WATTrouter M - user manual
How to fit and setup the device
Page 69 from 79
GET /stat_month.xml
By sending this HTTP request you will obtain the monthly statistics from the controller. Structure of
returned data:
<!--Response headers-->
<!--one empty line-->
<SMD>2017-07-20</SMD><!-- date today-->
<SMS1>0.00</SMS1><!-- surplus energy all phases in kWh, yesterday-->
<SMH1>0.00</SMH1><!-- consumption normal tariff all phases v kWh,
<SML1>0.00</SML1><!-- consumption low tariff all phases in kWh, yesterday--
<SMP1>0.00</SMP1><!-- production all phases in kWh, yesterday-->
<!-- similarly for the 2th to 31th last day-->
GET /stat_year.xml
By sending this HTTP request you will obtain the annual statistics from the controller. Structure of returned
<!--Response headers-->
<!--one empty line-->
<SYD>2017-07-20</SYD><!-- date today-->
<SYS1>0.00</SYS1><!-- surplus energy all phases in kWh, this month-->
<SYH1>0.00</SYH1><!-- consumption normal tariff all phases v kWh, this
<SYL1>0.00</SYL1><!-- consumption low tariff all phases in kWh, this month-
<SYP1>0.00</SYP1><!-- production all phases in kWh, this month-->
<!-- similarly for the 2th to 12th last month-->
In addition to these commands, there are other non-public HTTP requests for S-Connect configuration and
monitoring since firmware version 4.0.