
it pushes the bushing pin into the shock eyelet bushing.
Continue to thread the push pin until the bushing pin protrudes from
both sides of the eyelet an equal amount.
You may need to unthread the catcher slightly to check the bushing
pin spacing.
Press an end spacer, large diameter side first, onto each end of the
bushing pin.
Reinstall the shock to your bicycle frame according to the bicycle
manufacturer's instructions.
Use a shock pump to pressurize the shock to the desired air pressure. After adding air to the shock, the pressure will need to be equalized
between the shock chambers.
Record the air pressure value on the pump, then unthread it from the shock. Slowly but firmly press or sit on the saddle to compress the shock
until there is a hissing sound.
This sound indicates air transfer between chambers. Record the air pressure, then unthread it from the shock. Repeat this process until you
reach the desired amount of sag, then install the valve cap.
When pressurizing the shock, do not exceed maximum pressure rating.
The pump must be removed from the shock prior to checking sag to avoid damage to the pump.
This concludes the service for the RockShox® Super Deluxe™ rear shock.
13 mm