WATTrouter M - user manual
How to fit and setup the device
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Turn on the PC.
Run WATTconfig_M_Setup_x86_64.exe.
Follow the on-screen instructions.
Click on START button in your PC and run the WATTconfig M control software. The system will display
the main software window.
Make sure that the controller is turned on and connected to your computer. Make sure that USB
interface driver is correctly installed.
Select USB interface connection mode (field next to the "Connect" button).
Select correct port for connection. This can be done in the dropdown menu Port in USB/COM driver
configuration window, which will show up by clicking on button Configure connection.
Unlike WATTrouter CWx devices or older firmware versions the WATTrouter M uses a serial port
connection (COMx). This port is always virtual port because the controller is connected via USB. Once more
ports are displayed, it is necessary to check in Windows device manager, which port is assigned to USB
Serial Port.
Click the "Connect" button. The controller should be now connected and the connection indicator (a
stripe) should be displayed in green. If it is not, and the system displays an error message, wait until
the USB driver is ready for use in your PC, or inspect the settings in the USB driver configuration
window. You may display the window by pressing the Configure button.
After establishing successful communication, you should be able to see the current measured values
(power outputs on individual phases, etc.). No outputs should be active ("unused" priority). Also no
time schedules should be used.
Now you can configure measuring inputs. This can be done on the "Input settings" tab. First, you set
the phase sequence and then the direction of current flows through the current sensing module.
Setting up phase sequence:
Turn off the PV-plant and turn on a resistive load on each phase
which will be involved in the measuring process. The system will display measured active
power on each individual phase. For now, you may ignore the signs of the measured power
values. Now, in the Phase field select corresponding phase, based on the actual status
recognized by the controller, and press Write button. The configuration will be saved in the
controller. If the output values measured on individual phases differ too much from the
reality, change the phase for given input and again press the Write button. Repeat these
steps for all 3 inputs IL1, IL2 and IL3 until all measured powers are displayed correctly.
Setting up the direction of current flows through the current sensing module:
As specified in
the previous steps, leave loads on measured phases switched on. When the PV-plant is
turned off,
all measured power output values must be smaller than 0 or equal to 0.
If any of
the measured power outputs is positive it means that the phase wire is passing through the
current sensing module in a reverse direction. Use the Current orientation field for the
relevant phase, select the reversed option and press the Write button. The configuration will
be saved in the controller. Now, all measured power outputs must be <= 0. Turn the PV-plant
on and turn off all loads.
Now, measured outputs must be positive (>=0).
If they are not, or if
the measured values do not correspond with nominal power ratings of the connected loads,
or if they do not correspond with the power output of the PV-plant, you have either still
connected another loads (which you don‘t know about, such as various loads in stand-by