fitvibe medica
User Manual, Version 01/2004
3.1 „Contra-Indications“
Before starting vibration treatment, always make sure that the user does not or could not potentially suffer
from any of the contra-indications listed below. If this is the case, do not start vibration treatment. In case
of doubt, always consult expert medical advice from a doctor, specialist or physiotherapist.
- Acute inflammations or infections
- Acute joint disorders and arthroses
- Acute migraine
- Acute rheumatoid arthritis
- Cardiovascular diseases (heart and vascular)
- Epilepsy
- Fresh (surgery) wounds
- Gallstones
- Heart rhythm disorders
- Heart valve disorders
- Joint implants, like foot, knee and hip implants
- Kidney stones
- Acute low back complaints like hernia, discopathy, spondylolysis
- Metal or synthetically implants like pacemaker, intra-uterine device (IUD)
- Pregnancy
- Recent thrombosis or possible thrombotic complaints
- Severe diabetics
- Tumors
The full list of contra-indications can be displayed on the
control panel. To do this, go to the main menu and select
Bottom right on the screen is indicated whether the device
is equiped with a cardreader or not.
- Device with card reader
- Device without card reader
3.2 Important Information Before Using For the First Time
Always check the contra-indications first, see Section 3.1.
(Sports) shoes with flexible rubber soles should always be worn.
The first treatment session should take place under the supervision of a medical educated person.
See Section 3.4, ‘The Very First “fitvibe medical Pro” Treatment Session’.
Closely follow all instructions on how to take the initial position and how to carry out the exercise
and take rest periods as advised. This will ensure the best possible results and help prevent
Always strike an active stance; lifting the heels lightly up will avoid a trembling voice.
For an optimum and complete treatment effect, we advise conventional treatment therapy
alongside a treatment with the “fitvibe medical Pro”.
3.3 Using the Soft Mat
In exercises where you are putting your weight on the plate with any part of the body other than the feet,
for example hands or buttocks, the mat supplied with the "fitvibe medical Pro" must be placed on the
vibration plate before taking the starting position. The mat is illustrated on the display in the instructions
for exercises by a black surface on the vibration plate.