CIE-H14 User Manual Ver. 1.1
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Modbus/TCP Slave Mode
According to the standard Modbus/TCP, users can use a Modbus/TCP manager to control
and monitor their I/O devices. You can set CIE-H14 to the [Slave] item to [Slave] mode. The
[Passive] connection is recommended in this mode and the [Peer Port] should be 502.
Modbus/TCP Mode
TCP Connection
TCP Port
Table 5-2 values for standard Modbus/TCP
Configure the proper values of [Unit ID], [Input Port Base Address], and [Output Port Base
Modbus/TCP Master Mode
In this mode, CIE-H14 operates as a Modbus/TCP master. As a master CIE-H14 transmits
its input information to the salve and outputs the slave’s input value to its output port after
reading the value periodically. At this stage, CIE-H14 controls the output ports with not
only bit unit (individually) but also word unit (at once)
FC 16(Multiple ports)
CIE-H14 controls the output ports and monitors the input ports of slaves with WORD
unit by FC16 (write multiple register) and FC 03 (read multiple register)
FC 05(Single port)
CIE-H14 controls the output ports and monitors the input ports of slaves with BIT
unit by FC05 (write coil) and FC02 (read input discretes).