WATTrouter M - user manual
How to fit and setup the device
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Time server (hostname) - (since firmware version 3.0) time Server domain name. The time server
name is stored directly in the controller and its IP is obtained automatically using the newly
implemented DNS protocol. Then, the IP address of the time server is ignored. The default and
recommended name is pool.ntp.org, which is a service that automatically assigns the IP address of a
particular time server, based on the load of individual time servers and other criteria. You can use the
“Test time server and get it’s IP” button to verify the functionality of the server.
Time server IP address - (since firmware version 3.0) time server IP address stored in the controller.
The IP address of the time server does not need to be set and detected, just use a valid time server
domain name. However, in case the IP of a time server cannot be found from its name, an attempt will
be made to contact the time server specified by this IP. Therefore, it is possible to use this field as a
backup solution to the specified domain name.
Use summer time - check this field if you want the controller to perform automatic switching between
summer and winter time. Based on EU recommendations only summertime is supported, which starts
at 2:00 CET on the last Sunday in March and ends at 3:00 CEST on the last Sunday in October. The
summertime information is used to automatically modify the current time as well as the calculated
sunrise time.
Time zone - specify the time zone based on your country. The default value uses Central European
time. This value is only used to modify the calculated sunrise time. Time zones outside of multiples of
full hours are not supported.
Test time server and get it’s IP - (since firmware version 3.0) press to test the time server and
determine its IP address. The IP address is written to the controller when the configuration is next
written. Since firmware version 1.5 there is no need to use this feature, IP is detected primarily from
the specified domain name.
Synchronize time now! - (since firmware version 3.0) press this button to instantly synchronize the
time in the controller (without requiring configuration writing). If the Synchronize date and time with
the client check box is checked, the time is set equal to PC time, otherwise the time server
synchronization is performed (if properly configured, otherwise nothing will be done).
CombiWATT settings:
CombiWATT delay time – specifies the time delay from the moment where PV-plant production is not
detected anymore (after sunset) until CombiWATT can become active. It is recommended to increase
the setting if you are frequently using electrical loads (other loads than those connected to the
controller), which consume entire surplus energy of the PV-plant for long time. In this case, the
controller cannot recognize that PV-plant production is not yet over.
Time to activate CombiWATT – it displays the remaining time before activation of the CombiWATT
mode. The value is equal to the "CombiWATT delay time" parameter, provided that some surplus
energy is still detected. If the value equals to zero and low tariff signal is detected at the same time,
the system activates the CombiWATT mode for corresponding outputs.
CombiWATT production limit – small amount of active production or surplus energy (single units or
tens of Watts) may be detected for facilities with significant capacity loads (blocking capacitors, UPS
stations, large number of switching sources, etc.), even though the inverter does not work. The cause
may be even the inverter itself. In this case, the controller displays small amounts of positive active
power in either phase wire. Reason for this is significant reactive power, which is drawn by those
devices and measured by WATTrouter near the "recognition line" between production and