October 2013
Appendix C: Open Source Information
OFFER for Source for GPL and LGPL Software
You may have received a Spectralink product from Spectralink that contains—in part—free
software (software licensed in a way that allows you the freedom to run, copy, distribute,
change, and improve the software).
A complete list of all open source software included in the product as well as related license and
copyright information, is available at
You may also obtain the same information by contacting Spectralink by regular mail or email at
the addresses listed at the bottom of this notice.
For at least three (3) years from the date of distribution of the applicable product or software, we
will give to anyone who contacts us at the contact information provided below, for a charge of no
more than our cost of physically distributing, the items listed in
Spectralink OFFER of Source
for GPL and LGPL Software
, which is available at
Contact Information for Requesting Source Code
Spectralink Open Source Manager
2560 55th Street
Boulder, CO 80301