fitvibe User Manual, Version 01/2005
This false step can be corrected within approx. 3 seconds by using the “Skip back” key to activate the last
exercise. After 3 seconds have elapsed, it is no longer possible to activate the last exercise. The entire
exercise sequence is thus completed.
On removing the ICS chip card from the card reader of the fitvibe appliance, the display screen always
returns to the “Insert Card” window.
On re-inserting the ICS chip card, the Treatment Programme is re-started with the next exercise
sequence or the next exercise within the sequence from the point where it was interrupted.
In the normal case, after completing all of the exercises, the ICS chip card cannot be used again without
being re-programmed. Unless, however, the ICS chip card has been programmed as a “no time limit”
card, then it can be used again without limitation.