The installer will then begin a firmware patch.
Current Apple firmware blocks a G4 processor
from booting in a Power Macintosh G3 Blue &
White. The installer will patch this firmware to
remove the G4 block. (The Sonnet patch may
be uninstalled, restoring the Apple firmware;
however, your Blue & White would subse-
quently not boot a G4.) The installer will pre-
sent a dialog box
(Figure 1)
with step-by-step
instructions for installing the firmware patch.
After the computer shuts down, carefully follow
the “Applying the Power Macintosh G3 Firmware
Patch” instructions:
• Press and hold down the Programmer’s button on
the front of the computer. This is the small button
to the right, as shown in the diagram.
• While holding down the Programmer’s button,
press the Power button on your computer or on
the keyboard.
Continue holding down the Programmer’s button
until the tone is heard.
A progress bar showing the status of the update
appears at the bottom of the screen.
• The computer will reboot and start as usual. If an
error occurred, you will get an error message;
rerun the installer.
If the patch was successfully installed, a dialog box
will appear stating it is ok to install the Encore/ZIF
processor upgrade card; click OK.
Figure 1; Figura 1