CIE-H14 User Manual Ver. 1.1
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Web (HTTP)
After starting the web browser, type CIE-H14’s IP address after typing http:// in the
address bar to connect to CIE-H14.
If a password for CIE-H14 is set, the following window will be popped up.
Figure 5-1 authentication with a password
① [User name] is not required. Leave blank or put a random name.
② [Password] should be the same with a password which is set through the ezManager.
Changing port number for HTTP
In case you cannot use the port number 80(default port number for HTTP) because the
ISP (Internet Service Provider) blocks the port, you can change that port number.
Figure 5-2 changing port number for HTTP
① Input a port number to the [Web(HTTP) Port] box.
② Input the IP address of CIE-H14 along with the changed port number and “http://”