Bearing Mount Service
B e a r i n g M o u n t S e r v i c e
Replace the bearings if they are not spinning freely, or if they are making a creaking noise.
P a r t s , T o o l s , a n d S u p p l i e s
• Rear Shock Bearing Kit
• Eyelet Bearing SDLX/DLX (Damper body only)
Safety and Protection Supplies
• Clean, lint-free shop towels
• Nitrile gloves
• Safety glasses
Common Tools
• Bearing press tool: 22 mm (OD) x 10 mm (ID)
• Bench wise with aluminum soft jaws
• Hammer
• Small diameter punch
B e a r i n g R e m o v a l
Remove the dust cover.
To prevent damage to the air valve, remove the bearing on the side
opposite of the air valve first. Place a punch against the back of the
opposite bearing, and tap out the bearing.