Mounting Hardware Installation
M o u n t i n g H a r d w a r e I n s t a l l a t i o n
To prevent damage to the shock use aluminum soft jaws and position the eyelet in the vise so that the adjustment knobs are clear of the vise jaws.
Some mounting hardware is easily installed using only your fingers.
Press the bushing pin into the shock eyelet bushing until the pin
protrudes from both sides of the eyelet an equal amount. Next, press
an end spacer, large diameter side first, onto each end of the bushing
pin. If this works, you have completed mounting hardware and bushing
If you are unable to install your mounting hardware using your fingers,
use the RockShox® rear shock bushing removal/installation tool.
Thread the small end of the push pin onto the threaded rod until the
push pin is flush or slightly protrudes from the hex-shaped end of the
push pin.
Insert the threaded rod through the shaft eyelet until the push pin rests
against the bushing pin.
Thread the large, open end of the catcher onto the rod until it rests on
the eyelet.