CIE-H14 User Manual Ver. 1.1
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Exemption from Liability
12.2.1 English version
In no event shall Sollae Systems Co., Ltd. and its distributors be liable for any damages
whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of profit, operating cost for
commercial interruption, loss of information, or any other financial loss) from the use or
inability to use the CIE-H14 even if Sollae Systems Co., Ltd. or its distributors have been
informed of such damages.
The CIE-H14 is not designed and not authorized for use in military applications, in
nuclear applications, in airport applications or for use in applications involving explosives,
or in medical applications, or for use in security alarm, or for use in a fire alarm, or in
applications involving elevators, or in embedded applications in vehicles such as but not
limited to cars, planes, trucks, boats, aircraft, helicopters, etc..
In the same way, the CIE-H14 is not designed, or intended, or authorized to test, develop,
or be built into applications where failure could create a dangerous situation that may
result in financial losses, damage to property, personal injury, or the death of people or
animals. If you use the CIE-H14 voluntarily or involuntarily for such unauthorized
applications, you agree to subtract Sollae Systems Co., Ltd. and its distributors from all
liability for any claim for compensation.
Sollae Systems Co., Ltd. and its distributors entire liability and your exclusive remedy shall
be Sollae Systems Co., Ltd. and its distributors option for the return of the price paid for, or
repair, or replacement of the CIE-H14.
Sollae Systems Co., Ltd. and its distributors disclaim all other warranties, either expressed
or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and
fitness for a particular purpose, with respect to the CIE-H14 including accompanying
written material, hardware and firmware.
12.2.2 French version
La documentation du boîtier CIE-H14 est conçue avec la plus grande attention. Tous les
efforts ont été mis en œuvre pour éviter les anomalies. Toutefois, nous ne pouvons garantir
que cette documentation soit à 100% exempt de toute erreur. Les informations présentes
dans cette documentation sont données à titre indicatif. Les caractéristiques techniques
peuvent changer à tout moment sans aucun préavis dans le but d'améliorer la qualité et les