WATTrouter M - user manual
How to fit and setup the device
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Energy – displays electric energy counted by the relevant impulse input. The value is calculated using
the following formula:
E – final energy (this field)
– initial energy at the input (see FB input settings)
Imp – number of impulses registered by FB input since the moment the impulses were connected to
this FB input. These counter values are not displayed.
– number of impulses per kWh (see FB input settings)
Impulses are counted only if the controller is operating. It is only an auxiliary and informative feature
of the controller. Counted impulses are saved in the internal EEPROM memory every hour. In case of a
short time power supply failure these values should not be very different from the actual reality. More
frequent impulse saving is not possible due to technical reasons. If these values do not correspond
with the value shown on the display of the connected energy meter, modify the field "Energy offset"
to match the value of the energy meter, check the "Reset energy"-field and press the Write button.
Other statuses:
Configuration/object name - it is used to set label to the facility or the current configuration. Text may
contain maximum of 16 characters in ASCII encoding.
Sunrise today – it displays time of sunrise for today. This time is calculated directly in the controller
based on the actual calendar date and the actual geographic location of the facility/building (see
"Geographic location" on the "Other settings" tab). The calculated time is converted to the current
local time based on configuration of the "Use summer time" and "Time zone" settings. The official
sunrise zenith, 90° 50' is used. Sunrise time is used to reset energy counters ("Supplied energy"-fields)
in the main window, provided that the applicable mode in the field "CombiWATT – Energy counter
reset" is selected.
Day of week – shows the current day of week, which is obtained from the controller date.
Fan power– displays the current fan power output in %.
Firmware version – displays actual regulator firmware version.
Date (regulator) – it indicates the real time running inside the regulator (date part).
Time (regulator) – it indicates the real time running inside the regulator (time part).
Regulator real time is backed up with a built-in lithium battery, so it runs even if the regulator
power supply is turned off.
Date (client) – it displays the real-time running on the PC (date part).
Time (client) – it displays the real-time running on the PC (time part).
In this tab you may set ILx measuring inputs and FB inputs.
Common settings for ILx measurement inputs and FB inputs: