WATTrouter M - user manual
How to fit and setup the device
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WATTrouter M devices can be monitored and configured using regular Internet browsers. Web interface can be
used only if the controller is connected via Ethernet.
Figure14: Device web interface.
Using the web interface you may monitor and configure all controller parameters as if you would do using the
WATTconfig software, except for input checking oscilloscope, time server testing, statistic export/import and
firmware upgrade.
Web interface is implemented in your Internet browser by using AJAX/XML technology and therefore, you have
to allow JavaScript.
Monitoring the controller activity and configuring it may also be implemented into any superior control system
capable to send or parse XML data. However, the implementation requires certain knowledge of HTTP
protocols and XML files.
Authorization to write a new configuration was not designed using common HTTP authentication, but instead
of it the login data is embedded into each configuration write request. This mechanism simplifies the
implementation on the superior control system side where using HTTP authentication could be problematic.
In order to monitor and configure your controller you may use following HTTP/XML requests. Description of
individual XML data are listed as HTML/XML comments directly embedded in the XML data listings: