WATTrouter M - user manual
How to fit and setup the device
Page 64 from 79
GET /meas.xml
By sending this HTTP request you will obtain the current measured/status data from the controller (actual
measured powers in individual phases and power/energy values for connected loads). Structure of
returned data:
<!--Response headers-->
<!--one empty line-->
<P>-2.20</P><!-- measured power by IL1 in kW-->
<P>1.50</P><!-- measured power by IL2 in kW-->
<P>-1.10</P><!-- measured power by IL3 in kW-->
<I4><!-- FB1 input status-->
<P>0.50</P><!-- measured power in kW-->
<E>1.60</E><!-- energy counted in kWh-->
<!-- similarly for remaining inputs FB2(I5) to FB3(I6)-->
<O1><!-- triac 1 output status-->
<A>0</A><!-- assigned FB input (0=none, 4=FB1, 5=FB2, etc.)-->
<P>1.00</P><!-- load power in kW-->
<E>3.00</E><!-- supplied energy to connected load in kWh-->
<HN>1</HN><!-- basic control mode: 0=inactive, 1=active-->
<HC>0</HC><!-- CombiWATT mode: 0=inactive, 1=active -->
<HE>0</HE><!-- output enforced by time schedule: 0=inactive, 1=active-->
<HR>0</HR><!-- output restricted by time schedule: 0=inactive, 1=active--
<HX>0</HX><!-- output switched externally: 0=inactive, 1=active-->
<TOT>0</TOT><!-- timer status of the relay on-delay timer -->
<TFT>0</TFT><!-- timer status of the relay off-delay timer -->
<T>0</T><!-- output test: 0=inactive, 1=active-->
<EX>0</EX><!-- private auxiliary item-->
<!-- similarly for remaining outputs triac 2(O2) to SSR 2(O6)-->
<PPS>-1.80</PPS><!-- sum of measured powers L1+L2+L3 in kW-->
<DaR>1.1.2017</DaR><!-- date (controller)-->
<TiR>0:00:00</TiR><!-- time (controller)-->
<CW>7200</CW><!-- time to activate CombiWATT-->
<DC>12.0</DC><!--internal DC source-->
<FW>1.0</FW><!-- firmware version-->
<EL1>0</EL1><!-- 0=no fault, 1=L1 voltage missing error-->
<ETS>0</ETS><!-- 0=no fault, 1=temperature sensor(s) error-->
<EDC>0</EDC><!-- 0=no fault, 1=DC source overload-->
<ELV>0</ELV><!-- 0=no fault, 1=max. temperature exceeded -->
<ILT>0</ILT><!-- 0=not present, 1=low tariff active-->
<ICW>0</ICW><!-- 0=not present, 1=CombiWATT active-->
<ITS>0</ITS><!-- 0=not present, 1=output test active-->
<IDST>0</IDST><!-- 0=not present, 1=summer time-->
<SRT>6:00</SRT><!-- sunrise time-->
<DW>1</DW><!-- day of week (0=Monday to 6=Sunday)-->
<DIP>...</DIP><!-- controller IP address (currently configured)-->
<DMS>...</DMS><!-- subnet mask (currently configured)-->
<DDR>...</DDR><!-- default gateway IP address (currently configured)-->
<DDN>...</DDN><!-- DNS server IP address (currently configured)-->
<WV>6</WV><!-- internal version of the corresponding WATTconfig software-->